Watch her show NOW

Watch her show NOW

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but user i already did

That tanook is old and busted, I am watching the brand new tanooki show

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>MC is an edgelord rapist incel who owns slaves
pshea no thanks buddy



seethe roastie

It's not slavery if you enjoy it

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>furfag shit

sounds pretty based if you ask me

Whenever the new season comes out, I will. The show is nonsensical but that doesn't mean its not entertaining.

If who enjoys it, the slave or the owner?

I don't watch shit.

She's really cute, but the rest of her show is legitimately the worst thing I've ever seen

A Slaver? Yes and his slaves love him and want his dick. Incel? Naw, he has girls after him. Rapist? He was framed by Bitch for politics.

Why do demihuman girls lust for human cock so much?

I dont have the streamingg power. I saw the first episode and read the novel. So that’s good enough, right?

>Rapist? He was framed by Bitch for politics.
i believe survivors
>A Slaver? Yes
speaks for itself
>Incel? Naw, he has girls after him.
name one

I did. It was dumb as shit

Demis are just incomplete humans.

Go tip your fedora else where. I have stated the facts you merely ignore them.

You've never walked past a mirror before?

They are animals user, when they are in heat they seek out the alpha in the pack

>dogshit show that got gifted seasons because foreigners streamed it a bunch
We're living in a brave new world where we're not only subjected to the nips' shit taste, but American's as well.

I already did. The first four episodes were kino. The rest was just meh.

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>MC is an edgelord rapist incel who owns slaves

Raph should've stayed as a smol chipmunk.

I read the web novel so I'm not really sure I need to watch a watered down version.

I did, it was bad.

I did and I regret it

>name one
The one in the OP, who is ~ten and a 3 week old chicken. Pussy destroyer over here.


coons have smelly anal glands

Does any species not?

those are children and you are a disgusting pedophile

So is it "First heal" or "Fast heal"?

What show was this again!

unironically though what fucking show

I wanna raise and nuture that raccoon.

Reverse image search and figure it out yourself retard

>Episode 1 introduces a unique and dark subversion to get you hooked
>Episodes continue to build up the mystery as to why the bad guy wants you fucked over, what are his motives, is he justified, etc.
>loljk the """real""" villian with 30 seconds of screentime prior shoes up in the last 2 episodes
>"ReLiGiOn BaD"
Every fucking time

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nooo go watch itt

this attitude is uncalled for you know

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They don't always start out that way, but often end up with that once getting it a few times.

dumb frog from a game for dumb people

stop being rude

Just did. Bought her Nenderoid. Pre-ordered the LE blu-Ray set. Probably going to start the LN now. Satisfied, OP?

Not my kinda show, so not gonna watch, but she is absolutely adorable. Would do virtuous acts disguised as lesser evils to explore our implicit epistemological assumptions on ethical arguments revealed by the difficult-to-parse semantics of the term slavery with.

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>religion bad
Well, yeah it pretty much is. This is coming from a recovering Christian not some edgy teen atheist.

I wish she would have stayed in her teenage form, it was the hottest Raphtalia


>recovering Christian
since when Yas Forums got hit with religious fags i see them more and more everyday

Aristotle gave a strong defense of slavery in his Politics. However, the problem with slavery isn’t that no one is fit to be a natural slave; rather, no one is fit to be a natural master.

I think they mean Fast. I recall there being another spell called Fast Speed. It wouldn't make sense calling it First Speed.

they're blue

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no lewds in my topic user

but she's lewd by default

Fuck. I need this now. I was thinking of pre-ordering her Figma, though.


I got bored and decided to rewatch it. Currently at the part where he is a happy merchant, too bad I already know the show will be going downhill soon.

Doesn't matter had sex

watch it and be positive about it i dont wanna hear complaints