Oh shit, you're the new transfer student! Use your vast knowledge of Anime & Manga to avoid the delinquents.
Oh shit, you're the new transfer student! Use your vast knowledge of Anime & Manga to avoid the delinquents
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just go around them
I preferred this thread when it was female delinquents.
whip out my dick and wade though em, if I know anything about those types, is that they deadly opposed to gayness
Let them trip me, then do the whole "ITEEE, OIII that HURT man! How are you gonna pay me back, huh?" routine.
that would only work if they feel guilt, and if you had a stand
Get beaten up a bit and then be rescued by the local sukeban who appreaciates me for looking at her as a person and not a piece of meat even though she caught me staring at her panties ten seconds ago.
if there's one thing I learned from anime & manga is that delinquents are always secretly nice people despite their tough exterior. if I REALLY lay it on thick, I'm sure they'll cave.
>who appreaciates me for looking at her as a person and not a piece of meat even though she caught me staring at her panties ten seconds ago.
will this trope ever die? asking for a friend.
What happened to these threads, anyway? They were fun.
Like all fun things, jannies and mods probably killed it
>A school shooting?
>So this must be what it means to be an American...!
>anime where an american delinquent upshows all the Japanese delinquents.
With my looks I would fit right in.
You can see her as both person and piece of meat, and also bodyguard
delinquents are the best possible friends you can get in highschool. T. delinquent thats still friends with his boys
Eventually yes, but at that point my only thoughts about her have been "Uwaaah, s-scary...!" and "White..."
I'm actually amazed how Japan has one of the lowest crime rates in the world.
You would think with all the high school delinquients, Japanese people would be scared to leave their house.
It's a nice idea, but he would have to smuggle guns somehow. He could somehow smuggle bullets and improvise ways to shoot them, I heard that people improvise an one shot shotgun with shotgun bullets, the top part of a bottle and a stick with a nail.
Haha! I get it, you would play the role of the delinquient
He's literally unironically called "Tyrone."
Well, if the scary part outweights the white part, technically you could consider that you didn't see her as only a piece of meat.
It's 2020. You can 3d print guns
>Don't mess with him!
>Back in his homeland, his people commits 50% of violent crimes despite being only the 13% of the population!
This They're all probably really nice, maybe a little book dumb, but we could bond over anime stuff. I could make them some drawings of our female classmates and teachers showing their panties.
Real guns or something that would break down after one shot? It works anyway
But every male delinquent knows the "Ice Dragon of Cingchong High" will beat their asses for looking at her wrong, she's just as firhgtening to them.
As far as I know, one-shot guns are possible right now. But maybe in the future "real guns" can be made too.
the problem is that the guns would have to be made of plastics, as only very expensive printers can use metal from what I know
so basically you can make .22 guns or the rest of the gun and buy the barrel/some minor metal bits.
It'd probably be easier to just machine your own sten or simple submachine gun
only bullets would be a problem, but its possible to make them too
please post female delinquents
Looks like ill be forced to crossdress and become the class cumdump.
Oh well.
Honestly I think this would depend on what kind of delinquents they were. If they're the chinpira type who just go around doing horrible shit like killing kittens, setting buildings on fire and making trouble for people then fuck them. If it's the yakuza delinquent type who maintain the balance between the cliques and protect their school from outside threats then they're bros.
Kill myself because I already suffered enough in "education", I don't want to have to do all that again in addition to it being the hellish Japanese education system.
>I'm actually amazed how Japan has one of the lowest crime rates in the world.
Do you realize has one of the biggest "underreported" crimes rate problem in the entire world, right? Their police is so fucking incompetent at solving shit people would rather simply not waste their entire day filling forms at the station.
Fellow delinquents? I'd ask where we're going at lunch and if they ride.
I'm turning this into a motorcycle manga
I effortlessly pass through them and reveal myself to be the old Shadow King that's transferred back into the school
That sounds like a surefire way to get bullied for being a dumb chuuni.
put on my gorilla suit
look at this bitch. no hayai whatsoever. bet I could pop you in the nose right now and it wouldn't even be an afterimage you'd just get hit
Use my snot to stick to the ceiling and climb to my desk.
Pee and shit all over myself if the goal is to avoid just make them avoid me
Step on their legs and break them (it's actually pretty easy to break a leg) and then piss on their faces to assert dominance
>oh, excuse me, let me just- HYAAA! *somersaults over them while maintaining perfect eye contact with the leader on the way over*
One of the lowest REPORTED crime rates in the world
Also one of the highest "solved" crime rates because if the police suspect you of a crime you will be charged and sentenced with 0 evidence
They have the right to hold you in jail indefinitely and will do so just to force a confession out of innocent people
If you go to court you will lose because they need to keep their conviction rates high to keep their ideal society image
>One of the lowest REPORTED crime rates in the world
>If you go to court you will lose because they need to keep their conviction rates high to keep their ideal society image
>They have the right to hold you in jail indefinitely and will do so just to force a confession out of innocent people
up to 21 days, actually
>Also one of the highest "solved" crime rates because if the police suspect you of a crime you will be charged and sentenced with 0 evidence
These rates are so high because of the 21 days detention bullshit. They will psychologically torture you in order to force you to sign a confession, which most of the time has a much softer sentence (usually just paying a shitty fine) than not cooperating with the police.
>up to 21 days, actually
They can pull plenty of bullshittery to keep you even longer
I befriend them, they seem like real bros.
These dudes closely resemble my group of IRL friends from high school
Throw teacher on the delinquents. Take chair and shout - Let's ruuuuuuuumble begin!
It's looks like you gonna be their bitch, dude.
The dude in the white tshirt almost looks like potionseller
>They will psychologically torture you in order to force you to sign a confession
HA well I don't speak Japanese, so good luck getting me to sign anything. Nothing personelle nihonjin justice system.
I think this video does a pretty decent job at explaining Japan's retarded law system, specially towards foreigners.
Damn, that's hot
user-kun, I am going into the exams soon and I need some of your strongest tutoring.
You can’t handle my tutoring. It’s too strong for you.