Pluto Volume 7

Dumping Pluto Volume 7, as promised.

Please use spoiler tags for new readers.

Volume 1: Volume 2: Volume 3: Volume 4: Volume 5: Volume 6:

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here we go penultimate volume

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Just as Europe goes to sleep

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In the fifth panel, was the chief ordering those two SWAT guys to fire upon the robot and sacrifice Hoffman, or was he still speaking to Gesicht?

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Do australian robots speak with an australian accent?

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so he wants to merge Gesicht into Atom?

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No, robots are actually people.

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Jesus, literally programmed to die for his mission. That unchanging face compared with Epsilion's is some shit.

These nightmare sequences are always so intense. Especially the mouth.

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Then they ignored the order just as Gesicht did. Cool. Europol brass may be scum, but at least the cops serve with some integrity.

aaaaaand he is dead

>Wow, Haha. What a weird song!
>While Wassly's speaking some demonic song.
What the hell is wrong with those kids.

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RIP Epsilon. Kid knows how to set a death flag.

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>I'm Spartacus!

This shit really knows how to hit hard

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What are you listening too for this Yas Forums?
For me:


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I haven't been posting music because I'm not as familiar with Pluto, but probably fits somewhere.

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>tfw want to read this but I don't know much about Astro Boy story.

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