What do you guys want Kubo to add to the final arc and the ending, aside from an extended final fight?
Will they add in the Kubo's poems into the anime as well? The poems and the doodles in the corner at the end of every chapter just added to the experience.
Fuck off with your shonenshit back to niggerfaggot land.
Levi Lewis
Add a bit more of the lore on the Soul King in somewhere. Like Fullbringers actually having a piece of him. Maybe also tease some setup for CFYOW towards the end like Tokinada running off with Gremmy's brain and Ikomikidomoe.
Eli Lopez
I actually want Pierrot to trim down the fights, stuff like Xs fight or the Miracle dude, Mask deMasculine and the fat midget need massive trimming or rewrites. The 0 squad should live a little longer, some fights need clear direction and give some of the answers from CFYOW during the anime because if not normal people who dont waste time on shitty LNs will appreciate or understand some plot points.
if they're smart, as much as in the manga. the manga is already finish; other than to maybe pace the episodes out evenly to meet a 1-2 (or 3) cour episode season, they got no reason to drag out scenes like they did previously with the anime when it was still ongoing.
Oliver Reyes
Based BleachChad keeping the thread alive.
Sebastian Baker
Kill yourself subhuman
Nathan Wilson
>We'll have Yoruichi's glorious ass and catform animated Truly a great time to be alive.
Nathaniel Lee
Is Tres Cifras the worst non-filler part of the anime? Holy shit my re watch was slow down to a crawl.
Maybe some of the stuff from the light novels to help bring things to a close. I want to see more of the Quincy and Shinigami interactions in the past with young Yamamoto and Ywach.
I can understand calling others delusional being your coping mechanism but dude there is solid proof of what you said. Denying your own words won't help you.
Anthony Long
Bambi would suit him the best.
Julian Cox
>MUH BOOGEYMAN Im gonna tell you something. Im glad the anime is bad, but spamming threads 24/7 will only attract shitposters and deteriorate discussion quality. Stop trying to force it.