What do you guys listen to while reading manga?

What do you guys listen to while reading manga?

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Liquid DnB

heavy metal

the voice in my head reading the page


Landser, Stahlgewitter, Weisse Wolfe, Blued Eyed Devils, Natural Born Killers, and Skrewdriver.



hentai background noise

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Parents arguing downstairs


user...you listen to that when you read comfy romance manga?



I prefer to do only one thing at once if I want to actually do that thing. I only listen to music when I'm outside, and when I'm doing tasks that do not require my attention such as cleaning, washing dishes, and watching anime.

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i like to listen to things in japanese to get me in the mood, mostly music, but sometimes i put on NHK on the background


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Unironically yes.


Usually just one or two songs, repeatedly.
When I read Kokou no Hito, I played this a lot:
Yotsuba, for some reason it was this:
Berserk, the '97 ost.


most of the time it's just beats to study to type of music


Audio books


Imagine the Untermensch whose thoughts would be limited by inferior human language.

I'd listen to this instead

If I concentrate real hard, I can hear my braincells moving inside my brain. It relaxes me so I usually do that while reading.

wall noisees


I honestly can't tell if this thread is bait or if people actually listen to music while reading

Video game, movie, and anime OSTs.

Can't tell if bait or brainlet.

I mean, if I listen to something that has lyrics, I'll pay too much attention to the lyrics and not read efficiently
If I listen to something with no vocals, I'll just filter it out as background noise and focus on my book
So no, I don't understand why you would want to do both at once. There's a time and place for everything.

erik satie
kashiwa daisuke
any iyashikei OST
the first song off of deathconsciousnesses

I think there's something wrong with you

nothing, I wanna read the fucking manga, not some fucking song

Nothing. Music and reading at the same time overloads the phonological loop in your STM unless you're listening to a song you're already familiar with on loop. But at that point you literally don't process it so what's the point. Anyway I have a particular distaste for mixing media. I don't listen to music reading for the same reason I don't watch a movie while playing videogames. Music time is music time, reading time is reading time.

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Nothing was a good answer, good job anons!

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you watch anime muted?

Usually the OST if the manga has an anime adaptation already with an OST.

Why don't you make a point instead of asking rhetorical questions.

watching anime with it's ost, sfx and dialogs is mixing media. no to mention the reading if you're watching with subs.
check mate

are u dumb?

no, I can mix media and watch unmuted anime with subs just fine

The sounds my head makes while looking at the pages

Visual media these days is indeed a mix of different artforms. The difference between listening to random music while reading is that the music in eg. anime is specifically created for it, and the show is made with the intention of having BGM be played, so the addition of whatever you hear has been carefully considered, making the anime an uninterrupted viewing experience. The anime will insert music and sfx where it is appropriate, mute it when there is important dialogue etc.
On the other hand, random music not meant to be used as BGM is created with the intention to be it's own thing, to be consumed not as an aside but as a main course, and conveys its own themes. It is not created as an enhancement but as an experience of its own.
On the other hand, BGM is made with the same intention as the script, the photography, and all other parts of a visual narrative; it is made to contribute to the show. It works hand in hand with the other moving parts of a show to create one cohesive clockwork of artforms specifically tailored to enhance each other (so music enhances dialogue, dialogue enhances the animation, etc) while also working towards the same goal (delivering an atmosphere and the narrative as best it can)

The dissonance between the intentions of the artists and the two artforms means both will be struggling to tell me two different things, meaning that essentially I will have to consciously choose what to pay attention to. If I'm paying attention to one to get the full experience it intends to provide, why bother consuming the other halfheartedly? On the other hand, BGM was intended to be consumed simultaneously, and is composed in a way that it is unobtrusive.
There might be the one serendipitous moment where the tone of music and written content overlap, but even then, neither was created nor meant to be consumed simultaneously

I don't like to mix media.

But I'll humour you: from now on I'll mute my anime and play blink 182 at the same time

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>from now on I'll mute my anime and play blink 182 at the same time
godspeed dear user

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stealth Yas Forums thread?

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The wonders of silence.

only speed readers listen to music

Idk, im not diagnosed with ADD or anything but I feel like I might have it. Having music in teh background helps keep my mind from jumping around to random thoughts while I just stare at the page. I can do without it but I sometimes end up accidentally thinking about dinner or something I read the day before.


Hair dryer sound mostly. But sometimes I start listening to a specific song that I end up associating with the series and always put in on when reading a chapter. (Don't know moon runes but the tone fits somewhat)

For example, Marry Grave and


Jujutsu Kaisen and

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i get lost if i hear music while reading so nothing

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I can't focus on reading if I have music on the background.

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i dun get it