Post them
Overrated Dumpsterfires
You make this bait every fucking day.
Couldn't get past 30min. Absolute shit teir movie
there isn't a single redeming factor other than maybe the animation about this movie. It's for actual shitheads that want to seem"deep".
you're baiting
fuck off faggot
>no argument
Seethe harder you pretendious twat.
>my sweeping statement with no actual value or reference to the movie is better
You have been saying the same thing for the past weeks. What brings you to obsessive repetition? You will never feel validated.
>value or reference to a movie that makes 0 logical sense
I haven't been in Yas Forums for months, glad to hear people with patrician taste still exist.
>still not making an actual argument
glad you're making it so easy to call you out on your retardation
>Oh no, I've been found out!
>deflection of this magnitude
take yours meds schizo
>still no argument
I can just keep doing this lmao
Just get banned already.
You'd rather because you can't actually defend this clusterfuck of a film, kek
this garbage
Things sort of just happen in this movie, there's a certain driven lacking in the narrative.
Particularly with Kaneda, he just gets swept along.
cope brainlet
Defend it against what? You haven't made any actual argument, there's nothing to defend against.
This generally just happen for the sake of it with no explanation or a particular thing in mind. Literally the only person I know that likes this IRL is a covert narcisistic slut with motorbike fetish, I kid you not.
So you are just butthurt the bike slut wouldn't have sex with you?
>implying I'd willingly get STDs or ever fuck a turboslut
There are much better fish out here, I just wanted to point out what kind of audience this appeals to.
Oooof just as I thought. I can see right through your bullshit.
>lol you don't like this movie, must be because you can't fuck a roastie
Are you maybe projecting? Or could it be that you are a roastie yourself? Explains why you would actually defend this garbage, actually.
You wish I was a woman so you could say that you talked to one.
He already did. A retarded response to a retarded initial point. You don't deserve a well thought out explanation.
>he unironically thinks typing to women online is a big deal
Definetly projecting
I see betacucks are in full damage control today
Name one thing that made sense in the plot? The angsty antagonist? His autistic friend? The whole clusterfuck at the end? Maybe the tropes were acceptable when it came out, but anyone who sees this today can instantly sniff out that it's a pile of "wow" factors one on top of another with nothing coherent tying them up.
>typing to women online is a big deal
For you.
Right, I entertained your betaness for long enough, care to adress this?
>Name one thing that made sense in the plot
Nobody want to have this discussion with you. Your arguments are not well worded or interesting. I'm just here to laugh at you.
>Yas Forums suddenly hates Akira
What happened?
>Maybe the tropes were acceptable when it came out
This is why you shouldn't be analyzing a movie made before 2015. At least understand that the use of tropes in a movie that predates the tropes does not negatively impact the quality of the film. Thinking that Akira would be tropey if it were made today is one thing. Thinking that Akira being tropey if it were made today makes it a bad movie is retarded and screams amateurish.
If you could actually explain yourself on any other point, you might not have to continue with your false belief that everyone except your is a brainlet.
Also imagine thinking people can't enjoy something for being the best animated film ever made. Or thinking Akira is even put up as a paragon of narrative quality in the first place. Nobody told you it was the perfect movie. Everyone says it's appeal is it's animation. You tricked yourself.
Like clockwork. I read and enjoyed garabe anime too, but at least Ican admit it was garbage that had certainaspects that appealed to me. You fucks just want to act like hot shit for the sake of it.
It's just one guy.
There are many anime, older that Akira even that don't suffer so much from inconsinstent plotlines or pointless angst just for the sake of it. What a fucking porr argument. None of the characters are ven that interesting except for the military dude and even taht is a strech.
Your sex life is garbage. Please entertain me more, tell me about "the better fish out there".
>completely missed the point
good one user. keep it up, your sperging is singlehandedly keeping this thread at the top of the catalog.
>still hang up on one mention of a female
>muh sex life
Alright roastie, which fish do you want me to tell you about, got many stories for you.
Tell me all about it, it's gonna be a short story anyway. Also are you still hoping I'm a woman? How sad of you!
>innacurate, shallow deflection
>ad hominem
The absolute state of Akirafags, can't even defend his precious eye candy
So no ones going to talk about how this movie predicted the canceling of the Tokyo 2020 Olympics?
really boring and has a stupid premise
No problem roastie, tell me what kind of story you want to hear so you can musturbate to it before you cry yourself to sleep?
Is there a huge abandoned half-built stadium too?
Not yet but I definitely just saw an old midget running on the highway
My point talks about your misunderstanding of the relationship between modern tropes and historical movies.
You start talking about the plot line and tone of the movie for no reason, completely ignoring anything I said.
You call it a deflection, despite being the one doing the deflecting. Then you pull out a fallacy without understanding that you actually have to explain how the fallacy makes my argument inaccurate. You've shown a clear lack of any understanding on how to make arguments this entire thread, and this just hammers it home. If you want to talk about plot, tone or characters, actually fucking do that. If you want to refute my argument, actually fucking do that. Don't masquerade one as the other and pretend you're winning.
Wow you really fantasize a woman would masturbate over you? Are you a masochist, are you enjoying getting humiliated on Yas Forums?
Are we gonna pretend that you cherrypicked just one point of my argument and stucked with it? Are we gonna ignore the fact that there are anime in the same timeframe as Akira that don't suffer from the same tropes that Akrita did, making your whole "relationship between modern tropes and historical movies' (which was never my actual point)? Are you sure you even know what ana rgument is? Are you we gonna ignore how instead of even trying to defend the horrid plotline and the nonsensical characters (like the supernatural kids and many others) you just moan about off topic shit that was never implied?
>implying a fat roastie like you wouldn't masturbate to even thinking about a stray mutt fucking you in the ass
Great mental leap.
top row, no
button row, definitely
that you never*
this, how is this anything like a Ghibli.
it lacks soul
Oh wow and you are also a mutt.
I "cherrypicked" that point because it's the only point you made that was worth analyzing. Everything else, even though you've repeated it over and over and over, are still just shallow, generalizing statements that don't actually lend any room for the conversation to grow. You're the one asking if I know what an argument is, when you can't even make a single point worth arguing against because you can't say anything more than
>hurr durr characters suck plotline sucks, too edgy
And then, the second you do make a point worth discussing, and I respond to it, you call it cherrypicking, and fall back into the same shallow generalizing statements that have been getting you ridiculed the entire time. You're creating a vicious cycle because you don't know how to argue but pretend you do. Make an argument, and people will respond to it. Call people cherrypickers for responding to it, and people will go back to calling you a retard. Realize this and you might find some forward momentum, instead of being a laughing stock.
I don't hate it, but I feels its one of those iconic things that just isn't that good outside of the crazy animation.
>see word
>oh you are word
deplorable attempt of an insult
Death Note
Madoka Magica
>it's only an argument if it suits my agenda
>character motivation and direction is pointless because I say so
>still doesn't adress how other anime in the same time period aren't as shit as Akira, making his whole point a joke
As I said, pretendious twats
which fish do you want me to tell you about, got many stories for you.
Just the first one that comes to mind, quick.
>>it's only an argument if it suits my agends
>>character motivation and direction is pointless because I say so
We were talking about you. Can you not lose the thread of the discussion just for once? And stop touching yourself thinking of me, I don't know how to tell you I'm not a woman.
This whole thread is a dumpster fire. Just let it burn down already.
Speak clearly you fucking mongoloid. Use your words. Don't just make your arguments a single sentence. Stop being so retarded. I'm worried about you. Please stop.
What Akira is pretty straight forward and not trying to be deep at all. How embarrassing that you got filtered by it.
Yeah boy, these things that Akira completely lacked. Made this point several times in this thread,youmust have missed it on purpose.
>about you
Please, I don't want to be a part of your degenerate rape fantasies
65 replies in and you still can't defend the shitty characters of that movie. Not that hard to understand.
Really? What was the point of the movie then?
To tell it's story?
You're being so incredibly dense it baffles me.
You can write "the characters make no sense". That doesn't say anything. You can write "the plot is contrived." That doesn't say anything. You can write "the tone is edgy." That doesn't say anything.
What you're doing is the equivalent of saying x^2 and asking us to solve the equation. You are saying things, but they don't mean anything. There is nothing to talk about until you actually explain why the characters are nonsensical, why the plot is contrives, and why the tone being edgy is bad. Will you EVER learn this?
And what was the point of the story? Why did Tetsuo turn to what he did? What was the underlying message? What motivation did he have? What was the point of "Akira" (in universe). Why did any of this happen?
grandfather of a lot of animation,
intro for a lot of westerners to anime
so I think its gets favoritism that way,
but I think its more the people that praise it that you hate
comparatively to a lot of everything else out there the movie is just okay