Who is the worst Jojo and why is it Josuke?

Who is the worst Jojo and why is it Josuke?

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the worst jojo is giornio and you know it
biggest, blandest waste of opportunity

Him or Jonathan are the blandest, I guess.

Jonathan is the most reactive JoJo, with Dio arguably carrying much of and moving the story's weight. He's a relatively traditional shounen hero, especially by modern standards, so he suffers in comparison to the more unpredictable JoJos who followed him.

As for Josuke, other than his ugly pompadour and later occasional inclination for conning people, he just acts like your average teenage boy. He's not even really a delinquent. Even the hairstyle anger shtick is only a factor in some of the early fights, and straight-up vanishes after its backstory reveal in Rohan's introductory arc.

Maybe because you are gay and a tranny


worst jo is george because he did nothing and died like a bitch. no one ever even remembers him.

>jonathan is bland

another animeonlyfag filtered

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Giornio is saved purely because Golden Experience is really cool


Each JoJo is different and has their own pros and cons, you can't rank them from best to worst unless you rank them in some specific category