There is no doubt Toga is gonna kill Hawks. Remember she has Deku and Ochako's powers.
Boku no Hero Academia
Who cares lol.
>Deku's powers
she can't copy Deku's powers as those are not only multiple powers in one single quirk but also because it's an energy storage subtype quirk like Eri's and Fatgum's. This has been shown when Neito copied Eri's quirk.
Isn’t her power only temporary depending on how much blood she consumed?
She can’t keep transforming into Ochako forever unless she gets more of her blood.
>inb4 she injures herself beyond repair by copying Deku
he only had a drop of Deku's blood and she already used it.
Reminder that hawks murdered Jeanist
Why do people hate hawks on Yas Forums? You do know he's a triple agent right?
Hawks is a quadruple agent
cute and canon
And even if she can use it, she would just destroy her limbs like early deku.
How are you coping?
>Why yes,I do unironically enjoy Boku no Hero Academia,how could you tell?
Mark my words, Toga will become the new 'Twice'. That'll be her new official villain name and she'll get the (permanent) power to create copies due to the blood transfusion she had with her Twice clone; the cloned blood is permanently within her body.
Toga will become one of the endgame villains of this manga.
Well, can't argue against canon..
Pick only one
>31 yr old with 17 yr old
It's cute how Toga actually likes him.
she's gonna use twice's blood on the napkin to rez him using his own quirk, obviously
i have no idea who that guy on the right is
Toga will most likely drink all of Twice blood and create infinite copies to trash the heroes.
Would be cool if she ended permantly with Twice on her head.
Endy is sugoi
The guy with the rocket booster you fucking retard
this is the best joke in the entire series
>Miruko's quirk gives her the same attributes as a rabbit
Does this mean she goes into heat for 2 weeks straight? Asking for a friend
It's Lida
Based autists
Stop making threads dedicated to your dumb waifus Miruko and mina coomers.
You stupid bastards it’s Tapeman
>post this
>realize i fucked up the reading direction
Absorb him with her ugly flappy labia??? Okay great
Is it true that Endeavor raped his wife?
fuck off dekufujos and stick to your own wife beater kacchan.
Endeavour raped his wife
Yes, I've seen it with my own eyes. His hot rod left a permanent imprint on her, which made her go insane when she stopped receiving it.
Easy now, hawksfujo
well yes, why do you think she llikes hopping anons left and right?
She already used Ochunko's blood.
And this is hero macadamia. All the villains will job until Shiggy saves them.
Endeavor actually being cheeky is the best shit, He's only done it twice, I believe.
"Raped" might be harsh but it's heavily implied whatever occurred between Endeavor and Rei deeply traumatized her.
>Why yes, Deku is my favorite character in Boku no hero academia, how could you tell?
You're next you little green bitch
He raped her
There’s gotta be some kind of punishment for posting Yas Forums memes here.
>praise Endeavor
rent free
Imagine actually being killed by a feather.
So, Revolver Ocelot.
you whore dekufujos just can't stick to one love interest you gotta ship deku with all of the male cast. whores, decucks are self inserts but you are whores. endy already has hawks, he's taken.
as long as it's not wojak/pepe shit i don't really mind
See a doctor, buddy.
Kys dekufag
>endy already has hawks
You mean Rei, he is still married and loves her dearly
I want to sex him
but she can copy Dekus original powers! Neito was just being a dummy and thinking it was super strength when thats clearly one for alls power
>ochako is guaranteed to be the dekubowl winner
Dude is bland in every sense of the word, Mei would be a way better pick imo
Rape apologist
Daily reminder for the Endyfags still not aware
Endeavour raped his wife
Is this the shitposting one?
Can't give the heroine too much personality otherwise it'll trigger the herbivores
Sorry Dekufag. Deal with it.
Ok Ochako
Dekufags all need to die.
Can he rape me?
I hate all h*roes. I hate Hawks the most because he's a traitorous nigger who stabs both friend and foe in the back
Her personality is cute, but Deku is already cute and he fills in that role quite well.
daily reminder that Toga-chan is cute and is my wife.
no one wants her so she's all yours
Twice, stop shitposting from beyond the grave
Love isn't supposed to hurt.
the weirdest shit is that ochako has interacted with deku on less occasions than Mei
i genuinely cannot remember their last interaction while mei pops up every so often to give deku new toys to play with
The rough kind does
try again decuck
- Twice dindu nuffin
- he was a good boy
- went to church every week
- the heroes be raycis
- he had mental problems that he was just about to overcome
- we need mo money fo dem programs
- oppressive heronormativity creates performative social roles that produce "villains" for "heroes" to fight, therefore legitimizing authoritarian power structures
How many times did Endeavor, Hawks and Twice saved this manga?
bakugo btfo'd deku in a 1v1 though
>oppressive heronormativity creates performative social roles that produce "villains" for "heroes" to fight, therefore legitimizing authoritarian power structures
why is this included
this is correct
Neither does Hori
forced meme
>- oppressive heronormativity creates performative social roles that produce "villains" for "heroes" to fight, therefore legitimizing authoritarian power structures
this is literally true
That's not Iida, it's Sero.
Reminder Hori hates Deku.
>y-you're so amazing kacchan!
You're forgetting that she will get the Waifu power up and be able to pull O Deku's Seven Quirks out of her ass. Only Monoma couldn't use Eri or Deku's Quirk because he hadn't scored high enough in the popularity polls.
Manga Nejire
>quirkly and weird but over all cute and harmless side character that no one really payed attention too
>not much porn of her (this is good)
Anime Nejire
>Big Tit Bimbo
>lots of porn of her (this is bad)
hes the highest ranking class-b member
so you're still correct
the only good thing about Nejire is the porn potential so more porn is good
nejire isnt much but i hate porn
>Manage to have genuinely decent conversation last thread
>This thread is immediately full of shitposting
Ah well at least the weekend was decent. See you guys when leaks start for next chapter
Still seething.
Season finale will be a slideshow
What kind of fag doesn't want Nejire porn