Draw your favorite anime character in ms paint

Draw your favorite anime character in ms paint

Attached: das it mane.png (775x768, 41.94K)

already done in different versions.

Attached: Rei's.png (384x259, 12.08K)

that one too.

Attached: Asuka's.png (488x282, 14.64K)

Why is Donovan your favorite character? Tell me about it?

Everything I done with Eva.

Attached: Eva Characters MS Paint.png (1162x542, 77.24K)

Draw a photo first
Nice you are the next Picasso user

Attached: C96ADBD6-842C-479B-87D7-B8CF5FAD46D5.jpg (415x415, 29.4K)

Attached: seb is dead.........png (1050x672, 45.88K)

Ok, here's the big-nosed gambler.
Now, tell me what do you like about Donny?

Attached: kaiji i guess.png (822x642, 21.99K)

He is the guy who started Guts’ journey, without Donavan Berserk could not be.

Holy shid
A benis was in my ohagi

Attached: tfw benis.png (704x396, 67.7K)

Attached: foid.png (1421x724, 29.59K)

Attached: shit.png (646x550, 40.21K)

Attached: Untitled.png (400x351, 8.75K)

I like Shiki and Shiki

Attached: destroyer of worlds.png (871x877, 37.36K)

Im terrible with PAINt

Attached: pain.png (400x300, 17.89K)


Attached: KINO.png (822x642, 18.24K)

cringe thread?

Attached: chadphos.png (535x536, 61.78K)

Which anime?


Attached: darn.png (600x400, 7.17K)

What’s anime? I just drew a picture of myself.

Sad that you didn’t get any replies for this, based initial d user

Desler in a wig.

Attached: Untitled.png (456x570, 60.2K)

houseki no kuni but she doesn't take that form until the manga

Midori fuse for design

Attached: 774A8E30-1549-4492-B6F7-244EFF33ADF7.png (683x384, 35.24K)

Attached: thurgo.png (1131x834, 128.51K)

It's hard to make straight lines using your pants as a mousepad.

Attached: 1557191186410.png (1250x886, 31.58K)

El Ogro de las Americas?

but i use linux

not an excuse
also it's gnu/linux

Attached: 1499840223037.jpg (507x800, 101.9K)

Attached: gyrozeppeli.png (5216x2797, 362.04K)


Attached: sufferboy.png (805x462, 35.31K)


Attached: KINO.png (882x862, 55.42K)

that golden leaf can suck my dick

Attached: phos.jpg (548x557, 107.49K)

Attached: anime.jpg (640x400, 56.52K)

FtM tranny Asuka

Attached: mc of the year.jpg (751x742, 46.8K)

Attached: best_shichibukai.png (906x646, 23.68K)

[confused despair]

Attached: kino punch paint.png (714x703, 28.64K)

Did you sing the song as you drew him?

Attached: Untitled.png (906x646, 13.12K)

Thats too well done anone pls this is a talentless board. Keep the quality down to a minimum.

You're a louse, user.
But a man of wonderful taste.

Attached: 1436824114523.jpg (1024x576, 109.62K)

If repeating "kaminari, pikari" over and over counts as singing it, then yes.

Attached: C70957D4-A25D-45A4-89A1-C8036B208C53.jpg (1588x1187, 191.05K)


potato chipsu

Attached: nagisapaint.png (914x648, 29.83K)

Rest in peace sweet prince

Attached: Miracle Yang.png (1714x1230, 71.32K)


Attached: 0C6E27BF-75D5-464D-BECB-4A8BB15441A6.gif (480x360, 709.1K)

Attached: 345353.png (378x450, 24.75K)

i tried to draw illya a while ago but head is fucked up so bad i deleted it

Attached: krebs patient 0.png (635x573, 30.98K)

Please kiss my wife!

I should've used a reference picture for the head shape

Attached: d4c.png (607x546, 27.16K)

My wife mink is so cute

Attached: mink paint.png (520x390, 35.69K)

Attached: you know what it is.jpg (518x505, 37.37K)


Shiki always struck me as gloomy and indifferent rather than outright angry.

Attached: __ryougi_shiki_kara_no_kyoukai_drawn_by_okakasushi__b9ccea1e897b5cfadca347e27213a1b8.jpg (1393x2000, 107.64K)

more of a duo

Attached: 1585075888484.png (500x499, 23.26K)

not that bad, I can almost fap to it

Thanks Doc

Thanks doc

awesome art!

Attached: sailor mars.png (1000x1524, 85.6K)