>Runs the sword of the hero he killed earlier through the women who loved him
Isekai MC's are so cool especially when they're more than willing to kill.
She was a crazy bitch, though its a shame she died a virgin.
Yeah, finally a mature manga and not pussy shit
>though its a shame she died a virgin.
The kind, cute, and gentle isekai MC made sure she didn't pass on with her hymen intact how wonderful.
I don't like revenge Isekai, too edgy for me.
Dumb slow-life are my thing
Based comfynigger. The only one that's too much for me is Slowlet there is not one likeable supporting character.
Does this belong here?
Her first appearance seemed so nice too. I wonder how long until there is a threesome with someone more normal.
What do you think of slightly edgy slow-life?
No great revenge plot, no war, no looming apocalypse, but every now and then some blood is spilled and the protagonist is fine with that.
Grooming kino is accepted anywhere.
Regardless of whether the protagonist gets a harem or not, do you prefer girls who happily accept being part of a harem (or even proactively help the protagonist with the recruitment of more harem members) or girls who are fiercely opposed to the idea?
Second who slowly become the first. Novem is my favorite character.
Especially when they are edgy sadistic.
Happy to be part of one, or help with recruitment. I'd rather see the harem work together to convince a MC to accept it than have them fight each other and get in the way whenever something might happen.
Something like Rokujouma where the girls are basically working together to drag their man off to the rape cave because they're kinda backed up by this point.
Fiercely against, but I just like it when each member is memorable in some way.
Wicked Trapper: Hunter of Heroes
Not enough harems that try that are successful.
These edgy revenge style isekai mangas have started to become more one sided I feel. Usually it’s built up over time but it seems like with most of the newer ones the MC is OP from the start and immediately starts his revenge. I’ve also noticed that whenever I read one of these I start listening to edgy anime music and numetal from the early 2000s
Why is there a random blood vessel popping up on his face?
Like the only good revenge isekai thing I've read so far is Lampoonman, everything else spends too much of its time LIVING ON THE EDGE with its casts being a psychopathic protag and people who are so cartoonishly evil they're impossible to take seriously, and then there's maybe a female lead that's either a (former) demon lord or random slave that got abused so hard she went crazy.
Is there anything more pathetic than loser revenge fantasies?
For the added edge factor.
He is chronically pissed.
They're literally just stress outlets, some people do it by screaming, others do it by hitting shit and then there's people that do it by vomiting on paper. No sense in taking them seriously unless the writer is sincerely trying to make a point, at that point you're free to laugh at them.
Most isekais take place in kingdoms but the kingdom period of a land is usually early as eventually all land histories becomes a series of revolving empires. This applies to island nations as well, Japan was once a bunch of small southern kingdoms that unified into Nippon then nommed everything up north. Britain was once Anglo kingdoms, and Ireland is the same. Even the Medi area unified into a single empire the Roman Empire, so isekais having so many medieval small kingdoms doesnt make much historical sense unless they had a fallen empire era 1000 years before that kingdom existed.
I don't really have anything against the authors, some are probably just in it for the money and rely on losers as a devoted and stable reader base.
But the the people who read this. Do they not realize that there is basically the nipponese jew on their shoulder, stroking their cock and whispering "imagine if you fucked up all your high school bullies and humiliated Stacey in front of them"
Is this redo the healer?
Can you name one like that?
Jimi na Kensei?
When talking about these settings you have to come to grip with the fact that they're stuck in stasis until the protag starts pulling shit out of their ass and then revolutionizes them and starts advancing society via the wonders of mayo. Things are how they are because cliches say they have to be that way.
Sometimes all you want is your boner stroked, even if it's by a filthy Jew.
You're reading way too much into it just to stroke your own ego by spouting such bullshit. Vindication and revenge as been a literary driver since forever.
Lampoonman isn’t a revenge isekai though. Sure, it has revenge as a strong plot element in it and it strongly referenced count of monto cristo, but it doesn’t revolve around “taking revenge”. Klein’s motivations primarily revolve around going home and survival.
We meat again.
But it doesnt make any sense revolving empires are inevitable so the isekai protag should be sent into an empire that needs his help not a kingdom.
I hope this is bait.
The age of gaysekai is coming. Rejoice.
Whats a better setting? Landlocked or coastal kingdom?
Sky kingdom
It's not about making sense, it's about evoking recognizable cliches, and most people really, really don't care about the why or how of things as long as they can kill some time with the story.
Anything with multiple continents. Isekai in general feels way too small scale.
But you need the industrial revolution in order for casual intercontinental travel so not possible unde isekai my man.
How do you define empires?
Is the Kingdom of France an empire in 1500?
A big ass country.
Mediterrenean Kingdom?
Temperate Forest Kingdom?
Boreal Forest Kingdom?
Which is the more aesthetic setting?
But where will the forest go?
>Teleportation circles
>Mass reared dragons
>Flying on swords casually moving multiple times faster than the speed of light
Realistfags are the worst.
>any of the above
Steppe/prairie is the only valid biome.
Also self-respecting people people live in yurts, not glorified mudhuts or wageslave prison complexes.
Sure the protags can get there but an industrial economy is needed to justify intercontinental travel between nations.
I know
But is anyone reading this?
I have hard time figuring outbif this is supposed to be edgy or just a comedy about some speedrunning murderhobo.
It was too euphoric for me.
>Those things can't as common as the stars in the sky and commercialized
You're nothing but a frog in a well.
Realistfags are the worst.
bullying is a spook. If you were "bullied" it's probably because of something you did that tipped off everyone to your true shitty nature.
What they did to the mc wasn't bullying it was slavery and torture.
Gooks do well in intermingling different tones so it can be all that.
Then why the fuck are they still in a medieval era if their tech is that fast?
Dragons in general destroy isekais because they would really augment the efficiency of a civilization. No need for shitty horses when you can just use dragons to trade shit instead much faster.
Why does Earth's current modern life need to be the example other worlds should strive for?
In the ones where there are types of dragons that people can ride, they are often limited to the military and there aren't enough for any large scale trading.
Because its realistic? Medieval stasis is due to no industrialization if a world has magic that makes the industrial revolution look like a joke then its medieval technology stasis is completely fucking retarded.
Dragons are ballista bait, just punch a nice bloody hole in one of their wings and gravity will kill its ass.
Would puncturing a dragon's throat make its neck explode when it tried to use fire breath?
Don't read fantasy if what you want is just a recount of a notEarth's industrialization. Realistfags are the worst.
It probably depends on the source of fire.