>Yas Forums told me about a cute and wholesome love story
>it's actually used goods
wtf guys, i trusted you.
Yas Forums told me about a cute and wholesome love story
Why are her ass cheeks so saggy?
probably from sucking thousand of dicks
That was the final draft?
Looks like that picture of half a horse being detailed and the rest a kid's drawing.
Keep reading, senpai is pure
They aren't, they just look like that because she's taking her panties off.
Her lower back was poorly differentiated from her ass
Used goods is fine, if the male love interest isn't a virgin. If he is a virgin, that's a sad pathetic deal for him. Imagine your first love being with a woman who sucked dicked and got cream pies. What a cuck.
is this from a new chapter?
How many pantyshots does the manga have? Just one?
jesus, the anatomy is all over the place
I still don't understand the title.
When did he shave and why does it matter that he shaved
If you are a man, it's your own fault for being a virgin. Don't blame your gf for having more experience than you.
Uhm it's impossible for every guy to get a virgin girlfriend because there's only a limited number of virgin girls on the planet. Once they run out, there aren't any more.
what the fuck is wrong with those legs
The longer I look at it the worse it gets
is it possible to purify used goods?
Just make more women than men
>trusting Yas Forums
How dare men having standards!
Sure user, the problem is that you have standards, it's definitely not that no woman wants to even look at you..
>user, you gotta accept that your gf is a whore!
>Um, I mean, you can't even get laid! Aha!
You're really not the sharpest tool in the drawer, are ya?
With death
New chapter released, english translation where? i only see Indonesian ones
How about something less extreme, like licking all the impurities out of her?
Her ass is weird as fuck.
too many dicks went there
The reality of the situation is, it's not uncommon anymore for women to have a much, much larger bodycount than men. Traditional households is something that is pretty much dead.
>Mohammud mad about women not waiting for him
nice ass fix
and yes, would like to know what they are talking about
>I want my first-time to get with a 10/10 virgin
>what do you mean I'm a 3/10, you've got to have standards
>any girl that had ever had sex is a whore!
Men who are ugly, fat and lazy remain virgins with standards because they dont have any for themselves.
Yet women have ridiculously high standards...
Well, thank god we have surrogacy. If you can't find a worthwhile woman, you just pay a surrogate mother to have your own biological child. There's no better and safer way to start a family.
It's that thing parents tell their kids when they want them to stop bumming around. Title is just an "i did exactly what you said" statement
ITT seething whores
This normalfag bdsm wish-fullfilment soap opera is literally none of those things.
Also OP is an incel.
Women who are fat, ugly and lazy still have a legion of beta slaves for themselves.
Those beta slaves should start looking for alternatives...
>what do you mean I'm a 3/10
To be fair, women are shit at evaluating men's appearance. They put the vast majority of men under 5/10. That shows an utter lack of ability to judge what is average. Also explains why a 5/10 thinks she deserves 8+/10s only
6/10 could have used more buzzwords
i wanted to read this two years ago but stopped because there wasn't enough chapters released, did we get to chapter 30 yet
When is the MC going to report to the authorities or at least find out a little bit about her background? He's going to be in a lot of trouble if the police found her.
>This normalfag
>posts normogatari
lel, what a fag.
Lmao what the fuck is wrong with her legs
Her proportions are fine until you hit the aas cheeks and then her legs are not only out of scale but offset forward
>it's actually used goods
Keep reading, big tittied onee-san is pure
MC isn't smart is only thinking with his dick right now.
and is*
Let's say there are 100 men.
80 of them are below average, say 4/10.
20 of them are perfect, 10/10.
Then the average is 5.2/10
Well, that's an oversimplification. But the point is that you're ugly, deal with it.
The only time a used good is fine when she is widowed and her dead husband was her only sex partner.
Like Yakumo or Kyoko from Maison Ikkoku.
Fine only for pumping and dumping. Putting a ring on it is what makes you a cuck.
Women rate ~60% of men as 3/10 or lower.
Purityfags are mentally ill confirmed.
You keep using that word, I don't think it means what you think it means.
So, you really don't know what it means, then. Okay, kid.
Cheating on your husband after he dies isn't acceptable either.
Only if she's a lesbian.
This thread reeks of Underage B&.
>hating used goods
Mothers are the only exception.
Is this the same artist who did Koi to Uso? The style looks really similar.
Shameful display.
Thats a VERY poorly drawn ass yall
Why does she stand like that?
>stats based on OkCupid data
lmao there's your problem, people who are 5 and above typically don't have to resort to online dating