
Greatest Time Travel Anime of All-Time

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Other urls found in this thread:

>he doesn't know

Can't wait for the mobage

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>Thinking that affects the pure kino quality of this animu


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Watch the better Hamasaki show

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VN > anime

If your moe trash was so good how come it didn't get a 3rd season? Also, Haruhi has a 7.92 on MAL while Kino Gate has 9.

If ISLAND's adaptation hadn't been pure shit it would have been.

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need to kill that faggy haruhi thread

How new?

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>Posts non-moe shit that's actually kino
>get called a newfag by a closeted pedophile who thinks he's a little girl
How does Yas Forums do it?

So this basically means SciADV is dead, right?

>wasnt around for the organized effort to prop up SG on reddit

Also, quit selectively ignoring S2 was because it makes your favorite franchise look like a one hit wonder.

You're so new I bet if I cracked you open you'd have that new book smell about you.

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An anime taylor made for reddit

Not that guy, but at least Haruhi got a good movie unlike S;G.


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There is not even much competition and it already lost to YU-NO.

No. Chaos;Child exists.

maho a cute

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Kurisu servant and I will bend over and take corporate dick in my ass

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>Implying Bazinga;Gate isn't moeshit.
Bitch, it's literally a datesim, how delusional are you?

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No S;G fan is saying it's better than Haruhi or the best thing ever or whatever, we just say that it's good

Im retarded, is that the "you should be able to solve this" girl?

You are, in fact, retarded.
That's the girl that is inferior to Homura-chan, of course.

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Yep it is

>>Only good animes get a sequel
>>MAL ratings are relevant

How much anime have you seen? Also Haruhi despite not having a real end had a symbolic one with its movie, which was pretty good

Why are we shitting on Stein;Gate? It is, for all intents and purposes, has a good story, characters, and universe. There are a few flaws but what work of fiction doesn't have flaws? I just don't understand the semi-hate for this serires

It just one retard who has the show rent free in his head. Every time someone mentions time travel it reminds him that this show exists and he feels the need to falseflag. Pretty sad i know

We're just shitting on OP and OP-likes, who keep saying this blatantly wrong thing of S;G being the best, when it's obviously Madoka, regardless of whether S;G was good or not, it simply can't compete.

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Yes. Her name is Christina.

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Holy shit, you guys are aware that Steins Gate just got killed right? I wonder how the gacha will be like, Steins Gate is now officially gachashit.

You just fucking fill in four boxes so the 2 is an 8, don't you?
How is that even hard

This baka would like to have a word with all anons in this thread.

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Oh, fuck. That's great.

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This is the correct answer

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ok you got me

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>Magical Girl Watchmen

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Maho > Christina

Maho and Christina!

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>It is, for all intents and purposes, has a good story, characters, and universe.
As if

>still no Noah translation
>still no Love Chuchu translation
>2020 release date
>yet R;N E & DaSH still haven't been localized
>MAGES. being bought by mobage company
Face it, guys.
This is it. It's dead, Jim.

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It's the only one I see dealing with Time Travel directly as a focus. I don't personally like, but it is.

Character dramas that deal with Time-Travel like Homura's in Madoka Magica, Ontan's in DeadDead Demons and Axl Low in Guilty Gear are more or less my kind of thing.

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This. Dont listen to the false flaggers

There is 3 mobages that did collab with Steins;Gate and had Kurisu's servant.

>In July 2019, Mages was acquired by Shikura's concept studio Chiyomaru Studio, with the goal of being more flexible and fast in its decisions as a company independent from their parent company Dwango and from the Kadokawa group
Was it worth it?

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A;C is probably gonna bankrupt them. So they had to sell.

But they had some money over Steins;Gate ELITE and Steins;Gate 0 ELITE in some future.

>closeted pedophile who thinks he's a little girl

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*sigh* I don't get it

>ywn have a Kurisu gf

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I ultra c those tittes

I like Madoka's way of doing time travel more honestly. Or at least like Back to the Future or something.

It has romance but It's objectively not a dating sim. Besides, dating sims aren't even necessarily moe desu

"I'm such a Nerd" - the anime

Stein's gate panders hard to the half-wit masses idea of being a nerd, giving it a pass. Okabe barely has any character beyond "HAHAHA Look at me I'm a giant attention whore but it's ok cause I'm QUIRKY xD" and what little is there is just "I need to save my retard waifu written" so sloppily it makes Maeda look like Hemingway. All the other characters are just JRPG /q/uest givers and have almost no relevance to the plot. Their cheap characterizations reflect that, having nothing to them outside of their tropes.

For a show that like to spew a lot about /sci/ence, it's not very logical. Everything only works conveniently to neatly fit what the plot demands, further complications are completely ignored. The ending is an asspull that wasn't built up at all and it's never explained why Okabe has the reading steiner despite that being the most important thing to making him work as a protagnoist. The romance is completely forced and feels like it only happened because he's the mc logic so of course the girl who has it all and should have a horde of guys prodding at her feet has to end up with him. Got to fulfill that fantasy.

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>Let me spam copypastas to bump my thread
Fuck off

Oh no, this copy pasta again no. Same fucking shit on this board everyday, this place's going to shit