Why did Oda never care to do something this kino again?
Why did Oda never care to do something this kino again?
Oh, he's about to. Law's gonna kick it.
Kill yourself
he lost his soul
It is terrible.
In time he will. This marked the end of the first half, the final arc will probably exceed it.
Shit opinion.
It was a fluke
We wasted 2 years on this garbage he died for fucking nothing, imagine dying because a man said Your daddy is a pussy
never watched wan piss before is luffy trying to take a bite out of that dead guys head?
>It was in character and dying for nothing is what makes it a tragedy.
the story is ok, hell even the art and character desing are ok, but those fucking faces are terrible, can't take that moment seriously because of it.
This. Hopefully at least one Straw Hat dies.
He threw his life away for a low-quality bait.
How fucking pleasurable was seeing this piece of shitty unilateral character to suffer and cry, my god
Reading the entire thing is worth for this moment, then you should drop it
People ain't supposed to look pretty when their world shatters in front of them, realising all that they sacrificed was meaningless.
>the huge gapping mouth that is normally used for gags in this manga is acceptable for serious dramatic moments like one of the most important persons in your life dying in front of you.
i remeber reading that part and i was upset until that panel, the scene was intense but that stupid face ruined it for me.
look at this shit how am i supposed to take it seriously when he looks like donkey kong about to take eat a huge banana or something, is not that he doesn't look pretty, is that his face looks comical and ruins the serious moment
Did someone say kino.
yeah thank you. During his introduction, the alabasta scenes and his fight against Teach he was an enjoyable character but that whole "everybody hates me and i hate my father" emo shit was insufferable. He should have grown out of it as a child but instead he became a manchild that basically commited suicide because "nobody calls him a chicken"
might as well post a wojack user
>Why did Oda never care to do something this kino again?
He already did
I'm talking about Luffy
They're also not supposed to look hilarious.
Dubs of truth
Reactions like is also used for gags. Also op's pic was the perfect reaction. after saving him, Luffy was already celebrating victory in his heart, that face is the fine mix of something considered impossible happening and crippling grief
Crying faces aren't supposed to make you laugh or look like pic related.
Nobody *wants* to look hilarious in their most defeated/vulnerable moment but they still end up that way sometimes.
The Kanjuro revelation was way more kino. Your hair turning white because your angry is lame.
>except when he isn't
That was built up over like 300 chapters. Someone else is going to get it eventually.
Hahahaha it looks like he's laughing hahahaha
Wtf he looks like he's going to eat him
care to elaborate? i'm terrible with maths, which arc was over 300 chapters before Ace dying? are you referring to Luffy telling Vivi that people die and she can't save everyone?
>Hahahaha it looks like he's laughing hahahaha
>Wtf he looks like he's going to eat him
If OP had ended there it would have become legendary
That's retarded. You're retarded. Go be retarded somewhere else
Cope it's funny
So you need a big brain to find forced emotion in exaggerated and disproportionate faces?
Maybe a big brain that is swollen because you were dropped a few too many times as a baby.
It's anything but forced. The manga is also better
why is he laughing?
Should I feel bad for laughing at this scene that was supposed to be sad?
This looks like a meme reaction after a character eats food that's too spicy or something
Which Straw Hat dies first?
I lost hope the moment he ruined alabasta by having Pell survive literally a perfect death ruined
Me nigga, from waiting to long for Hoeda to finish his stupid story kek
Brooks :^)
>The gaping mouth
>The blank eyes
>The fucking snot bubble
How's this supposed to make me sad again?
Kino? This shot looks more goofy than somber. This is posted so often is this all that amounts to the entirety of One Piece?
itt:brainlets that can't understand a shonen manga
That's an oxymoron because shonen by default is for brainlets.
itt:people mock dumb face ruinnig serious moment and brainlets can't comprehend what criticism is
Because everyone looks pretty when they go through trauma. Dumbass.
how retarded can you be user, that dumb face does not look like he is going through trauma, he looks comical not sad
How do people take OP seriously with its stupid as fuck face designs. Shit looks so retarded and "goofy". Even outside of serious scenes it's so ugly I can't ever start to enjoy the series.
Am I supposed to take this scene seriously? With that goofy face?
Unintentional comedy
>that face
cuz a large majority of his audience are literally 7~15 years old.
It’s kino because he doesn’t repeat it Into the ground. Once is kino, twice is predictable, three times is a tv tropes page.
Don't worry Oda will repeat it again with Sabo. Oda's a master of repeating ideas, just look at the five arcs with exactly the same "save the island" outline.