>Japan is setting up a gallery to celebrate the works of an unironic pedophile
Japan is truly degenerate.
Japan is setting up a gallery to celebrate the works of an unironic pedophile
Like half of all mangaka are pedophiles unfortunately
Why would you care if he's a paedophile or not?
It's a great story with an awful person of an author. However it's not like they're celebrating the mangaka but the work in itself.
What gets me is if he had done drugs instead we would never hear from him again.
Compared to an ironic pedophile?
Because there is a movie this August
Cancel Culture is cancer.
Does anyone know what the reaction to Watsuki's arrest was/is like in Japan? Do people not care or something? I always thought despite loli and moe being so popular that actual pedophiles got the noose
Wow it's almost like drugs are a way worse sin.
that is not the case, ask literally anyone
That depends on what world you live in.
He's either a bible thumper or closeted pedo (or both).
separate art from artist.
From what I could see and what I remember, people were disappointed, and while I've heard conflicting reports of exactly how bad the materials in question were, they'd only been illegal to have since relatively recently. So I guess the punishment they gave him, which seems awfully light to us", was good enough for them.
And like someone said earlier, they're celebrating the specific work itself, not the guy's career in general.
He was not literaly arested.
based japan
Kill yourself, his work is awesome.
Who the fuck cares what the mangaka does it's still a good story
Good. Reminder he was arrested for purchasing child pornography, he didn't make it or infringe on anyone. Literal victimless "crime".
Why’s he an awful person? He ain’t hurt nobody.
I thought it was due to him having purchased it while it was legal and not having discarded it after it was criminalized.
It was irl 3D girls, user.
Even less bad.
Or worse, he could have lived in america and made an “offensive” joke on twitter.
Or even just said something people didn't like a decade later.
In zapan, doing drugs is worse than being a pedo.
And? Point still stands. He never raped little girls, only watched. It's like watching live shooting scene on youtube, that doesn't make you a killer.
I'm not disagreeing with you.
Just correcting you because spouting off about something when you don't have all the facts makes you look foolish.
I was trying to help.
You're absolutely retarded
Who's the tiny blue island under Italy?
Italy is the boot, right?
Watsuki is based and this is the only manga I ever physically bought
Yeah, Italy is the boot. The island is Malta, I think.
Thank you both.
I've never been much for geography.
>ironic pedophiles
No such things here.
you do realize that child pornography exists only because there are people like him?
that's Malta
it's not his fault he was born this way now is it
Doesn't matter, only the producer can be blamed for infringement. Unless the purchaser also produced pornography then they aren't committing any wrong. You wouldn't even know that "audience" existed if there were no producers.
Absolutely not, but it was his fault committing a crime
what crime
He needs conversion therapy, which totally works.
Retroactively a crime.
He did something legal and then was labelled a criminal later on.
So not his fault at all.
>surprised an island nation on the other side of the world which westerners barely knew about until 100 years ago has a different culture than Western countries and didn't care about CP until recently
>Punishing people retroactively for crimes
> I was only pretending to like children, officer.
Aussie dude who got done in for loli tried to use this.
His excuse was for shitposting here.
How is it that pedos are so dumb but so good at mental gymnastics?
Sounds like something an Aussie would do. Wouldn't surprise me if a few people out there have a folder specifically for shit posting or website/profile defacement.
There'd be some cross-over, but I'd wager that some who do it eventually come to love it and then it's a folder for both.
I've heard it happened to a number of people in regard to traps.
His greatest crime was being bad at computers
Mental gymnastics?
If I remember right, he had physical magazines and such.
why do Australians have a reputation for being laid-back when they have one of the most uptight police states in the developed world
>Do legal thing
>Thing becomes illegal
>You are a criminal because thing you did is now illegal
I think the antipedos need the mental gymnastics more.
Because we like to have a laugh about shit.
Also, most of the time the cops don't give a shit about enforcing laws, unlike Britain.
Shit's fucked, but we tend to not care all that much.
Who gives a shit?
Kenshin manga is kino but the Hokkaido sequel is boring as heck
Ausfailia wants to ban anime like SAO.
I am well aware of what's going on in my own country.
I don't see what point you're trying to make.
>caring about dubs
Watsuki is based. Reminder that Kenshin was 28 and Kaoru was 17 when they got married.
>Thank you so much, I'm glad that I won't be arrested after all!
In Japan the theoretical age of consent is 13, but in practice varies by prefecture.
Most Japanese people are weak at computers, period.
No one was talking about dubs.
Any ban on anime would only affect me purchasing dubs.
I'll still be able to torrent just fine.