Buyfag thread

this is my friend

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read the guide

She looks like the whole town's friend.

tony slut for everyone

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I can't believe buyfa.. ah, forget it.

Hey, I'm kinda new to the whole buyfag thing. I only own a couple of cheap chinese knockoffs ATM. Is it OK to name and shame a eBay seller who canceled my order after I paid? Or is that not allowed here? The guide wasn't too clear regarding this. They're in Japan, I'm in Burgerland. Pic related is what they fucked me out of. It was listed as a genuine Alter product. What can I say, I've got a thing for dead girls.

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im still hanging onto hope that this will be made

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What's the best way to sell off some prize figs, want to free up space for some of the scales I have coming?

No one cares.

Reasonable people recognize the high potential to get scammed on eBay to begin with, so no one's going to be surprised or care that some rando ripped you off. Unless it's the eBay storefront of a major store like Amiami or something.

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But there's no chance, give it up. It's been like 4 years.

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Fuck (You)
Wasn't scammed, got a full refund. I think the seller thought they undercharged. It was a highly rated seller in Kyoto.

Have you ever flown on a plane to make an exchange at Narita?

Unless you are staying in Japan for a couple weeks or more. It would seem like a huge waste of time and effort to fly to Narita, considering Haneda is the better airport.

Obviously it would be for something very special. At the sellers request.

So what are the chances she actually comes out in April?

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Not gonna happen.

Well we'll at least get Formal Dress, r-right?

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By default I'm just assuming everything is going to be delayed thanks to Corona-chan at this point.

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It's hard to tell if Dangerous Beast's delays are because of Corona-chan or just GSC being GSC

You cared enough to reply.

They both apply (now). Think of it like stacking debuffs in a video game.

Well at least my tapestries came in this last week, so I at least have some new Mashu to hold me over while I wait for the figures.

What do you fags actually do with your lil’ figurines? Just ... look at them?

I never understood the appeal of them and it bothers me how much of the dough that is spent on the production of vidya collector’s editions goes to shit like this. Give me wearables or otherwise practical objects (maps, guides, lore/art books, ...) any day of the week. Or year for that matter.

Wearables tend to be poor quality, if you actually use them they're wrecked in a few months. Figs if looked after last years.

>All those Shunya Yamashita scales
Mi hermano de piel oscura con exquisito gusto

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Sounds like you’re buying shitty CEs then. Or we have different things in mind. I’m talking about stuff like the metal wolf medallion in TW3’s CE. Solid workmanship, both the medallion itself and the (less important) chain.

Come on though who can pull that off, most guys buying the collectors edition of witcher ain't gonna look right wearing that, they're just going to look like someone going through a 'phase'.

The figures packed in video game bundles tend to look subpar. If you're using that as a basis of comparison it's kind of understandable.

Has anyone ever had issues with blu ray orders and having the discs end up being loose/cracked when received?

everyone in these threads needs to kill themselves, like fuck off and actually reply to actual buyfag post like when someone asks to post PO's, or rooms, etc
fuck off and eat a razor blade faggots

Uh-ohhh, someone didn't get enough (You)s last thread~

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What's the difference between an art book and a figurine? You don't get anything useful out of them.

But I don't care about who he bought from on Ebay, because I'm not dumb enough to make the same mistake.

Fuck you too dumbass.

Not many actually open the BR cases

Yeah, you're not really supposed to wear that shit.
I bet you rocked your Black Ops dogtags too.

The hard part right now is not buying pre-owned figures off Mandarake or AmiAmi since I know the next 2-3 months are practically guaranteed delays and I already have the $$$ set aside now.
luckily nothing on my wishlist is available on either of those websites

I bet you could have better gotten your message across if you didn't post like a whiney faggot.
Just stop making threads.

Mostly bought them for the item codes included, but it seems like the dual discs that were in it ended up loose inside the case and got pretty scratched along the way during shipment.

Yeah be careful I did this and now I'm in the hole for 80k yen with shipping for March AmiAmi

Is it heresy to buy a daki of a girl who isn't your wife? What if you don't have a waifu?

>buy a daki of a girl who isn't your wife

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user please understand, I have never found true love

Holy... now THAT'S attention whoring

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She's out there you just don't know it yet,
and when you find here, it'll be too late to get any merch cause she was popular years ago when you didn't even know she existed.

>What if you don't have a waifu?

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It's understandable for people to not be able to find a waifu. I didn't meet mine until I was almost done with college (several years ago), despite being an anime fan basically my whole life.

I don't think she is, user. I'm an unloyal bastard. Every time I think I've found someone, I forget them in a months time. Even if they do miraculously stick around in my thoughts, they then have to compete with all the other girls I find.

do people still buy/collect cels?

Is it too late to buy dakis and figs?

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I used to, but that was a long time ago when I'd meet with other collectors in person at events to BST. I've seen some others here that do, but I'm far more wary of it now.

>wary of it
Are there a lot of fakes or something?

>tfw stopped being a NEET and became a wagie to buy merch for my waifu
>even spent the time to get things from BOOTH

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keep on chugging mashu user

The delay announcement? Yeah, I can't wait!

Same. This recent development has taxed my savings so I'd rather she was released later rather than sooner.

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I'd just like to say that I'm another user who has yet to find a wife.
I've had a few crushes over the years most recently Kuroneko for some weird reason but it never amounts to more than that.
I am unlucky.

ty, user

I think I told you this before, but I masturbate to your wife all the time. I've said in an earlier thread that I was going to lick my Mashu figures' armpits.