How can a gag fap bait anime from the 90s have better animation than the most popular action shows of today ?
Seriously fuck otakus and fuck moeshitters.
How can a gag fap bait anime from the 90s have better animation than the most popular action shows of today ?
Seriously fuck otakus and fuck moeshitters.
that animation is fucking dogshit you retard
>5 seconds of actual decent animation
what animation?
This is a horrible example.
This pleases my ryona fetish.
You can't tell that OP is being insincere?
you're fucking stupid
Fifth post, best post.
It's better than most of what you get nowadays , look at the detail on that jet fighter , look at the effects on that explosion.
1000× better than pic related.
>33 seconds of stills with flapping mouths and sliding cels
>4 seconds of actual animation
Yeah this pretty much sums up the 90s.
Agent Aika was legit great, I wish they made more of it that developed the Delmo girls.
>literal slideshow
>good animation
I thought this was going to have some cool missile effects, but no. Literally only actual animation is the smoke from the launcher and when she gets hit in the chest.
OP, as usual, was a faggot
I never said it was magnificent faggots , just that it was better than what we have today.
Animation peaked with Naruto
It's more detailed, but you're talking about animation and it's a fucking slideshow
Take your rose tinted glasses and fuck off, it absolutely is not. I'm sure you can cherry pick and find some shitty scenes, but by and large, animation has improved dramatically. Of course there are still dogshit shows and scenes, but the average show now is better than the average show 20 years ago.
>look at the detail on that jet fighter
not animation
>look at the effects on that explosion
ugly and lazy
>pic related
so watch the 90s OVA
Glad we're going to use this thread as a thinly-veiled excuse to post sasuga
True for the 90s because the 90s had fucking garbage animation, but the 70s had great animation and the 80s had great OVA animation (not television so much). 00s was very good and 10s has some good stuff but there's a higher saturation of shit now due to the scale of the industry.
Looks super good and elegantly choreographed.
It's really sad how much Toei has fallen , can't believe anyone watches that DB super crap.
Those thick lines will always give me a boner.
I don't have "rose tinted glasses" , i genuinely believe that that webm is better than most shows today.
Are you kidding me the 70s had terrible animation outside of a small handful (Takahata and Miyazaki and their circle)
>that push off Vegeta does frame by frame
The part where she gets hit is the worst one
>the part where it's actually animated is the worst
i don't know how Yas Forums does it
You should have used one of the fight scenes with panty shots as example.
Back then, shit was actually animated
>comparing a 7 episode OVA that can condense its budget for 7 episodes, to modern action series that have to stretch out their budget across multiple seasons and commit to TV time constraints
OP is a faggot.
Agent Aika isn't particularly animated that impressively anyways and there's plenty of modern action scenes with much more impressive animation.
>and there's plenty of modern action scenes with much more impressive animation.
the part 3 adaptation has much better animation than that though, and it's shit.
>Muh budget
>Muh constraints
This is how i know you're a retard.
>this ep
Why the fuck did I get feelings over a vacuum cleaner and a coffee maker?
Space dandy is cheating , it's basically the Akira of this generation.
You are in no place to call anybody else retarded you underage Yas Forumsermin.
This statement shows how little you know about both modern animation and older animation. Space Dandy is hardly the best animated thing of the 2010s.
Smoke 'em if you got 'em user, where's the examples?
Yas Forumsermin , when someone posts tash like this don't expect me to give a serious response
>Space Dandy is hardly the best animated thing of the 2010s.
Post something better , faggot!
>This statement shows how little you know about both modern animation and older animation. Space Dandy is hardly the best animated thing of the 2010s.
He's right in that it was a very collaborative work with a lot of different talents contributing to it though. And it's not the best but it is definitely up there, especially for a tv series.
Come on son, be better
Why are Narutards so fucking dumb?
Sasugafags seriously think that more animation = better animation. Pathetic.
Will then please enlighten us by posting good animation ?
>more animation is bad
As opposed to less animation? Fuck off idiot.
shounentard in disguise?
It's the naruturd that's been on a posting spree here of late.
Good animation is appropriate animation. Animation that follows its funktionality. OP's example is far from perfect, but better than yours.
You'd also think that Bohemian Rhapsody was perfectly edited, wouldn't you? Because it has so many cuts.
I was asking myself, why moot allowed them
I think you meant sakuga
With music you either hear a cut or you don't
Normally there are things called "transitions" instead
Spare us the stupid analogies faggot , just post good animation or gtfo.
why is everything so fucking pale
>I think you meant sakuga
Yes, like the guy I quoted.
>With music
I was talking about the film, retard. The one that got an Oscar for editing because the "Academy" is made up of literal brainlets who know nothing about film but their very own narrow field of expertise.
>just post good animation
You first.
>why is everything so fucking pale
Lack of shading and improper (inconsistent) ligthing.
I don't know how in the fucking world you could think the slideshow in OP is better animation than the two webms he posted unless you just don't have a fucking clue what animation is.
Obviously they don't because that DBZ scene relies heavily on the storyboarding to carry it. The animation is good, but leans more towards sufficient than excellent.
>the slideshow in OP
I know you're speaking with some hyperbole, but come on. It achieves exactly what it wants to achieve, and does so without being messy. That's exactly what you want from animation.
Us ryonachads can’t be stopped anymore. We are slowly taking over Yas Forums.
One specific Narutofag just discovered pre-2000s OVAs and has been making constant threads about how much better the pre-2000s were and derailing actual innocent pre-2000s threads for his hateboner for modern anime.
Note that within the past few days, whenever threads like this are made, there's always immediately a guy posting Naruto animation webms who shares the same views as the OP, like he's trying to force a narrative that Naruto's animation should be discussed in the same regard as the critically acclaimed classic OVA and movie animation.
I can't tell if he's ironic shitposting or just retarded.
Best part in that scene.
The thing is I'm not even speaking with hyperbole. Most of the OP is just a cel being dragged across a background. I'm sure you could do it in powerpoint.
Seethe more , moeshitter
Yup, Narutofag did indeed post a webm here.
You do realize that the bulk of Naruto was airing at the same time that moe anime reached its heights in quantity, right?
Nardo IS moeshit.
>It achieves exactly what it wants to achieve, and does so without being messy.
That means nothing and you could just as easily say the same for an actual slideshow
All the shots in and around the cockpit look like they're ripped from some b-movie with bad greenscreen