Bleach Thread

I remember being pissed from time to time when last arc was still publishing. However I went to read last arc in one go and I have to admit, it was really solid read and some parts are actually quite poetic (except literally last chapters, you can see a bit rush to wrap it up). I forgot how much I enjoyed Mayuri's fights, and I cant wait to see this shit animated. I hope anime will expand on some parts.

General Bleach thread and shittpost commence.

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The announcement of the new anime hit me much harder than I thought it would so I'm taking the opportunity to watch Bleach properly for the first time since ~2008. Unsurprisingly I remember very little but If I enjoy it all enough I'll probably read the manga too.

Took me fewer than twenty episodes before Evanescence was on heavy rotation too. Strange how we associate these things. It's all very nostalgic.

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>Strange how we associate these things. It's all very nostalgic.

Indeed, I've put on Bleach OST while I was re-reading last arc and shit was so dope. Not to mention all other memories that came back while reading this.

Good memories

it is still so beautiful

>Unsurprisingly I remember very little
Same. Although I have watched all Bleach anime, I barley remember some things. Can't quite remember the last arc. I started reading the manga after the anime finished but just dropped it. It was so fucking bad. But when the new anime comes I'll definitely watch it, along with burn the witch.

Can't wait for this kino to be animated.

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Finished rereading the manga a few days ago and what happens to these two here in the final arc is the biggest disappointment of the entire manga. Fuck people crying about m-muh bankai reveals, simpleminded shouneniggers through and through. Not seeing these two interacting meaningfully with the rest of the cast - both former allies and enemies alike - is the biggest fail in Kubo's work and the worst part is that it won't get fixed in the anime adaptation because it'll require a plot rewrite/overhaul.

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>Unohana doesn't have her scar that you can use an excuse when you're caught staring at her big juicy mommy tits

You think Unohana died a virgin? I feel like she would have, unless old man Yamma gave her some

>too tall
>too crazy
>too useless

I never finished the last arc. should I read it or just wait for the adaptation?

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Has any other series had such a buffet of top tier babes?

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>too tall
manlets everyone

>>too tall
no such thing
>>too crazy
>>too useless
be nice

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People may shit on Kubo for both stupid and valid reasons, but its matter of fact that he has some of the best written characters in shonen universe, Mayuri being among one of them.

Also, while rereading last arc, I unfortunately rememberd how goddamn awful was Mangastreams translation, I think they were legit high when they wrote that shit.

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Doubt it.

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so she's taller, busty and cuter than every girl

>too tall
you mean not tall enough

>implying Unohana didn't bone Zaraki

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but the reverse is more confortable

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>tfw Kubo gave us some of the finest chocolate babes in all of anime and manga

Kubo had all sorts of colorful characters.

all those crimes, probably rape in there somewhere

there is only 2

Considering we're more than a year away, I'd read it, but if you've gone 8 years waiting for the anime then you might as well wait

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How does Yas Forums do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.

and thats all there needs to be (well Mila Rose is a nice bar of chocolate herself so 3)

And Jackie Tristen

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>too tall
lmao manlet

>Mila Rose
i completely forgot about this italian bitch

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She made me realize anime bitches could be ugly

>ywn be captured and kept as a slave by the tres bestias

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ur face is ugly

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1st time i see an anime girl with a chin like this

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its better when its the tomboy who hides a big rack

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Oddly I appreciate Orihime a whole lot more on rewatch so far. I think edgy kid me wasn't cultured enough to appreciate her cuteness.

Good for you, user.

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now i remember she was just a dumb cow in 90% of the manga

Shame on you, user.

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The sweetest cow with the sweetest milk.

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I've always liked her for how sweet and kind she is, but I think Rukia is just a really great character all around.
Perhaps Orihime would have been appreciated more if she didn't have such competition.

If Kubo let Orihime fight then she probably would have been loved a lot more.

Oddly enough I doubt Kubo had much say how he should have women in a shounen be. Orihime was quite active and hands on early on and during the SS arc.

Ichigo's milk made her tanks bigger

best girl

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What chapter is this?


she should be all black

damn straight
Shame that both her Japanese and English voice are kinda meh

>English voice
who cares

Orihime is gonna get more doujins right?

i hope more for the Quincy cunt

Which one?

the thot

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Which one?

all of them minus the left trap

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>minus the left trap
which one?

>15yo body
she's much bigger now