Made in the Abyss

Made me cry like a bitch in the final episode, but still overrated. Definitely not the overhyped masterpiece people led me to believe all this years, saying it was the new Madoka or like Berser, it's just a nice decent story with some dark mood like HxH.
Bondrewd, however, seems to be one of the coolest characters ever and I suspect he's the reason everyone loves the Manga, but the anime isn't quite there yet. Season 2 when?

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>Knowing who Bondrewd is without reading the manga
>Watching the anime without reading the manga, which is why people praised the anime

Fuck off back to Yas Forums

He does show up a bit in the anime but it seems I was spot on, gotta read the Manga

I love my wife Moogie

>made in THE abyss
I have never seen a normier post on this board ever

Not him, but my friend used to call it Into the Abyss.

Read the manga its only like 55 chapters

I love my wife Nanachi!

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um yikers, that's a boy. Please consider this cute girl instead.

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bondrewd's arc in its entirety was already animated, you mouthbreather.

That's a boy too numbnuts

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ngl i'd fuck either one. Am i a fag now?

Yes and also a shota fag congrats.

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That depends. Would you fuck Regu?

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Not that user but i would a Regu

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I love my hubsband Regu

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How are my MiAbros doing this quarantine?

Are you wearing masks?

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There are no masks for the plebes in this country.
So i've been staying home sick with the yellow menace.

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Oh, that sucks. I've read about China sending Europe tens of millions of masks. Read a funny story about Italy getting sent masks because they're the hardest hit European country, but Germany stole that shipment and gave it to other countries in the EU instead. Also Scandi countries like Sweden still have large gatherings and skii resorts/restaurants/bars open.

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Last time I went to college like 2 weeks ago, I went dressed up as close to Bondrewd as I could though I have no helmet.
I'm waiting for the corona apocalypse to be over and only come out dressed like that (and a black facemask) to go with the mood.

>I've read about China sending Europe tens of millions of masks.
They've been selling us millions of many things for a price and our retard governments have been buying them.
And they've all turned out to be non-functional.
Fuck China.

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you need to be +18 to post here

Srajo would be such a dope cosplay during these times. But he's not relevant in this story yet so he doesn't have a huge fanbase. Maybe when he gets an introduction in the manga or have an anime adaptation of him we'll get more cosplays of him. Just needs a virus happening around that time and people could have fun dressing up as him and normal people not knowing it's a cosplay.

Lots of companies are cashing in on the pandemic and selling faulty masks. They all come from different sources so half the masks the Dutch purchased turned out to be faulty, the other half is fine.

In Czech Republic, people can't leave the house without wearing masks. Most family have to make their own cotton masks, which offers barely any protection, but still protection nonetheless.

It's unfortunate the virus is spreading so quickly. We're still a ways off until we get 100% accurate tests. Even the best tests out there only have a 80% accuracy rating, which is nowhere good enough.

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There's a movie coming out which is the next part, which is the bondrewd batshittery everyone loves in this series.

I hope to see this movie soon.

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I wonder if Tsukushi is working hard at home or if he's playing video games.

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Why is there a dead donald duck

Uh, Madoka was way worse than MiB.

I kinda want this, but it's not sold to overseas. Not a virus protection mask of course.

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I've not had human contact this year. So pretty gerat.

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>How to tell everyone in the city that you're a pedo

In a city full of pedos.

>You all go treasure hunting lolis and shotas

In the game, you can find a dead duck on the beach.

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Pure evil.

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How can it be evil when it's to help papa?

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Pure fuzz

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>take a stroll in the woods to get a breath of fresh air
>see this

what do?

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Remind it of social distancing and get brutally raped

God Riko is cute. So was her mother. I like them.


She's alright. Although she's a bit too naive

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yo yo yo

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That slender back though

>that's a boy
And your point is?

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correct answer

Imagine pouring liquor into her back dimple and drinking it out of there. Like those nude body sushi bars and thigh sake.

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My banana's giving me this look again.

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Yea, Tsukushi really knows how to awaken the imagination of the MiA audience.
That being said, it's a little weird that there aren't more images with as detailed backs as this floating around.

Amazing taste my nigger.

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How come Tsukushi is so good at drawing sexy kids? What's his secret?

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>C98 cancelled

Well, shit. I guess that's to be expected since the Olympics was postponed.

Sucks. Because there should be a lot of new MiA material with all the new art coming out of the movies.

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Kids are inherently sexy.
All he has to do is draw them well.

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Imagine that they held an online version instead. Christ, amount of scanned shit that would end up online.

I had solid plans to go see the new movie in theaters with friends and my brothers. Instead we're camping out like STALKERS and doing jack shit while a pandemic shuts everything down. Our counties have shut down all non-essential businesses.

When is there supposed to be a digital copy we can get?

They've only postponed the movie rather than outright cancelling it. Since digital release is always far off (like movies 1 & 2 being 1 year old), I would imagine the theatrical release being pushed back won't have any effect on it.

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Would Bondrewd respect Muzan or would he try to kill him?

Maybe not "kill", but he'd die inadvertently due to being experimented on and kept alive as long as possible as an experiment.

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What if Belovefu was a girl?

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Little girl, big girl, or long girl?