Yaoi is actually funny and entertaining in small parts and humor in non romance type anime. Yuri is shit and souless, and is for fags that enjoy getting cucked or dykes that self-insert and pretend like they are attractive and not pure dyed hair tumblr.
Yaoi > Yuri
yuri > yaoi when i want to watch a funny anime with romantic undertones
yaoi > yuri when i want to jack off
I agree.
If the couple are 2 traps, is it yuri or yaoi?
Yaoi anime is pretty gay
Yaoi is made for women. A cute trap kissing the MC isn't yaoi.
That trap buttfucks the MC though
Looks too much like a girl.
The fact of the matter is: yaoi is for mainstream fags and women jerking off to battle shonen and rape fantasies. It's just as bad as het in that liking it reveals yourself as a poser with no tastes. Anyone can read MHA, Naruto or YOI and make a thousand degenerate fanfic from that but how many have the resolve and intelligence to watch niche anime about girls like Prichan or Machikado? The fact of the matter is that yuri becomes a purer high IQ genre for its lack of mainstream attention and bandwagon culture. Yaoi is just for npcs into babbys first anime.
I agree 100%. Yaoi is cute, but yuri is pretty soulless, I could never really get into it
>yuri is good because less people care about it
Sure convinced me, retard.
Could you be any more of a poser?
Imagine being a babbys first cuck. Like yaoi is for trendchasers. Yuri is the underground and patrician genre. Yaoifags grew up watch Naruto homo amvs. Yurichads actually go far deeper into the culture.
You're totally convincing me of the merits of yuri and totally not making yourself out to be a contrarian for the sake of seeming interesting.
Yuri warms my heart and soothes my soul, therefore, I prefer it
but yaoi is gay
fucking gay user
Yaoi is for shonentrannies. Yuri is for cultured chads. Deal with it.
I'm bi, Yuri is for my heart, Yaoi is for my dick.
Totally convinced me with more buzzwords there, autist-kun.
Both are great, but I like yaoi more. Plus it has more variety and fuck up shit for a degenerate like myself.
>draw a girl and call it a boy
Traps don't count. Traps are for closed homofags that can't let themselves enjoy proper yaoi or bara.
Is this the fujo containment thread?
Only if they dress like little girls.
Or look weirdly effeminate.
Traps are also for closeted heterofags that think homosexuality is a fixed thing.
Yes. No fujos on tumblr.
Seethe harder yuricuck.
Come on now. Sauce.
So the current state of Yas Forums is:
>/u/ tourists
>/y/ tourists
>Yas Forums and /vg/ tourist
>reddit tourist
>Yas Forums tourist
>shit mods
what else am I missing?
90% of tumblr's favorite ships are yaoi lmao
Incestfags and pre-2000sfags.
What are the best trap anime, Yas Forums? I finished Assassination Classroom and need more. I love him so much.
>/d/ tourists
We have better mods than a good chunk of the boards on this chink coofing virus forum
I thought Yaoifags and Yurifags were friends. I preferred hetero anyway.
That's more of an overlap, no?
comparing shit to shit doesn't make our shit better
Found the Yas Forums tourist.
Why would complete opposites be friends?
I remember htis, it's pure smut and people were okay with it until the trap and MC started fucking in the ass and MC even let his own ass be ravaged by the trap
>Imagine being a babbys first cuck. Like yuri is for trendchasers. Yaoi is the underground and patrician genre. Yurifags grew up watch Sailormoon lesbo amvs. Yaoichads actually go far deeper into the culture.
>thinks it's Yas Forums
Found the Yas Forums tourist.
They are sometimes.
>Yuri is actually funny and entertaining in small parts and humor in non romance type anime. Yaoi is shit and souless, and is for dykes that enjoy getting cucked or fags that self-insert and pretend like they are attractive and not pure dyed hair tumblr.
/y/ has been here and doesn’t disrupt discussion.
ok, Yas Forumstard
>hurr enjoying characters in a relationship fucking makes you a cuck
>hurr soulless
Kill yourself.
For me it's the "not quite a trap, yet not quite that homo" effeminate look.
Considering Yas Forums turned that board into the beast it is - kys.
They're both gay.
I can't believe best girl/boy win.
>bitching about incest
Get the fuck out, you retarded blatant newfags.
>They're both gay.
Only by definition.
They both enjoy literal opposite things.
It's time for you to go back, Yas Forumstard.
I wasn't bitching, just mentioning that they're a subset of Yas Forums.
I'm your friend, yurifag. We have nothing to fight over. In fact, I enjoy both.
This is one of the boldest lies I've seen in years.
I absolutely treasure yuri and won't tolerate retardation about hetero altogether. It's a thankless job fighting this shitposting and I don't care.
lolicons were mention because it's a subset of Yas Forums which is becoming a bigger melting pot every year
There are no sets, just chaos.
Glad to see people of culture who can appreaciate both. The pic from that post is trap x girl btw.
Based. Also, the straightest post on Yas Forums aTM.
Both genres are for filthy animals that are motivated only by instincts. The Art of Battle is for real intellectuals.
I don't know why you yaoifags and yurifags are fighting with each other.
Both of you have your waifu/husbando,want to see her/him to get some action but since it cannot be you they get into action with and in order for them remain pure you watch her/him get with the same gender since in your minds it does not count.
You are both such cucks that you are afraid your waifu/hasbando of getting it on with the other gender,you are both the same in the end so you should better get along with each other.
Just because it's not a global franchise doesn't mean it's niche
>projecting your cuck fantasy this hard
I just like cute shit. Gay or nah.
>being this much of a cucktard
I just need more dopamine rushes.