Magia Record

Poor sayaka, things just got too out of hand.

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AOTS we need more smug eroha edits

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What did she mean by this?

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So what's the deal with Keeb the Baby Kyubei?

That Yachiyo can't get away with it anymore.

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Madaoka meme: Lost her head
MagiReco meme: Out of hand, actual guro

I knew this spinoff wouldn't be very good because they are advertising some game, but damn at the least it could have been coherent. There are so many characters that don't actually make any sense. And so much dialog that goes nowhere. It's like watching an acid trip. I don't remember the original Madoka being that pretentious about... Well, nothing of substance.

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Anons, who should I choose for my first free 4 star fate weave? I guess I get Monoko from the game without using it? I like her, but should I use it on someone I would not get?

Wait what the actual fuck happened?

Madoka or Mami
Don't worry about Momoko, she is summoned whenever you try to roll on a limited girl banner.

Terminator Sayaka is great.

Madoka or Mami are good for PvE. Momoko is trash.

it was supposed to be shit, you dont get it

Don't spread lies. I'm still waiting for her.

Don't pick Momoko as your free 4*, she's pretty niche gameplay-wise. Madoka will carry you in PvE.

They're all of equal rarity, you aren't guaranteed to get Momoko. Madoka is the most desired because she lets you cheese almost everything but she isn't required, just pick whoever you like (except Mitama, she's really bad). People meme about Momoko but she's reasonably strong.

Am I on Yas Forums or Yas Forums?

I have her 4 slotted. Guess she doesn't love to spoil you, user.

Madoka or Mami. Madoka is queen of PVE due to her easily abusable Magia and Mami works well with others when setting up stun locks against bosses.
>free Momoko
You can pick her from supports, but you’re pretty likely to get her. The girls you’re going to want to focus on getting after your free nat 4 for the time being are Reco cast. Felicia gets her 5* uncap and doppel on Monday.

Was there any show where the cute pink hair and the autistic dark hair fucked (or at least kissed)?

Thanks good anons. I also got a punchy meguca, so I am Ok with that.


I'm from /vg/ but if they are gonna talk about the game they should just do it there

You are /vg/!

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Literally hitler

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Did anyone else loved the mindbroken mami?

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my beenus weenus did

I don't think I understood yet how the timeline is supposed to work in the first place. It probably isn't.

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Snaassin's creed.

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I didn't like her in episode 10 of the original why would I like her here?

You're supposed to like Mami's big tits

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Iroha did absolutely fucking nothing.

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>having tea while Mami's the one doing work

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for me, it's rena

I love every Mami
Even 3ddp one!

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Which is why she's right.

The Yachipedo getting what she deserves

That will never happen. Smaller are better.

Sieg heil

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Who here ready for Ashley Chelsea Taylor's Chou-CAWAII anime shorts while we're waiting for S2?


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...and Mami once again loses hear head...

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Iroha did more in this episode than the entire rest of the show.

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Don't worry, hopefully sayaka will give her a hand

2nd hand clothing contest? really?

Thanks user. Heal is vital.

>the only interesting scene in the whole anime was made up of old characters fighting each other
>shilling brazilian night for an epic cliffhanger
what went so damn wrong?

>It starts feeling good after the 100th time Yachiyo-shisho

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question for gachafags. when yachiyo said her wish was to survive, does this mean she's essentially invincible and immortal now?

It’s funny that she lost the same arm that Kyousuke couldn’t use.

I thought this cutie would be a main character for the anime...

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Better mc than Madoka.

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Sooo, what's Iroha's plans after defeating the WoM?

>Sayaka gets her hand blown off
>tsukyo gets her leg broken
>Mami gets her head bit off
We just need Kuroe to get her entire torso exploded next cour to build an entire magical girl out of damaged parts

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The snaa episodes were kino

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Oh hey it's that one purple girl for our designated cameo this episode

I just found a Chinese wolverine.

your favourite

Alright I chuckled.

Iroha did more for my dick this episode than the entire rest of the show.

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the amanes are precious

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She took it to mean that people would sacrifice themselves to save her if she were the leader. Iroha relieves her of that worry by becoming leader.


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Nah, bitch.
Iroha is too dumb. Madoka was at least smart enough and competent enough to at least have an emotional reaction to things.

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Why I am reading about a gyaru picking out clothing for others at a 2nd hand clothing sale?

There's a reason why she's called Eroha

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That is hell of a loop hole.

NA exclusive weeb meguca event.

What happened to Nemu?
Wasn't the one of the Hitlers too?

So was it 6/10 or 7/10?

Too busy dying from Magic Cancer because Iroha keeps killing things

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It was the show is only halfway over/10.

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I want this to be a meme now.

8/10 thanks to Eroha.

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Made me miss Yuki Yuna/10

What was Iroha last words?

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>Sayaka walking on Yachiyo's spears
That is some neat meguca combination right there

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pretty cool final episode, if only all the other were like this

that said, any link for the ed of this episode?


What the fuck

6/10+2 of madoka bonus so 8/10 for me

eh seemed kinda rushed everything was thrown at you

Run fool

13 out of 26 episodes. I rate it 8/10 so far.

So paid gems are different from normal gems?

Enjoyable but flawed

It’s how Yachiyo’s interpreted her wish. Reality is meguca is just fucking dangerous and Yachiyo’s not cut out for leadership. Next season should have an arc dedicated to Yachiyo realizing [spoilers]she’s treated her cute Tsuruno-kohai like shit for years[/spoiler]

Next season.