Well Yas Forumsnon?

Well Yas Forumsnon?

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What anime is this


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9. You go from left to right except for brackets.
(1+2) = 3
6/2 = 3
3*3 = nein

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brackets first 1+2=3
then 6/2=3
then times the answers so 3*3=9
If you think its 1 then congratulations your a retard who cant do math taught to 10 year olds.

Shouldn't you be teasing /sci/ Kurisu?

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Parenthesis first. 1+2=3
Division next. 6/2=3
Multiplication next. 3(3) = 9
Answer is 9, give me something harder Christina.

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Satania sama is so smart.


if you have a number before the parenthesis, every inside number has to be multiplied by that number, once doing that, both the number before the parenthesis and the parenthesis are gone, leaving only the inside result on that invividual calculation

I fucking hate this question. It's set out so ambiguously to deliberately cause arguments. If your going to do math be fucking clear.

Before you ask yes I know the answer is 9...



Division is the last, except on fractions.

I have a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics and I am unable to solve it.

in equations, division comes last

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>not fractioned
>not last

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I thought I was retarded because I just used a calculator to do 6/4, but most of you are even more retarded because you dont even know how to solve it. Fucking learn the order of operations.



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The big issue is the assumption. Math is a method of communication so if people cannot infer the intent of the writer or meaning, then there is a miscommunication. It could be 9 or 1 but it depends on intent of who wrote the problem such as if they mean as operations (6/2) (1+2)=9 or 6/(2 (1+2))=1 its based on intent

No one in the real world will not leave this kind of ambiguity to chance because it could kill people or cause product failure. The issue is what should be simple and straightforward is not always so.

When writing a program on the computer you have to be specific on what you are looking for

6÷2 (1+2) is bad communication and should never be used, in fact beyond elementary school this have never came up except in programming but personally if i have to write a explanation with that math expression because people don't understand, then was the communication effective? No, that is why its not used.

>except on fractions
the fuck do you think division is

>turns the ? into a variable and uses the 2 before the parethesis to multiply each number inside of it
this brings me back

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You don't add an extra multiplication, it's asking 20 divided by the right side not 20 divided then multiplied.

Stop adding stuff that's not said.

i don't answer the question in these threads since i know they are trick question, but i'm always here to laugh at the braintlet that try

No, there is a communicated way, I'm sure you've heard of it, its called PEMDAS, its not complicated.

>OP posted 6 / 2 * (1 + 2) = ?
>posts (6 / 2) * (1 + 2) = ?
>uses calculator
>still fails at solving it

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What prize do I get? Christina Cunny?

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Because multiplication and division are of equal priority in PEMDAS, you operate from right to left. It’s 9.

Only right answer.

About tree fiddy.
Can I fuck you know Kurisu?

Order of operations is a meme. The only thing you need to know is that multiplication comes before addition. Everything else is trivially derived from this.

Squash the bug, that way the time to reach there is infinite.

>Multiplication comes before division
Do PEMDASniggers really believe this? They're equal, it just depends on left to right.

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You can't get a greater value than what you start the dividing with unless it's a fraction retard.

pic related:
>left is a non-fractioned division
>right is fractioned division

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just a crumb


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>it just depends on left to right.
No it doesn't.
You can re-arrange the formula arbitrarily as long as you don't change the meaning.

6/2 * (1+2)
is the same as
(1+2) * 6/2

>not using a scientific calculator

...that's fair.

easy the half way slightly less then half way down the vertical line B is at the top of

Is it B?

I don't understand the question prof. How am I gonna make it take the longest route to it's destination, when we're not told it's destination? Do I just kill it so it's time is infinite?
t. brainlet btw

We don't know HOW MANY correct answers there are

25% since the % themselves do not get added just because they are the same.


Why not B?


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This is one of those retarded questions.
>It's 50%. Either you're right or you're not

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No, it's still at random so 25%, having 2 25% doesn't make it 50%

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Too bad you'd only have a 1 in 4 chance of guessing 50%.

You can't have 0% chances, since one of them is correct.
Which means it's 25 or 50, aka it's a coin toss.

Based and redpilled

the question is asking from point A find the point on the cuboid from which the bug has to travel the most distance to get there assuming it always takes the most efficient route

I sense a trap

How many of you fags got through middle school?

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what tells you that one of them is correct?

0%, there is no correct answer

Sneaky there, Yas Forums.

Order of operations. 6 / 2 x 3 from left to right is 9

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15 x 24 = 360 cookies per day
365 x 5 = 1825 days (5years)
360 x 1825 = 657000

5 year oven limit is reached.

To get 3 million.
3000000 : 657000 = 4.57
657000 used 5 years
5 x 4.7 = 23.5 years

23.5 years for 3 million cookies with 15 ovens working 24 hours per day.

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I approve.

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>Implying Cookiemonster, the monster that represents unchecked greed represented by an eternal lust for cookies, would be able to resist eating every cookie the second they're out of the oven - burned mouth be damned

Nevermind, I'm retarded. Question is unsolvable.