Why yuri is superior to yaoi

The fact of the matter is: yaoi is for mainstream fags and women jerking off to battle shonen and rape fantasies. It's just as bad as het in that liking it reveals yourself as a poser with no tastes. Anyone can read MHA, Naruto or YOI and make a thousand degenerate fanfic from that but how many have the resolve and intelligence to watch niche anime about girls like Prichan or Machikado? The fact of the matter is that yuri becomes a purer high IQ genre for its lack of mainstream attention and bandwagon culture. Yaoi is just for npcs into babbys first anime.

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GR anime when?

>not to consider them as same shit

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yuri is for trannies, yaoi is for chads

>yaoi is for trannies, yuri is for chads

...but Kat likes men?

>be so desperate for a pussy that wants to become one

Girl > Boy
Simple as that.

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>a purer high IQ genre

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>high IQ genre

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I think Yas Forums needs to accept Yuri is the superior romance.

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Girls are more aesthetically pleasing than boys. Simple, would you rather watch 2 pretty girls making out or 2 gross stinky men.

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>GR anime when?
youtube.com/watch?v=h-hs9QQXjSo part 1
youtube.com/watch?v=HNYnsZ5XgDw part 2

there already was a 2 episode CG OVA by Khara
but yes, full GR anime when?

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It's called "normal".
Anyway, kill all yurifags.

Yuri is the purest, most sublime form of romance

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I asked my sister what she thought of your post. She replied that you are a virgin loser and Yuri on ice is the best anime.

Your sister is a basic bitch mainstream poser. Not high IQ enough for yuri, sadly.

One of those girls is straight, though.

I like Straight and Yuri romance/hentai, can't say which of the two I prefer.
I dislike Yaoi, for it is gay

>Cirtus, Mermaid Overdrive, Sakura Trick


what anime are these two from?

that only makes it better though

She's the best student in the class, so you just confirmed her words.

Post KAT

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Ask a woman this

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A fujoshi girl is a low IQ trendchaser. A himejoshi girl is a patrician going against the common folk.

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>my perfect girl from my fetish fantasies of a lonely loser who has never had a relationship with a real girlfriend

>Yaoi is so pure that makes men give up the perfect female forrm just because they love each other
I always knew yaoi was the purest form of romance

Too bad 3DPD w*men are all degenerates

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Boy's love is a hundred times more bearable than the emotional incontinence of yuri

Cause it makes me happy. Yuri and Yaoi are superior to staight shit. Male/female relationships are too muddied with elements of domination for there to be any romance.

>The fact of the matter is that yuri becomes a purer high IQ genre for its lack of mainstream attention and bandwagon culture.
Shut up faggot.

Yuri is the purest form of love. It is women completely flipping the head of patriarchy and rejecting males altogether. It is a brave action that goes against everything women are indoctrinated into in Japanese culture. It forces women to become less passive, more intelligent, more independent. It destroys decades of values instilled by boomers of the supposed greatness of motherhood. In a sense, lesbianism is the bravest and most powerful form a woman can achieve.

No anime girl is straight. You've been fooled if you think there are straight anime girls.

There is literally top and botton in yaoi. How do you get more elements of domination than that?

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>Boys are more aesthetically pleasing than girls. Simple, would you rather watch 2 pretty boys making out or 2 gross stinky women.

this but unironically

I guess no anime boy is straight then.

It's not the same. Male/female relationships are inherently about domination and corruption.

Why can't you stop thinking about boys?

Yaoi is the purest form of love. It is men completely flipping the head of matriarchy and rejecting females altogether. It is a brave action that goes against everything men are indoctrinated into in Japanese culture. It forces men to become less passive, more intelligent, more independent. It destroys decades of values instilled by boomers of the supposed greatness of fatherhood. In a sense, male homosexuality is the bravest and most powerful form a man can achieve.

yuri both is superior when it comes across as genuine love and not just titilation for an audience

There's no such thing as a matriarchy and men are not pressured into becoming a housewife and child bearer like women.

>Yaoi is the purest form of love. It is men completely flipping the head of matriarchy and rejecting females altogether. It is a brave action that goes against everything men are indoctrinated into in Japanese culture. It forces men to become less passive, more intelligent, more independent. It destroys decades of values instilled by boomers of the supposed greatness of fatherhood. In a sense, homosexuality is the bravest and most powerful form a man can achieve.


>Implying it is not woman that force men to assume this dominant role and everyone who doesn't is seen as gay or a tranny

>There's no such thing as a matriarchy
Unironically to believe in this when such phenomenon exists en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man_cave

>hetero bad
Fuck off, retard. You're not shitting up yuri on this board.

Matriarchies dont work because men can chimp out under orders from a male leader to overthrow the women.

Blessed post to remember the purest form of love.

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Im certain Erika is a lesbian STACY who molests all of those underage girls in her gym. Then has orgies with the beauties.

Then return home, give up the whole salary to his wife and then beg for small amount of money for his own hobbies. And everyone around you will remind you that you have to be grateful that your wife has deprived you of "bad habits and friends" and made you a mature member of society.

There can be a deeper connection between a Yuri couple than between a regular male/female one.
Two girls can share a form of friendship that opposite sexes can not, in addition to their romantic love.

It's more rare for male/female couples to be BOTH romantic partners AND their mutual best friends.

The same applied to Yaoi as well I guess, though I'm not interested in that

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I'm not contributing wonderful yuri to a shit cancer thread like this.

Actual smelly hobo.

>skim through yuri tag
>disgusting degen shit like beast, scat and extreme guro
>skim through het tag
>even worse
>skim through yaoi
>clean, pure cuteness for miles with only slight kink

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I asked in the last thread but didn't get an answer so i'll ask again

What yuri manga is good?