Why is she so perfect?
Black Clover
Cus blonde knights are the best
I don’t like her usual hairstyles, but she was really cute in that one chocolate ad with Yami.
post the ad
Heckin cute
Nice to have a female that doesn't want to fuck Asta.
Soon, user
This is the official chart of women who love Asta. It's not that many actually.
Yeah, and she wants to fuck the huge Japanese Asta instead.
She is in love.
so are and they all a shit except rebecca
noll is the best though...
Sally is missing.
Well according to Tabata she doesn't seem to have romantic feelings for Asta then.
Reminder she officially claimed Yami's dick off screened.
>he likes a quitter
>It's not that many actually.
>he's a manlet
>183 cm
Did he get more ripped or fatter?
does she deserve yami?
Realistically the top left and top ones have any real chance.
Anyone else think yami needs a new outfit? His lazy outfit fits him but he can look much cooler in something else
>he thinks 183 isn't a manlet
t. Manlet
True. Although I always wondered who Mimosa will end up with if we ignore Asta.
All the other quality girls around him thirsty for him and he wants the pure heart nun maiden.
Fatter. Charlotte keeps feeding him with her thorny juices during 6 months.
I like his bigger cape when he was younger.
She needs more of a bad boy so she'll end up with Ladros.
Sally wants to cut Asta open. Its implied shes so autistic that she has no idea her dressing causes erections.
The real question is : does Yami deserve her?
Charlotte deserves the boar cock
Yami deserves death
Asta only wants what he can't have. Its been a while since i dropped this but is there a god (real or not) in BC?
There's no god introduced yet, user.
What did she mean by this?
Hey, Asta’s a chad.
Shes just jealous. I think that's the part where Noelle sweetened Asta's juice, that Gadjah gave him, using her mana.
Nice headcanon.
user I don't know how to tell you this just cause a girl is nice to you does not mean they will fuck you.
Leave him to his delusion, user.
>After the 6 month TS Asta starts showing off his muscles/body
I feel like Asta takes after Yami more and more. Their fighting style is similar I suppose and deep down I feel like Asta respects Yami a lot. Also if you got it then why not flaunt it? Granted Yami still wears a shirt but he doesn't need to be shirtless to show off how ripped he is. Asta was already ripped for someone his age and he got even more muscular over the course of six months.
Alright, so why is Yami arcane?
Dante didn't know his spells or anything about dark magic.
Probably because it could affect magic or creatures from the other world.
>Dante didn't know his spells or anything about dark magic
That's what surprised me as well. With how obsessed with Yami was you would expect Dante to know about Yami's magic and fighting style but instead he jobbed in the most pathetic manner possible.
How would he know that but not about dimension slash?
Who else? Vanessa and Grey have no interest in him. Secre is debatable.
probably the demon can sense arcane magic
Based Asta ignoring thots for a pure woman of God
Probably because of his attribute alone, seems like Dante only heard Yami has dark magic and that was it.
If she's so great, how come I've never heard of her?
He just knew that Dark magic affects devil stuff. Why the fuck would he know what Yami's abilities are? Its not like one shoe fits all, not all water wizards have the same spells, not all fire, etc
He'd light up on Nathan's curse radar
The only good thing about Charlotte is her voice.