Will this be better than Deku vs Overhaul?
Boku no Hero Academia
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deku vs overhaul was overrated
Its going to be its own form of kino. Endevor is in another league of character development.
Easily, Nakamura will probably work on this episode too
Kirishima vs Rappa was better than Deku vs Overhaul
Fucking mirio vs overhaul SHOULD have been better than Deku vs Overhaul
i hate this
I miss ****
Please god no, I hate that faggot. All he can do is make things look fluid, the white cubes are fuckin retarded and he can't keep consistency to save his life
Anything is better than Deku vs Overhaul, so yeah.
animation wise maybe, but the fight itself will definitely be better than deku vs overhaul
no one ever said that it was good
he can make things work as long as he doesn't go full retard
The episode that got 1 million less views than Bakugou babysitting? Probably.
Mirio's huge cock inside of me.
Anything with Endeavor in it is great.
second season was something else
>endeavor's hero costume peeking out from his collar
That's a great detail.
is is hawks quirk kill?
but dabi burned the shit out of his wing stumps
>1 year until MVA
>muh discount AM vs Nomu ripoff
Yeah, that's a pass from me
so curious is just a blatant kira copypaste huh?
>that burned picture
is that supposed to be dabi in that one?
nah, his wings regenerate.
What a legend
That tiny Hawks is so cute.
>30 pages chapters from now on
He has left feathers scattered all over the base.
>fuck Deku
Based Hori.
but his wing stumps are extra crispy
Shouto is so cute..
She may be a Kira clone but Hori did it in the best possible way. Since a random Nigger on twitter doesn't know what he's talking about there won't be a 3rd movie to steal the good directors for season 5.
dabi is a retard with jis quirk. if his flames are naturally super hot, wouldnt he be better off going for finesse with his powers instead of acting like a flame thrower?
All for the good of society. While all might was making sure to give society a friendly symbol to believe in, the real shit was going on behind their backs
Look at Hawks teeth
Reminder that when Hori had to let go of his planned ending he was free to let the story develop organically and give the most interesting characters more screen-time
Shiggy was with AfO and Kurogiri was a Nomu. Now we just need Dabi's explanaition
I guess this means there's going to be a lot more Miruko in the future.
He can regrow them
bad translation.
I liked 'em both.
That's a nice catch
This ed is the first one I geniunely enjoy
Who voices Mirko?
how is nobody talking about twice being dead killed by hawks
what did deku mean by this?
it happened a days ago.
he got rid of a hero killer, no big deal.
We got over it.
Sounds like Sawashiro Miyuki to me.
He's gonna do a heel turn and join his dad AFO.
His awesome tie is also great.
a hot mommy
He's evil.
This series needs to let go of the students, or make an impact strong enough to make them interesting. At least Shoto is becoming more interesting purely as a side effect of the Endeavour story
I think we have to adress the elephant in the room.
Mutie or not mutie
honestly it feels like mirio got fucked over for no reason
>Deku has only been in roughly 18 chapters since the Gentle Arc
>last 7 chapters of Joint Training Arc
>Endy training arc
Has an MC ever been cucked this hard?
Mirio eats eri out like this too.
Mutie. One of his parent is a literal bird.
he Will stab him in the back, that´s bc toga fault
>They think a rapist will have a better episode than the MC
I came here to laugh at you
Endeavor paid for his wife in accordance with the contract with Rei's father
You can't rape your property. The fact she went crazy after he stopped fucking her tells the real story
His wings are an obvious physical mutation so yes mutie.
Garaki not supposed to be With non-mutie group?
What's Deku's with Tsuyu and Lemillion's?
The only one cucked here is you when you're acting so obsessively about a fictional character, frantically trying to force conversation by goading his fans into replying to you because that's the only way you can get any attention on here kek
The dudes a burn victim, give him a break.
Stain doesn't even belong that high on the scale. His only physical oddity is the tongue. Before cutting his nose off he looked like a normal human bean as shown in Vigs.
triggered decuck