Other urls found in this thread:
>Act-Age anime is in production
Big if true
Take my mom and money please
>GMO Internet, Inc
It must be SHAFT how is doing it
Wow! Yonagi is tall!
She’s taller than me(163cm)
Learn how to use the name field and subject field, retard.
Why give me hope user?
Kyoani age SOON
They won't just randomly register it like that anyway. It's only happens around the time they announce it in the jump itself. When you understand this, you will never get baited.
Cast the character VAs, Ill start:
Tomoyo Kurosawa
Hayami Saori
Yuuichi Nakamura
Manlets out my fucking board
She’s a stepping stone for Yonagi
sounds like a porn website.
JAV arc finally?
Kei should be voiced by an authentic Tokyo JK, so we get to experience the voice actor improve her voice acting at the same as Kei improves her acting.
Yas Forums is a manlet board, lankets OUT!
What is she pointing at?
Her massive _____
It's gonna be studio Vietkong
Her cute feet!
Her feet are muscular, not cute.
I'm the manlet in my family and peer group and i'm 181, my heart goes out to you.
Which studio should adapt the """inevitable""" adaptation? Unironically Deen.
>Kei can do a perfect split
A1 or IG
Only if they get the Showa Rakugo director.
Kyoani age is happening
I will also take Ufotable
It was shit.
a anime will be cool and shit but i doesn't look like this will do well in anime format. let's wait and see i guess
Vocal performances alone might carry it if they're good. That and a good director.
I hate people who talk about Kyoani, because I know these people hate the story of the manga and the characters. They want an anime with a completely different story than the manga
Hyouka's pretty accurate
They only change stuffs when the source is clearly not good enough.
KyoAni would never ask for act-age on their own and I can't see Shueisha approaching them for an adaptation. Hell, at least Shaft has worked on a Shounen Jump property before.
I hate Kyoani's moeshit visuals.
>I hate Kyoani's moeshit visuals.
It's not 2010 anymore
>all moeshit
What would you say makes this manga compelling to read? I am kinda on the fence after the first 5 chapters
The first chapters are not really that great honestly, I got hooked after the first big arc
The characters' various mental illnesses/antics and the emotional moments,
You should at least read Galactic Railroad before dropping it. Death Island is pretty boring so once you're past the first 20 chapters it only gets better.
I liked it since day one so I can´t help you. If you aren't feeling it, just drop it and move on.
>Hayami Saori
According to our Credible Sources, Act-Age will be adapted by Production IG. You read it here first.
This is literally so fucked up and wrong. I don’t have castings in my head but NO to these
>our Credible Sources
Which are?
IG has an original work, Haikyu s4 part 2, a movie and AOTS4. They’re impossible.
She would be perfect for Yonagi
>According to our Credible Sources,
t. Tom
Who said it will come this year?
> AA anime studio
For me is David productions (Shaft refugees)
same except i'm 179
I don't know why but Act-Age made me remember Bakuma sometimes
That's her (T_T) pose