Re:Zero Season 2

Anyone hyped?

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Remchad here. Not really given that she barely appears in Arc 4 but for all I know, the anime/LN will diverge quite a bit from the WN

Garbage show with no likeable characters

Not hyped just annoyed about the delay.

Arc 4 has been reduced heavily. I dont like the changes tbqhwy

i was looking forward to it. just one more reason china needs to be destroyed when this all blows over

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god i fucking hate aquaposters

Kind of. I love rezero but nowadays its hard for me to just even start up an anime.

Are light novels actually enjoyable to read after translation?

Awesome show with well written, likeable MC.

Cant wait to see subaru have hate-sex (borderline r*pe) with the white witch or whatever she's called.

Remember that episode in the anime where Subaru sperged out to Emilia in the hospital and was acting really really cringey?
Well imagine him acting that cringey every single chapter of the LNs.

But i love Aqua, dont you love your waifu user?

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That sounds interesting

>Not really given that she barely appears in Arc 4
Let alone Arc 4. She doesn’t appear at all in Arc 5 and Arc 6 she’s there but she’s still in THAT state.

wasn't this delayed because of corona?

Actually extremely hyped for this

I hate Shitmilia and Rem is a potato so no

Not arc 4 lns

Why would the author do this?

because he hates Rem

Well firstly according to Tappei there will be 11 arcs in total for this story and its currently at arc 6. Its also very likely that Rem is going to be cured by the end of it. Secondly because Tappei wants to remind his readers that the main heroine is Emilia and not Rem hence Rem has taken a back seat since Arc 3 and Emilia gets a ton of focus in Arc 4.

Reminder that it got moved to summer because of The Plague.

They’ve had 4 years to work on this and they’re adapting the best part of the story, so anything less than AOTY will be a disappointment in my eyes.

Same, I hope that even if they adapt it after the LN, which is what they are doing, they will try to put in almost everything that happened and give it as many episodes as it deserves. They also delayed it until July so they have even more time to at least spot mistakes, if not fix them right away because of the COVID-19 virus.

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Not really. The Yen Press translation is so-so and they dropped some things for no apparent reason that actually matter and they should have known better.

Its gonna be 25 episodes and cover both Arc 4 & 5 and you're gonna like it.

Echidna doesn't hate him so I don't see how that'd work. She could easily rape him though I guess, just because she's curious.

The blu ray for Hyouketsu no Kizuna comes out in like 3 days

>there's a plague going on, so naturally it will turn out to be even better
you're a retard, and it will turn out even worse than overlord's third season. screencap this.

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I'll consider it a win if the CGI rabbits start clapping.

Really ? I thought they were only adapting Arc 4 in season 2, I don't think they would go full retard and adapt both arcs given the fact that arc 4 is almost as long as the first 3 combined. I would love to see 20 episodes for arc 4 tho, that would be sweet.

What ? I never said it will turn better, I just said that hopefully if they won't be able to fix the mistakes while this is going on, they would at least be able to review what they did so far and see the little mistakes given the fact that the animators are out for the time being to hopefully fux them once this is over.

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Very hyped, and it will probably be one of the few anime I'll watch this year.

>What ?
I'll make this really easy to understand for you, okay? Ready: they're not going to have more time. They're going to have less time (to work on it). Comprende?

So far all the promo material covers just stuff from arc 4, but that might not mean much if it's split cour and they're saving arc 5 promos for a few reveals and for a break or something. The season 1 promos were kind of a mixed bag that mostly just had the main characters, so we can't really compare them.

This only depends on how long this virus will last and how severe it will get. They were originally going to release it in April from what I know and since they delayed it until July they gained more time, only problem would be if the COVID-19 epidemic starches beyond May. If that happens, yes shit hit the fan (not like it already didn't) and they will be either in a position of prolonging it even more or just releasing a partially completed anime.

I still hope arc 5 gets its own season though. It would be more flashed out. If not, at least more polished. But I wouldn't want to wait 4 more years, that would be bullshit.

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what are you talking about? it's going to be arc 4 only. already confirmed by tappei a long time ago.

Roswaal will tap dance
But it will be in CGI
And animated using stock MMD

i'm excited but at the same time massively disappointed because it's following LNs which are trash compared to the WN.

Yeah that's what I hard also, that why I said here that this was weird. I never heard anyone mention arc 5 being included in season 2.

No because Re:zero was 3 years ago.
But I'm looking for it.

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overlordkeks doomposting after their travesty of an anime

He's stuck in the Windows XP wallpaper land?
Is Clippy the final boss?

>I still hope arc 5 gets its own season though. It would be more flashed out. If not, at least more polished. But I wouldn't want to wait 4 more years, that would be bullshit.
I hope so to. I want to see the other Archbishops animated. I'm hoping it does something like Shingeki where there's only a 6 month break before the next season and that's why they waited for 4 years.

Did they confirm the amount of episodes? For all I know Arc 4 could be covered in 1 cour.

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Yeah, that would be ideal. My main concern is that Tappei started his work on some has some new series in mine and I hope he won't neglect Re:Zero and keep pumping out material that will be adapted. I heard it something with airplanes:

25 episodes and arc 4 is big enough for full 2 cours. they could include some scenes cut from the LN.

>Tappei started his work on some has some new series in mine

Fuck, I meant *Tappei started his work on another project and has a new series in mind

>My main concern is that Tappei started his work on some has some new series in mine and I hope he won't neglect Re:Zero and keep pumping out material that will be adapted.
Well Tappei is still releasing 3-4 volumes for Re;Zero per year, so far so good but I guess things will be different once the LN catches up to the WN.

As much as some people like seething about it... if it's not in the LN then it won't be brought over from the WN. The point of the anime is to sell merch and LN.

The beginning 3rd of arc 4 has subaru heavily grieving over rem in wn. But i expect alot of this to be cut out in the anime.

There's only like one cut scene that even fits anyway, which is I Love Sanctuary. Every other scene that was cut was completely restructured around, you couldn't just plug them back in.

Prepare for the daily assblasted threads.

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So I binged the Director's Cut today and I can't tell the difference from the original save for showing two episodes at once. I remember Anons saying they'd include some cut stuff to set things up for Season 2 but I can't see anything new.

They said they'd have touch ups and at least some new material. From what we can tell, they meant they tweaked the timing of some things and only Julius vs Subaru saw any significant rework. Everything they skipped is still just skipped, the only possible thing they could add left would be the actual ending or a slightly extended ending to the DC that would lead immediately into the conflict of S2. I'm not really expecting much of an extended scne here if anything, just Subaru to talk about Rem a little, Emilia to go 'Who's Rem' and then Pikachu face from Subaru until S2 where they redo the scene with more detail and show the interlude and aftermath as episode 1.

Figured it was something like that. Couldn't remember the first season detailedly enough to notice any subtle differences, but thanks for the confirmation that they actually had some in there.

The only thing they said about it comes from Subaru's VA saying that they've recorded new lines, which is technically correct since the ogre story Subaru tells to Ram was rerecorded. It's not even called "Director's Cut" in Japanese, that's the title Crunchyroll came up with in English. In Japanese it's "New Edit" or something which is technically correct.

Yes. I ignored this series when it was airing thinking it was generic isekai bullshit. With the recent quarantine bullshit I decided to give this series a go out of boredom and binged all of the anime and caught up to Arc 6 of the WN and absolutely love it. Very excited to see Arc 4 animated because reading it was absolutely kino so as long as S2's quality is on par with S1 then I have no doubts that it'll be a decent adaptation at the least.

What are some scenes that were cut in the LN? I read up to Vol 12 of the LN before I switched over to WN and am wondering if I missed anything significant from 10-12.

Read the EX novels.