Akame Ga Kill

Was it really that bad?

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I can freeze time... Yeah it was that bad.

no the girls alone make the show especially esdeath.

Nope. Just tons of unnecessary deaths.

the "bad guys" were more entertaining and fun to watch than virgin faggot mc and his gay band

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Wasn't this like on the top 10 best anime of all time in some rankings?

Its in the same level of shingeki where its all shock factor. Good concept and beginning, but then it loses its spark and you realize the story is shit.
So was sword art online? Weebs will always glorify shit anime.

This. The Jaegers>>>>>>Night Raid

Except Seryu. She can go fuck herself.


On the contrary, it was nice that the author didn't bitch out on killing main characters but he fucked up with killing everyone people actually liked.

I'm not complaining that they died but how it happened. Many were completely unnecessary and forced, especially the deaths that happened toward the end.

Dropt after Lubbock getting tortured and dying while Tatsumi gets his dick sucked.

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Lubbock's death still upsets me to this day. Well, at least Najenda showed sadness regarding his death in the manga, contrary to the anime were her and the other members just didn't seem to care at all.

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It was upsetting but epic at the same time, it's probably the most appropriately timed death that didn't happen for shock value only if I recall correctly.

>ow the edge: the anime

Yes it was

Are you kidding me?

Akame Ga Kill is the greatest anime series of all time. It is the antithesis of Dragonball Z.

Akame Ga Kill is only 24 episodes long, one season. It doesn't drag on forever, like Dragonball Z. Watch 24 episode and you're done.

In Akame Ga Kill everyone dies (almost) like in Hamlet. Fucking no one ever dies permanently in Dragonball Z, except minor characters or antagonists.


Only worth it for the blonde girl

i found it jarringly obvious they took half the title and the style/font from Kill la Kill as the flag of their series.

i mean, it was even made a year later

Esdeath was the best girl.

Akame Ga Kill wasn't bad, but it squandered a lot of its potential by rushing through the material. For example, as others mentioned, the show wasn't afraid to kill off major characters. However, it often killed them before we got really attached to them.

And there were some interesting ideas. The Imperial Arms, for example, are unique magical artifacts . . . that might actually be alive. Or having much of the plot defined by the conflict between those who want to reform the corrupt empire, versus those who want to burn it to the ground.

Made me read fanfiction to see if it could have been good.

It was too simple in terms of plot.
>Government completely corrupt, Revolution completely good.
Night Raid even tells Tatsumi that they're murderers, but they only killed people who anyone would agree deserves to die. It would be nice to have had some decent people trying to fix the Empire from the inside (Budo was a massive disappointment) while others in the revolution trying to profit off the chaos it would create.

Tatsumi was also too naive and never really grew as a character, making him like every other Shounen MC.

In all honesty, the only thing this show had going for it, were the attractive women.

Pretty awful

Killing MCs even when we never got a chance to really know them, and in the most bullshit ways possible. Lubbock got done in by some fodder that didn't even have 5 pages.

Autistic Teigus. What would an Emperor create a microphone for?

Forced edginess to the point that it makes no sense. Surely a society can't survive if the nobles are massacring everyone in broad daylight, right? And why would you have these sociopaths lead your country? See the thing about the lower classes is that they vstly outnumber the Nobles. You get two scenarios. Either 1, you get rebellions popping up all over the place (Which you would think would be reason to keep raping with sand paper condoms under wraps), 2. You kill so many peasants that there isn't enough of them to fulfill menial task, and when even they know they wont live long because there is no guarantee some rich guy won't use their skulls as a wine glass, they have no reason to participate economy.

Raping Awell renown war heroe's wife and daughter on the grave of said hero, and then no consequeces being dealt. I don't care how " hardcore"the Empire is, you'd have revolts up the ass. Why the hell would you fight for someone who could potentially do that to your family? Not to mention Wild Hunt basically was mudering and raping people in borad daylight with no consequence. How could any society function like that? It's so childishly edgy that I completely stopped taking the show seriously. The author was trying his hardest to make his series seem grim

" I can stop time".

I know it's anime but "15 year old assassins".

Letting Honest run the god damn kitchen sink, let alone a country.

Manga? No, Anime? yes.

Her power was literally freezing stuffs.

Oh yea I forgot

" I've raped and murdered so many kids that I don't even remember your class of first graders."

Different user, but freezing shit has nothing to do with STOPPING TIME.

Surely how could anyone beat the Empire if they have shit like that. How did they not take over the world.

She froze the concept of time itself.

You at like that was supposed to justify anything.

She had no business having a power like that, at the very least coming from a teigu that can just freeze shit.

It's literally O MY RUBBER NEN but played straight.

That sounds honestly 10 times more retarded.

Never read the manga and didn't finish the last 5 or 6 episodes maybe. I got tired of everyone just dying. Towards the end I would just think which character would die this episode. Not very fun to watch. One of the best deaths and parts in general that I did watch though was bulats death. He was developed enough and his death was pretty damn satisfying. I think the fight scenes were above average if I remember. Also I don't care what anyone says killing off so many main characters like fodder is not good no matter how developed or not they are.

You should've seen the shitshow on Yas Forums when the head on a pike panel came out.
Good lord.

it's like a 4/10

hot bitches, that's about it

Both anime and manga sucked
Zero was pretty damn compelling, and would've made a far better anime. And the girls were 1000% better (as were the boys)
Hinowa, I don't believe for a second that Takahiro will kill off any of the dumb kids. And it's gonna be 30 chapters: still no thought about how this war for unification is just about greed from everyone involved? C'mon son!

Of course not, it is one of my favorites.

So much this. And they were miles better in the manga.

Night Fail is for underage redditards.
Jeagers is for cultured elitists.

Estreshtards never cease to amaze me.

didn't the green guy die in DBZ ?

At first, this is a pretty pathetic way for a murderous assassin to go, especially compared to the Oarbourgh clan that trained her

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>Government completely corrupt, Revolution completely good.
No? Like, no? That's the point of The Jaegers and Night Raid. Also this is a series that "started at the end", you weren't going to see much character development from any side just different aspects of each character which we got to see and Tatsumi in fact developed, this is the reason he joined Night Raid to begin with, this is literally more than what let's say Deku have developed in like 90 episodes, and just now I notice that we did got some good character development with characters like Wave and Kurome, fuck, this series is amazing.

>he actually likes it

You just called all Hunter x Hunter shit.
>How did they not take over the world.
To be more precise Esdeath had that, not the Empire, Esdeath is like a motherfucking beast on a little rope tied to a rock, the Empire can only make her happy, not fully control her, also in a matter of fact take over the world is what the Empire was slowly doing, this series even makes more sense than Hunter x Hunter now.

But then again, Barbra was warning people about the right state of mind for an assassin. And Chelsea didn't pay attention to it until it is too late.

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To be honest, Wave and Kurome were the only good things came from this manga. They were actual characters and even the chemistry between them was good.

Takahiro did something right.

> Hnter X Hunter's worldbuilding is somewhat lacking, but it's been very consistent.

> To be more precise Esdeath

Teigus existed for a millennium. So the Empire had access to Esdeath's teigus during that time.

Killing main characters just to prove that you're hardcore is an objectively stupid move. Characters are the most valuable currency a story has. They take a long time to build up and give the events of the story context and a sense of scale that the audience needs in order to give a fuck. Getting rid of one needs to come with a massive return because you're losing a major reason for the audience to give a fuck about your story.

This, look at TTGL, it does it perfectly

Natala had a really terrible run in life. He and Lubbock can bond about all the BS they put up with

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Grimderp: the anime

She doesn't freeze time she literally just freezes everything around her. It's the whole reason Tatsumi was still able to move.

Dude, what? That's not how fucking Teigus work, Esdeath was the only crazy bitch that tried it and survived where everyone else died, that's one, also I already forget the name of the other "Low Teigus" but there are the Teigus, which are the real shit made 1000 years ago and then there were the "Low Teigus" that were special artifacts that were not much different from common weapons, while there is information lacking on the times before the Empire went full evil we still have information on why things are the way they are now and that's all that matters.

The problem with AgK wasn't killing the characters, the deaths were perfect and hold a lot of emotional charge behind them, the real problem was the author killing off ALL the characters without introducing new ones to the mix, this made the story near the end kinda boring/lacking, I still believe the anime killed the manga hard, it just went ahead too far and left the author with limited options on what to do with the story.

Did Zero ever got translated?

I haven't read the series since it ended it, so my mind is a bit fuzzy, but if I recall there is nothing really special about Esdeath? she's just a dominatrix with a hard on for social darwinism. Surely anyone who used the teigus would have tried that. The Emperor who made the teigus would have known about the abilit right? Surely he would have scoured the world to make sure someone could wield that kind of power right?

If it literally came from nowhere, then it's an asspull, user.

I didn't really give a shit about the characters or the plot when watching Akame ga Kill, it's just a below average show in all regards. I remember some of the fights looking cool, but I can't remember a single thematic element or any part of the story that was interesting.

All of it

What the fuck is even this post, this post is way too stupid for me but I'll try to answer regardless
>but if I recall there is nothing really special about Esdeath?
Esdeath was very special and was raised in a culture similar to those of vikings to put it simple, at the end all of her people got murdered and her father last words finished to deprive her of any emotion which lead her to be the psychopath we know and love, is that what you mean? Esdeath is a very special warrior raised on cold lands, is that what you are asking?
>Surely anyone who used the teigus would have tried that
Yes? People tried and died, some of the real Teigus are some sort of living things that have to accept you to work.
>Surely he would have scoured the world to make sure someone could wield that kind of power right?
So, if you were the king you would just give an unique ancestral weapon to some random Joe? And maybe they did but once again, everyone would just fucking die, what a stupid king you are man.

I guess is time to dig in.

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It wasn't awful, just wasted potential.

user, don't resort to ad hominems.

> Esdeath was very special...

That wasn't my point. What I was getting at is that she's just a normal human (Well, as normal as any other character). She doesn't have some bloodline, special ability. I's just a normal woman with a powerful teigu. If so, then surely the Empire would have found someone to master a teigu with the ability to god damn stop time.

> Yes? People tried and died...

And yet some normal chick could do it? Just some girl? It's non nonsensical user. If I was the Emperor, and I knew one of my teigus could STOP FREAKING TIME, then I wouldn't rest until I could fine someone who could master it.

user, think about it. This isn't some monster or some sword that can shoot air slashe or a canon. This teigu can STOP FREAKING TIME. Everything else is just lip service. The Emperor who built it KNEW about it. If he didn't, and your antagonist pulled it out of her ass, then it's an ass pull.

> So, if you were the king you would just give an unique ancestral weapon to some random Joe? And maybe they did but once again, everyone would just fucking die, what a stupid king you are man.

Of course I would mold him, train him, and maybe kidnap his famly so he's loyal to me. That seems like a fair trade in having a powerful soldier WITH THE ABILITY TO STOP TIME.

Not only is it completely ridiculous that the author managed to correlate freezing shit with literally manipulating space time, but if the EMpire had his ability then EVERYONE IS SCREWED.

It's just one of the many things in Akame ga Kill that is just bad writing.

I could even swallow that Esdeath had some legendary danger beast shit or combined or used teigus in conjunction with each other ( At the expense of maybe her life span or something). But how it is presented in the manga is completely ridiculous.

I dropped this series on the first episode where they had that little girl do the retarded evil face and give a speech about how peasants deserve to get tortured by the elites

The plot was hella retarded.

Meaningful death: Bulat, Run
Disturbing death: Sheele, Chelsea,
The fuck were they thinking?: Budo, the Four Demons, Lubbock