Ass is way superior to tits. Most anime girls have huge tits but no ass which looks disgusting. Salyu has a plump...

Ass is way superior to tits. Most anime girls have huge tits but no ass which looks disgusting. Salyu has a plump, fat delicious ass and small tits. The perfect body type.

Attached: manga plump ass1.png (532x988, 635.72K)

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God bless Kawakami

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Superior taste OP

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Anime has conditioned me to like small asses and big titties.

poop comes out of an ass
ass fetishists are unhygienic primitives


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Shapely ass > fat american butt

It doesn't come from the asscheeks, it comes from the anus. Assfags are hardly fetishising the anus (most of the time).

All the butts in this thread so far are overly large.


Let me guess Ireland?

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>You all missed his streams
It was one of the best ones. If this thread is alive by 4, I will post some caps.

We get a good look at Funou's brown flesh being pierced by that butt plug.

ok jamal

Ass should be shapely but firm. Giant american flab is unacceptable.

How come big ass/small tits still looks good but fat tits / no ass looks horrible?

What happened to this manga? I can only find up to ch 30, did it go into hiatus?

You are a homo thats why

Big ass is the biologically testified high test fetish

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were you replying to someone else?

Because the hips is the center of the female body.
Likewise a male with hide hips but small upper body would look wrong. A males body centers around the shoulders.

>ass fetishists are unhygienic primitives
I bet you wipe your ass with toilet paper. That's unhygienic too, you smudge the shit all over the ass

Are you straight? No. Then I was replying to you.

absolutely ghastly

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This thread needs more ass pictures

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Because you are comparing small tits with no ass. If you want to do an equally gay comparison, then make it fat ass / no tits.

I have nothing against titty monsters but a woman without hips and ass is fucking off putting

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What a wonderful thread, OP.

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>small tits
>perfect body
Based Tyrone.

>typical 10 y.o. girl in manga

I don’t mind small asses, but when it’s absolutely flat like that it’s just gross. There’s a difference between a small ass and zero ass.


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>Ass is way superior to tits. Most anime girls have huge tits but no ass which looks disgusting. Salyu has a plump, fat delicious ass
Damn today OP was bas-
>and small tits.
>The perfect body type.

Can zero tits, fat ass exist? Would it be superior to fat tits, zero ass?
It would. You know it.

This. I love ass too, but proportion is the key. Salyu's ass is delicious but bigger than that would be disproportionate

that's a man

Its Michelle Obama

Blessed thread

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Big assed elves are a miracle

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>Methonium will never make doujins again

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I more interesting, what is she playing? Basketball?

volleyball I would guess?

This explains why she's so sweaty

no but her fans are

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>Can zero tits, fat ass exist?
Yes, but it’s still inferior to girls that have both.

Well no shit. Pointless post

It’s Wendy Williams, you dumbasses. Learn to use reverse image search.

I was responding to some idiot that thought otherwise.


Before I get banned, are ass plugs allowed on Yas Forums for twitter manga?

If spoilered yes I guess

Stop being non-white

>Likewise a male with hide hips but small upper body would look wrong
......................That's me ;_; .............

I'm trusting you user. Black bars removed when he releases this on FANBOX tomorrow/tonight.

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Does that mean Muslims are constantly one foot in the grave?