Oden's sword > Raid Suit
One Piece
Michael Flores
Juan King
Not really. Enma is more like training wheels if anything while raid suit is a power up if you have the time to put it on during battle.
Jayden Gonzalez
>Shanks is a racist
>Ace is a pedophile
why does Luffy look up to such people?
Noah Anderson
Do any jap ever ask why Oda seems to like shitting on Sanji's character and is it true that Sanji's VA fucked Oda's wife?
Michael Young
>Soul less
Josiah Robinson
He is retarded user. Im just happy he can function as a "decent" human being
Robert Torres
Benjamin Jenkins
I want Shusui back
Connor Ward
>Shanks is a racist
>Ace is a pedophile
I'm gonna need source
Ryan Powell