ITT: Wonderful paneling

ITT: Wonderful paneling.

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While the paneling is certainly creative, there's something that feels off about this whole page, aside from the art, that makes me not like it

Really? I love the way the demon takes up so much of the page, but you don't really catch it until you go back and look at him from the bottom up.

The beauty is in desperate attempt of the hands trying to grasp something but never really reaching it. Underscoring just how far above them this demon of darkness is.

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Fujimoto's weakness is action scenes and movements.
His paneling is good.

Yeah! that's nice gives a scary tone to the scene, as darkness is bleeding out past the page.

Action scenes live off of great paneling. His action scenes are always clear, fun and easy to follow especially due to nice transitions. For an action comedy series that's what matters the most.

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Darkness devil so scary that Denji's chainsaw retracted.

That's some good shit.

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This is so confusing.

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Chances of Denji saving Power at some point in this arc?

>has the attention span of a gnat and can't follow panneling from top to bottom
>uses a MHA reaction image

I'm not surprised.

Kinda the point. They all just got both their arms severed by some borderline omnipotent devil embodying a primal fear within a split second. I somehow doubt that they have a good grasp of what’s going on in that moment.

Ah, so you're autistic..

he'll have to save himself first

I love this page.

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For some odd reason this page reminded me of Will Eisner's style.

I have to ask, why Astronauts?Is it because Darkness Devil has something to do with Space being dark?

That aside, I cannot imagine any Devil being stronger than the Darkness Devil. There is no primal fear known to man that is greater than the unknown/unseen because of the whole predator/prey thing.

The only thing stronger than that I could imagine is the Death Devil and that is likely Satan himself.

user, I...

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I agree, but I could've sworn he didnt have the same problem in fire punch

different assistants and a different type of series

You can read it in any order since its everyones reaction to the same event that happens simultaneously.

I mean yeah you could, but if the dialogue was written in such a way where the order mattered, then this transition would make the most sense.

You are being guided tho

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I added Kobeni and Violence, although it would have been better if Kobeni was directly looking diagonal down instead of just angling her face in that direction.

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I didn't add them since they're not guiding the reader like the others do. For Kobeni it's fine since the Quanxi harem panel is where you'd then go to naturally anyway, and then Violence's line of sight is put out of focus by blending his upper front mask piece with the background in his panel so it's overshadowed by Sharkbro and Puppet Devil.

I think the reason for hands is to related to their goals
Kobeni has hands trying to reach violences
Violence has hands in a protective form
Shark guy is supporting others
Chainsaw guy is reaching for the baddies
White power is being greedy

Fear of unknown devil. Confront your mortality devil, losing your son/daughter devil.

This. The character's line of sight is extremely important in paneling in general, and not all artists realize it or put to good use.

You know, looking at it again it has this nice part where in the upper part of the guiding cycle Darkness is blocked out from by using his cape arm as part of the panneling. Then at the lower cycle is where he comes into full view.

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t. the series that jerks off this

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Ohh thats really good.

Because astronauts are pinnacles of man trying to overcome the darkness of space but are here pictured as blown the fuck out and having their corpses used to make a WWE entrance.

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I surrender to your wit, user. Clearly you're a master.

This is a great page. People don't talk about it much but Monkey Punch's paneling in particular was sooo good especially compared to what else was being done in the late 60s. He tells action sequences really well but also does a lot of solid suspense and slapstick.

this thread is fucking stupid, i swear.

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What's this from?

The legendary bukkake style paneling.
Fujimoto truly is on another level.

Now we're talking

Want to know why this page has a great concept but ultimate fails in so many levels? Because it's a weird and confusing mismatch of panels that aren't sure if they want to be separated or part of the same image.
The fact that the design of the monster is alien to us and has a shape that isn't easily defined by our eyes makes it much more of a huge mess.
Good concept, poor execution.


I don't think anyone beats Adachi Mitsuru in the easy to read and good flowing paneling department

There are 11 praying astronauts in the picture. There are 11 confirmed deaths in space.

>Clearly lose their arms
Seriously? Even Viz didn't fuck this up.

what are you, 12¿

la creatura...

what?? its ugly

The dude has three fingers on his left hand.

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Basic bitch tier.

Now this is the kind of shitposting I desire.

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Fingers are too big but otherwise a good idea.

Your last chapter had an important character jump to his death but the writer thought the roof of the building collapsing was more important to draw in detail.

Your threads actually have people explaining what happened in detail because nobody can figure out what the fuck is going on with Hori's schizoid paneling

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Now I understand CSM

I like that the darkness devil just took their arms. He didn't straight up kill them or anything like that, he just took their arms and will presumably leave now. Its weird and kinda whimsical.

Because when you're in darkness, you use your arms to navigate it (i.e. a dark corridor, you grope the walls; a big open room, you wave your arms around to make sure you're not bumping into anything).

one piece has the worst paneling i've ever seen

Awesome to see Usogui here.

Now that's a devil I'd make a contract with.

Can't beat the cock devil.