What did you like about JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind, by David Productions?

What did you like about JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind, by David Productions?

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The additional scenes and OST

They show the pokeball animation of Trish warping out of the turtle at the end

They show fugo coming out of the car

Great developing of Fugo as a character and the last two episodes

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Best of the adaptations so far, parts 1-3 are great but parts 4 and 5 feel like where the series has started to spring its own unique idea. Definitely prefer these two the most so far, looking forward to part 6 and the others as well.


Torture dance was a fun addition, all the themes were great and the added scenes with La Squadra were a nice touch

>Torture dance
>Grateful Dead
>Giorno's beatdown on Chioccolata

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Best part yet in terms of quality. Great OST, some good additional scenes. They did a good job with part 5, shame the actual part is the weakest but they gave it so much love. I doubt 6 and even 7 will get the same treatment.

Part 7 might, it's the most popular after all and they really don't want it to fail. But again, part 7 will take long to animate, since it's longer than most other parts and they said they don't wanna use bad looking CGI horses

Part 7 is not the most popular. In terms of sales and polls, its second last to Stone Ocean. Of course this is Japan only but still. In comparison 3 and 5 are the most popular parts.

Part 7 is only popular in the west

I like the English dub, which has somehow surpassed the original Japanese


Have you watched the dub yet? I almost never like dubs, and never prefer them, but I prefer this one. They just introduced Diavolo's voice actor last night and it was great. Both Giorno and Bruno's voice actors are better than their Japanese counterparts.


The memes.

kill yourself. dubs are trash. there's no exceptions.

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Yikes I bet you skip OPs

no i dont but your shitty dub does skip part of the OP

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There are no good dubs.

>Cowboy Bebop

>Yu Yu Hakusho
>Lupin the 3rd

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I agree. It shows in both production value and effort. The animation quality has seen a solid boost, and they eliminated some of the drag the Part 3 adaption had by dropping the episode count and tightening up the fight scenes. It almost makes me want to see them redo Part 1/2, rewatched those recently and the tight budget shows.

It was garbage
I had to force myself to watch it and even then it took me a month to finish it
Worst part and it’s not even close
I liked like two scenes in all 39 episodes

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what 2 scenes?

If only there was an option to not watch the shows we consider garbage

We got some good music out of it.
But because it's a 1:1 adaptation of the bad source material, its irredeemable in every other aspect.
Only makes me wish that the effort was directed towards a free adaptation that actually took advantage of the setting and character potential.
Do japs seriously unironically love this part?

>Pink Giorno
nothing is good on the anime adaptation, i prefer the manga

>Do japs seriously unironically love this part?
It's popular among a certain demographic.

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>ugly girno
>ugly goldem expirienci
>ugly diabolo
>fat tris butt

Araki literally told DP to make Giorno pink, that's how he likes him best.

>Araki literally told DP to make Giorno pink, that's how he likes him best.
Araki got some bad taste of giorno then

Purple Gio is a gazillion times better than the bland blue.

Well seeing as how he ''wrote'' him...yeah.
pink Giorno is good though. He should have livelier colors than previous jojo's

Blue Giorno fucking sucks anyway (especially the navy one); if anything, the suit should have been purple or orange.

Pretty much everything. Best OST and direction of any anime

Pink Giorno is best Giorno, eat shit. Why do all the Jojo's have to wear blue? Get the fuck outta here

>Fighting Gold got me hyped every week
>that dogshit second intro had me drop the series like 3 episodes in
Only part of Jojo I didn't watch from beginning to end. Hope the Stone Ocean animu has a better intro

Diavolo's first death at the hands of a random drug addict is pretty great.

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I liked Trish' joocy lips

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Well kinda. Critically it was liked in Japan but 7 didn't do well overall sales wise.

Cowboy Bebop

My favourite part now. Pace was perfect, Diavolo was ace.

Diavolo just needed more screen time desu, also the soul swap shit was kind of confusing and undersold Narancia’s death, that’s honestly all the complaints I have

Reminder that Illuso is easily in the top 5 most broken stand users in the whole series. The only reason he lost is because he came across a stand user that uniquely countered him and that his priority was interrogation instead of killing (he had an opportunity to kill every single one of those characters he encountered)

>but his weakness is huge! he has to get characters to get in the mirror's sight!
Wrong. As abacchio showed Illuso could easily just pick up the mirror and run around with it. If the character manages to break the mirror before they get seen by it, then illuso just has to find another.

>some characters can be clever and try and sneak their stands in like abacchio!
Wrong. Like I said, since illuso was being held back by needing to keep the main cast alive, he could easily just allow just your head to enter the mirror world, and let your headless body bleed to death in the real world without lifting a finger.

And let's not think about if reflections in water and other surfaces were also gateways to the extent that hanged man had access to.
Illuso could easily defeat Diavolo. Illuso could easily beat Dio. Illuso could easily beat Kira. Illuso could easily beat Pucci. Illuso could easily beat Valentine. Only Kars would win, and even then illuso could just trap Kars in a far corner of the mirror dimension. No single protagonist wins either.

was the frog hunt the only bit that got cut in the anime?

They cut Koichi using Echoes Act 1 to search for Giorno

I can't believe how well David Productions did. I absolutely despised the manga, it was so boring it was like being tortured in guantanamo. But I fucking love the anime, it's my favorite or second favorite part.

It was good I guess but I preferred Diamond is Unbreakable. It's not DP's fault, it's just that the manga wasn't very good: the last portion of the manga was very rushed, Fugo was useless, Koichi was useless, Polnareff was unnecessary, he was there only to introduce the arrow and stand requiem, the final battle was short as fuck and Bossu who was supposed to be menacing and mysterious ended up being Diavolo, the most faggot out of all the JoJo antagonists.

Had a few good moments

But overall it felt very stiff and I wish they honoured the original manga artstyle instead of the atrocity they gave us. Imagine if they do SBR with pt3 art, that's pretty much what they did here

i enjoyed the pacing way more than the manga,and itt surely is easier to grasp how IT JUST WORKS on the anime for sure

Trish butt is a golden experience

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What about Stands that are bound to a person? I assume Illuso couldn't do anything about them, I'm talking people like Oingo (although he probably couldn't do shit anyway) or Mikitaka.

>set a fire in the real world
>fire is reflected in the mirror world
>Illuso burns to death

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Not the guy sucking Illuso's dick, but as he said, just because he loses to some specific stands doesn't mean he's not absolutely bodying most of them

It's not a good measure of what makes an ability broken or not though. I think most stands would have the same level if success if you wrote a scenario where the user was ambushing their opponent and goes straight for the kill.