Why do people act like being a shonen is a bad thing?

Why do people act like being a shonen is a bad thing?

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Because it is

moeturds are mentally ill

It doesn't lend itself to good writing most of the time

>anyone who doesn't like generic battle shounen is a moefag
copers gonna cope

>good writing
This is such a meme

Because people have never seen a good shounen

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The simplicity of shonenshit's approach is the logic of a power fantasy, they're just vehicles for cartoon fights, not a realistic, believable story. If a story or conflict can be resolved simply with chatacters fighting and throwing laser beams is obvious you're not even trying to put together a compelling plot. Only retards like fighting anyway that's why shounen shit has its reputation, because its plots revolve around and are resolved by fighting.

That's why the term soft seinen was created for series like HxH and SnK, ones where the plot development is organic and does not revolver solely around fights and defeating the next tough guy.

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You'll understand when you grow older.

Most of SnK and HxH is solved through fights/action though?

So what you're saying is: Steven Universe is a seinen, got it.

Hunter hunter is a manga aimed at young boys and their is nothing wrong sure it appeals to adults to but their is no inherent problem with being a shonen

Wrong when it comes to HxH, but regardless you're confusing a realistic depiction of violence with shounen fighting, which is but a cartoon of it. When Eren mass murders all of those innocent people or Meruem is killed by a cheap bomb by poisoning, that's actual grey and realistic violence like in Hamlet (e.g. when Laertes gets poisoned), not cartoony "hero MC powers up and defeats the evil baddie" like you see in Wan Piss, Dragon Ball and their ilk. Why do you think battle shounen is the most derided genre in animemanga along with Isekai? If a story or conflict can be resolved simply with chatacters fighting and throwing laser beams is obvious you're not even trying to put together a compelling plot. No shonenshit has ever faithfully represented violence.

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>If a story or conflict can be resolved simply with chatacters fighting and throwing laser beams is obvious you're not even trying to put together a compelling plot.

any half decent shonen is about outwitting your opponent, and games/strategy are entertaining to see unfold

People ashamed to admit they enjoy reading YA fiction.

Honestly, HxH is way overrated. The first few arcs are good for a shounen, but it's nothing groundbreaking. It's not much better than the original Dragon Ball, or say One Piece. The Chimera Ant arc had a lot of potential, but suffered from terrible pacing and wasn't designed well for the medium. Togashi should have published it as a light novel, not as a manga. Anyone with more than a few brain cells can see that.

Based, fuck shonenfags.

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The Gon vs Pitou fight was going on at the same time as the Meruem fight; yes you're right, Meruem was killed by a nuclear explosion, and this subverts common shounen tropes. But the Gon vs Pitou fight was just "hero MC powers up and defeats the evil baddie" and nothing else. Togashi wanted to have it both ways.. eat his cake and have it too.. and you guys don't even notice it.

People like you makes me feel embarrassed as a hunter fan, Jesus. If what you're saying is true then stuff like LOTR, The Illiad, literally any epic fantasy or mythology isn't compelling in any way meanwhile edgy garbage that just has realist violence is. Stuff like One piece is more about Adventure and fantasy then fights, the fights are used as a story telling tool in most cases, HunterxHunter is more about fights even, which is why Togashi has created such a great magic system. Get your head out of your Ass.You're trying way too hard to sound smart, but you're only showing off how narrow minded you are.

Because teenagers want to seem mature and the retards here think in extremes. They don't even really know what shonen means and the wide variety of shows the term encompasses. Any Form of story telling can be compelling if executed correctly but the people here are too narrow minded to understand that. Really it would be better if people could appreciate great Battle shonen like hunterxhunter or incredible Adventure shonen like one piece as well as stuff like K-on and Evangelion. But sadly that's not the case. The people here would not be able to understand literary merit if it hit them in the face. Just look at the narrow minded tween hunterfags in this thread who are trying way too hard to seem mature and separate their battle shonen from others so that it won't be unjustly derided. problem is they end up unjustly deriding other great shonen as well in the process. They're like the mentally weak people that try really hard to fit in at the cool kids table

Nigger, you’re falling for the huntard bait. They know it’s a joke. Everyone knows.

K-ON is seinen though.

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I know

Because it's media aimed at children, and all media aimed at children is simplistic and dull unless it's secretly aimed at adults (e.g. the little prince)

>"Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up." - C.S Lewis

I want to watch C. S. Lewis read Eromanga-Sensei in public.

You dumb spic. C.S Lewis was referring to fairy tales, which have origins going back thousands of years and are rich in cultural and literary value, unlike regurgitated shonenshit.

Being aimed towards kids doesn't automatically mean something is bad, but it does make it much more likely since the creators have to work with limiters on. And in the case of shonenshit (i.e. what described), they are in the "trash for kids" category.

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>they're just pretending to be retarded

They literally are

>since the creators have to work with limiters on.
Sometimes that's a good thing

>You dumb spic. C.S Lewis was referring to fairy tales, which have origins going back thousands of years and are rich in cultural and literary value, unlike regurgitated shonenshit.
You're basically proving his point. Using words like cultural and literary value like you're smart. If you don't think something like dragon ball or one piece, both of which are cultural phenomena have any value then you're delusional. There's nothing about those fairy tales that were different than shonen either, they were the shonen of their time.

Not if you're The Gray Man or Hiei

hxh subverts tropes, it doesn't deconstruct them as pretentious reddit users and shitposters want you to believe

The hiatus is bad.

Gon literary loses his ability to use nen and he nearly died...

To C.S Lewis fairyt tales were the same thing shonen and super heroes are to kids now. Of course some stuff for kids has more literary merit than others but that wasn't his point and he'll probably consider you a brainlet with arrested development.

and they never will because no one wants to learn japanese boardgames in order to understand the fucking series

Yes LOTR is shit. It copped out of a magic system, there's no appreciable geopolitics, and at every turn Tolkien leans on good vs evil as the organizing principle of the universe. The Iliad is about actual war, not shonen fighting, stop shitposting.

Wan Piss is almost entirely fights. The East Blue arcs, Alabasta, Skypiea, Water Seven/Enies lobby, Thriller Bark, Fishman Island, Punk Hazard and Dressrosa = Big cartoony tyrant with his minions are ruling a place/island, strawhats come to said place/island they help the people, defeat the minions and Luffy beats the final boss. Luffy is only equipped to solve problems by yelling at them and punching them very hard. So much so that the previously less punchable world government which was an amalgamation of noble assholes and bureaucrats. Now has Im-sama now gives Luffy a very obvious target to punch to solve that problem.

Nen has little to do with fights nor does it supersede realistic violence or diplomacy retard. See Yorknew, see Meruem's death, see the current arc. The Succession War is basically an analogue for The Cold War and Nen is the "unconventional weapon" of choice. There is a huge focus on deterrence, counterproliferation and maintaining the balance all throughout.

Grow up. ALL BATTLE SHOUNEN ARE FOR RETARDS AND MANCHILDREN. No sane adult. No intelligent adult could ever be entertained or excited about fighting shounen. Battle shonen is a genre aimed at 12 yr old kids. Worst genre in manga, as bad and dead brain as Isekai in anime.

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Killua can just tell his sister to bring it back lol

Didn't Go-ku die when Meru- I mean Cell blew up in a giant explosion?

actual autism

Makes sense CS Lewis was a shounentard. He did write isekai wish fulfillment series in his time.

because they were sold on hxh being "deconstructive subversion of the shonen genre" by youtube bloggers and now are insecure about their gateway anime being for literal children

>chrollotard gets BTFO and can't help but keep sperging on

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I love shounen!

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Wouldn't it be cool if Jesus was your buddy but like not like Jesus the man? I mean Jesus as a big literal lion!

>hxhtards making spectacles of themselves again trying to rationalize why they read comics for children

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Gon vs Pitou is a cold-blooded murder and torture, it's portrayed as such, not a fight, Pitou doesn't even land a hit until after she's already dead. There is no "hero" here, only grey characters with conflicting interests. Gon literally threatens to kill an innocent girl in the previous scene. There is no MC committing cold blooded murder in shonenshit. Your severe lack of reading comprehension is insulting to me. You are just some dumb shonen anime baby who will never appreciate HxH (literally Hamlet level storytelling).

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at this point I think they are just falseflagging, nobody can lack this much self awareness

this proves that there are two hunter x hunter fans :

1 -chrollo chad, loves literature, HxH,Loves the way Togashi conduces the history in a intelligent way and how hxh is NOT like shonen,loves smart strategys and smart dialogues.

2 - The shonen fag Hisoka fan that wants Hisoka to kill all the characters of the serie.Well,if u fit in the number one just ignore those who belong to number 2

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>HxH (literally Hamlet level storytelling).


will hisocucks ever recover?

You couldn't even begin to understand what Hunterchads are talking about Pablo, go work on your comprehension skills but more importantly, cope.

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I'm sure HxH gets translated into Spanish. Don't be racist just because he is from Mexico. It's not like you are reading HxH in its original language either


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phantom jobber nobody cares about your 80 paragraphs essay, chrollotards will get CLOWNED

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>"i'm eop therefore everyone is eop"
Great projection Pablo.

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I like the subtext around Alluka but she screws the aesthetic and style of HxH so badly I honestly might consider her a bigger blunder than anything you could find in Dragon Ball

pretty impressive user ngl

Based hunterchad BTFO these shounenbabies

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Because shounen is boring

>"hero MC powers up and defeats the evil baddie"

It's other shounenfags trying to seem more mature than they really are.

>Grow up. ALL BATTLE SHOUNEN ARE FOR RETARDS AND MANCHILDREN. No sane adult. No intelligent adult could ever be entertained or excited about fighting shounen. Battle shonen is a genre aimed at 12 yr old kids. Worst genre in manga, as bad and dead brain as Isekai in anime.

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High IQ post

What the fuck happened to the art quality around ch 180?
did he dump all his assistants one day or something?

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k-on is garbage