Is this normal sisterly behavior?

Is this normal sisterly behavior?

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just wholesome bonding between siblings,move along

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It's pretty normal bisexual behavior.

Is this normal sisterly behavior?

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You're a mad lad, but it looks like Rin finally unlocked the siscon route here.

Now that's just lame

at least post the pic as a spoiler my guy


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They are not normal sisters, growing up together is pretty much the only reason why siblings usually don't develop attraction to each other, there is no inherent biological effect, plus since Zouken remodeled every cell of wormsluts body it's argueable that there biological make-up is not nearly as close as siblings should be

tl;dr it's perfectly normal for them to wanna bang each other

I always enjoyed the estranged siblings trope. It makes me think of Yosuga no Sora a bit, in that Sora was in the hospital for a while and came back into Haru's life in such a way it was hard for him to separate "sister" and "pretty girl".

But I do wonder if Rin was always this way. Depending on whether you accept Zero lore, I can recall two specific official arts of young Rin blushing when with Sakura. Regardless, VN is canon, and there's plenty of interesting material there.

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And I mean not to discount Sakura's side in any way. We do have the scene where it's literally said dark Sakura's aroused looking at her sister in distress, and the purposeful teasing Sakura dishes out to to rile Rin up. Incestuous undertones between them isn't too surprising to think about.

They're both straight, so yes.

But neither of them are bisexual.

Right?They're gay

Well I doubt anyone is getting promoted of this, on a Sunday, during a quarantine...

They're heterosexual.

Yes user, they're just hugging.

Okay but who's the top? I'd say Sakura.

Neither because they are both straight.

Definitely Sakura. Rin couldn't stand a chance against her.

This is my kind of thread

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They're straight.

About to dive straight into each other's vaginas you mean.

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They were together until Sakura was 4, and Rin was 5, Westermarck effect would have already been induced in that case if you want to apply it. And we have this:

Plus Rin's clear jealousy as an older sibling all over the VN.

Also no, Nasu says that she is still biologically a Tohsaka, otherwise she would have suffered the same degradation the Makiri faced in moving from Russia to Japan, which would make it a moot point to have her sire. And even if you wanted to make the point that Zouken is an Alzheimers patient with the soul deteriorating his mind, he still has his magecraft skill, so he should know that. If you STILL wanted to say he was just nutzoid (which is true, he threw his supposed lifeline into a pit at 4 years old and thought she would be dead by dawn), Sakura's birthfather knew the Makiri were a degraded bloodline, so if he actually didn't take advantage of the fact Sakura had superior genes, than the point of adopting her would be moot. So whatever bias you may have for Sakura, she still has the Tohsaka genes. Being magically altered doesn't mean genetically changed, or do you believe the white hair Shirou gets means he is genetically different and his children wouldn't have traits of his heritage? Absurd. Sakura is as likely to have black/brown haired, blue eyed children as Rin.

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>he hates and denies his waifu being bisexual
>but still sits in a thread dedicated to said waifu being bisexual with none other than her baby sister
It's like you enjoy being mad and shitposting.

Sorry, that doesn't make them any less thirsty for each other's pussy.


Now this is not normal

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We need more Tohsaka Sakura

Same. UBW gave us Saber if she hadn't become a King, would be very nice if HF3 shows Tohsaka Sakura.

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Is this normal sisterly behavior?

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Not enough evidences, that trail of saliva could mean anything.


all women are lesbians

Yes. But because it's hot i'm willing to imagine they are fucking.

Especially Rin.

Rin's so addicted to pussy she'd fuck her own sister.


Based and redpilled. Broken goods belong in the trash

Rin is bisexual.

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Man everyone want to fuck Rin.
Ishtar using her body make sense.

Rin goes after what she wants, and if Shirou, Saber, and her sister are in her sights, it's game on.

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Why are bisexuals so cumbrained?

I wish at least once we would get Fate variation with female MC getting it on with female servant as anime, or have female Shirou option.

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Granblue has made Djeeta as the MC for the OVAs, no idea why Fate doesn't do that. Just adapt some FGO event like Gudaguda and use Gudako as the MC or something.

Didn't Rin end in one of routes as her sister sex partner after Shirou was gone?

I think they are afraid that Gudako would be too popular and actually has some personality for fans to cheer on than with basic self-insert male-kun where there's nothing.

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That was just one H-doujin.

Sakurachads, don't forget to sing our song!
Lyrics: send it to [email protected] !

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I cant wait to hear all our Yas Forumsutists singing an Aimer song

I hope we get tons of Sakura x Rin doujins after the third movie comes out

So how was movie

We need Fate/Alternate Night to become real!

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