Why is Croix in BNA?

Why is Croix in BNA?

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Cute otter.

Nice weasel

Lovely wolverine

Aborable ermine

Kawaii mustelid

literally who?


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I worship Nazuna.

Alright fags, listen up.
I'm leaving this tanuki here to go get toilet paper; it better be here when I get back.

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sick badger



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Shirou bros...

this fat ugly bastard slaps your waifu's ass at the club. how do you respond

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He's obviously white so I accept his superiority and dominance.

I slap his daughter's ass.

By fucking his daughter in a fish tank

*pushes internal goalposts on what it means to be a furry*
feels good not being a furry bros

Cute ferret

You're not getting the joke are you?

Any sheep girls yet?

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Netflix is so fucking evil


Is it confirmed to be 1cour?

Pretty Polecat

It's 16 episodes long.

Interesting Itachi

Funny fitch

>YFW you're a tanuki but you have no balls

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I feel like that's not enough.

Source? I dont think there's any official confirmation (nothing on the main site or wikipedia) but the lack of confirmation makes me think it its going to be a short season

But we already had one of those last season

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Blame Japan, its not our fault they seem to be going through a furry phase at the moment

see? still here. as good as new

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Nice elongated rodent

Wh..Why did you spill milk on her?

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Mammals need milk.

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a BNA thread! Time to dump my cutouts

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nice have this one

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good job, user

Does this mean we can make furry requests on the drawthread now?

Make the one where she also parodies Shino's cool attitude.

post screencap and i will

I only have low resolution video so nah.

You always could as long as it's an anime character.

what ep? time?

Episode 3. Around 21:21
Where Michiru says Wild intuition part

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We seriously need a banner version, where the text it's "4Channel".

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full context in png

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gonna cut it out now. thanks user

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anyone have the webm of the baddies reloading their guns?


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For the longest time I kept thinking she was wearing a white lab coat and wondered what Dr Mink was doing smuggling people into the city.

Oh boi

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alan a cute

Or more like this?

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How long is BNA going to be? Hoping for 24 episodes.
Also it's interesting that both michiru and nazuna are both traditionally transforming/trickster animals in japanese folklore (fox/tanuki)

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