I loved the first two parts of Jojo’s. I’m currently watching part 3 and I’m honestly just annoyed by it... I know a lot of people say this arc is their favorite and I just don’t understand. Does it get better towards the end? I’m not a fan of Polnareff’s stupidity and I find the battles between the enemy stands to be very short and not very exciting. I personally liked hamon more than stands, though I do not dislike stands. Hamon seemed very unique and original to me while the stands do not. I’ve noticed a lot of inconsistencies and plot holes in this season so far. I’m about to the half way point, and I love Jojo’s so I don’t want to stop watching. However, I’m just not digging this season so far.
Does arc 3 get better?
it gets better once they arrive in Egypt.
Not really
Not really it's 45 episodes of mediocrity until the badass Dio fight
p3 is comfy as fuck though
I completely agree... I stuck it out expecting some inspiration to strike and tell me what I was missing but should have listened to and skipped to the dio fight or at least to the dog/ eagle fight
It is a pretty bad adaptation but I did find it got better in the later half. Though if you don't enjoy stands you should probably drop the series now. I have no idea how you can consider Hamon to be unique in any form though.
it will all be worth it when u get to part 7
>it'll all be worth it after you watch 100+ episodes
>100+ episodes
More like 200+ because part 5 isn't out yet
Can you fucking idiots stop spamming this board with JoJo?
Don't act like this isn't the exact same thread that gets posted all day long about part 4
It is?
Based past user
Arc 1 was best Jojo. It's only down from there.
Part 2 is the best
Vento aureo comes close though
Made a mistake I meant part 6 but my point still stands because all part 2 onwards are at least 40 episodes
1st half of arc 3 is entirely skippable.
the second half has all the meat.
But as a whole, arc 3 is where the series slowly starts falling off the cliff.
like 3 is decent, but 4 is like the worst parts of 3 but just a lot more of it, and 5 is not much better.
Nah, Part 3 is pretty bad by JoJo standards. It's just iconic so you see it everywhere.
>skipping parts
It gets better when they get to Egypt. One of my favorite fights in Jojo (the fight with Darby) happens there.
>skipping garbage
3 is by far the worst part
Fuck off
I'm the opposite, I don't get why so many dislike part 3.
Part 3 gets good at episode 1 and if you disagree, well frankly your opinion is dogshit so why would I even read it
It's just Yas Forums being contrarian again.
second half of part 3 is def better but if you're not sold by now, it's setting up the formula for the rest of the series, and while i love it, it may not be your thing.
It is needlessly long for no apparent reason. It should be the first 5 episodes+Egypt Arc, 29 episodes, it would be perfect this way.
It feels so standard and safe compared to other parts and the stands are mostly boring until part 4 when they get weird. Also Jotaro is boring as shit and kind of a Gary Stu.
It probably is but at least a few of the nay sayers are genuine.
Half that shit could be cut and we'd have one of the best shonen ever made. When I was re watching part 3 when it came to Netflix I literally forgot half the fights existed.
Part 3 is the most "rickety" part of jojo. It introduces the main power system from now on but is written on the fly so it takes time to get solid. The manga is better because the anime drags shit out A LOT, just tough it out, when they get to Egypt it gets better in terms of fight quality.
>It feels so standard and safe compared to other parts
That's a funny way of saying "consistently good"
shut up reddit
The first half of Part 3 is pretty weak. Once they reach Egypt it gets better, in particular the final 1/4 or so starting with Darby is all great.
>every opinion I disagree with is reddit
It isn't even the good kind of standard user. It wasn't fun and most of the fights blend together.
Jotaro is great for deadpan humor though
He never made me laugh once in part 3 or 4
his character works better in part 4
First season is a slog. Second season gets slightly better. Part 3’a fights are some of the worst. The only reason I kept going was for sake of completion.
>sake of completion
What a waste of time
You all sound like broken records to the point were it feels like the same retard spamming this shit over and over again.
>Skipping to Egypt
Get the fuck off Yas Forums!
And yes the best part is in Egypt but why should I care about any of these people without the bonding they had on the way?
There are plenty great fights in the middle too even if some are more on the not so serious side like against Toth or Bastet and their users.
>being this mad
GOAT Ocean anime when?
>lol I trol u
>Hamon seemed very unique and original to me while the stands do not.
>glowing punches seemed more unique and original to me than magic ghosts that can do anything
Yes, it does get better once they get to Egypt.
I got upto part 7 and stopped at the beginning of part 8.
It's a blatant rip off of Persona you dipshit.
I would never finish something I hate for the sake of completion.
Let me guess, you suffer from anxiety, right? Take care of your mental health, kid.
Damn. Based.
It doesn't get better but you develop a taste for it if you're like me.
Was I baited?
Based Rohanposter
the is the worst opinion someone can have about jojos
>I know a lot of people say this arc is their favorite
Where the fuck have you heard that on here? Everyone always either says 6, 7 or 8
No one says this.
What about 5?
yes they do
routinely shit on