They are both overpowered mary sue characters yet one is universally loved while the other is universally hated...

They are both overpowered mary sue characters yet one is universally loved while the other is universally hated. Why is this? Is it sexism?

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One is cute lovable ditz, the other one is LONELY BEATER.

>tryhard edgelord
>girl having fun playing vidya
gee I wonder

Kirito was unfortunate to be the one to kick start the trope.

>t. never watched past episode 2

Is it really that hard for people to understand that one is a comedy and the other isn't?

>has to be saved from death blows multiple times

Here's your (You), now go back to being irrelevant.

Because Mapel is cute and her show is a comedy. Kirito is a badly done self insert and his show is NOT a comedy.

Well you're technically correct.

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Fuck it, I'll bite.
Maple has some semblance of personality. While she does not have a *great* character, she at least bounces off her environment in fun, whimsical ways, even if she lacks a clear, defined goal and character progression. Her absurd power creates interesting and absurd situations. Contrast that to "nothing personnel kid" who is all-powerful, but never does anything genuinely interesting, novel, or engaging. He's absurd, but supposed to be taken seriously. And that's my two cents.

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>Mary Sue
Feel free to explain how he's either of these.

Kirito > moeblob #35254543.

nobody likes OP characters in serious settings. Maple is in a comedy so its allright, same reason saitama is so loved in OPM.

>retarded edgy story with rape and murder and VIDEO GAMES ARE SERIOUS BUSINESS DUDE!!!
>cute comedy

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Kirito's novel was among the first of its genre so people like him for the novelty.
Maple's story has no substance and everyone has seen the setting already.

>autistic self-inserters don't understand the difference in genres and execution

Maple never did anything cringeworthy like wear black trench coats or literally call an NPC fairy her """daughter"""

Kirito is a cringy self insert so it's not that hard to comprehend

One is a goofy retard while the other is super serious VRMMO Jesus


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thats her turtle. who shoots lazer beams

SAO discussions would not be as toxic if Kirito was a girl. That is for sure.

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>fun things are fun
>how much rape can I add to this story?

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When is Maple going to go on several 100% serious lectures about artificial turtle intelligence having the same value as human life?

Can Kirito beat Syrup?

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we'd just hate it for being /u/ crap then

what if Asuka was a guy?

We know from the author's better LN series that's not true.

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When Syrup dies for real

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We'd call him a beta cuck and everything would be the tired old "virgin vs chad" discussion we have every other time.

She looks fun to play games with
Whereas with kirito I only wonder why anyone would want to hang out with this faggot

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You not see the series? He literally breaks the rules of the game and the creator is surprised. He also doesn't die when he should and later somehow takes over the game. Also when did he have mad H@ck0r skills to code Cardinal in game? And lets not get into GGO part where he can deflect bullets.

And then their is his harem. By definition that is a mary sue character where every girl lusts for his dick.

bofushit is not universally loved or even loved. It was already forgotten.

Nice bait

Maple is cute and all but god damn her show’s setting is so bad I can’t suspend my disbelief and enjoy it. Why the fuck do Japs think special snowflake skills exist in MMOs? It’s retarded and makes half of it unwatchable. The reason I loved Log Horizon but hate this garbage is that LH actually respects MMOs as a genre.

Maple shows her pits, Kirito doesn't

Let's all be mature enough to admit that we wouldn't be here praising Bofuri if not for SAO. Kirito desevres that basic respect.

There are no special snowflake skills in Maple's anime. Are you perhaps confusing it with something else? SAO had unique skills for players who achieved certain feats such as having the fastest reaction speed out of the entire server.

technically all of these skills are obtainable by anyone else. she just stumbled into the right order of as-yet to be discovered ones to get more and more powerful abilities that would normally take a lot more time and people to complete

>respects MMOs

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>hmm, I don't wanna get hurt so I'll just max this one stat that prevents damage!
>ahhh I'm so slow and do no damage, but at least I'm not getting hurt!
>okay I figured out how I can fight with my weird stats using these skills I got by accident
>hey why is everybody dying?
>game devs: aw fuck, Maple broke the game again, time for a round of nerfs

>behold my amazing power of playing the beta game that many other people also played
>but only I, Kirito, am smart enough and skilled enough to have the amazing ability of learning from previous experiences
>this few days head start is enough to let me solo play content others struggle to complete with entire guilds, somehow, because I am awesome
>you know I am awesome because I wear all black, including a trench coat, and fight with two swords, yes I'm completely serious
>only I can fight with two swords, it's a unique ability I got on account of being so uniquely awesome
>in fact I'm so awesome at swords that later on I'm able to become a top player in a game centered around guns by fighting a gimmick melee weapon
>thankfully the devs created the weirdest, most inexplicable shooter mechanics ever solely to enable my fighting style
>nobody else could do it though, just me, because only I have the reaction time and precision to fight this way
>every girl kirito meets: oh my god please have sex with me you're so cool

>it's an ESL doesn't understand SAO episode
It all makes sense now.

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Nearly all Maple's skills are not unique to her, other people can get them. There's a few things she can do that are the result of events, and those are unique, but anybody who won the event would have gotten them, it's not cause she's special. The only special thing about her is that she somehow ends up OP despite being a ditz. She's basically baby's day out as a VRMMO character.

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I want to lure Maple into a RL meeting where there's no witnesses!

Pretty dishonest, but every VRMMO fanbase tries to sell itself on being better than SAO so it's not too surprising I guess.

>behold my amazing power of playing the beta game that many other people also played
Multiple people played the beta yes, and multiple people wanted the last hit boss drop. Diavel got too cocky and got killed.
>but only I, Kirito, am smart enough and skilled enough to have the amazing ability of learning from previous experiences
this never happens
>this few days head start is enough to let me solo play content others struggle to complete with entire guilds, somehow, because I am awesome
It wasn't a "few days" it was 20 hours a day for a month. Or 2 months? I don't remember clearly. And a level 70 stomping level 30 content isn't really something that's out of the ordinary. Or to be proud of/
>you know I am awesome because I wear all black, including a trench coat, and fight with two swords, yes I'm completely serious
Maybe he should fight naked, yes.
>only I can fight with two swords, it's a unique ability I got on account of being so uniquely awesome
Anyone can fight with two swords.
>in fact I'm so awesome at swords that later on I'm able to become a top player in a game centered around guns by fighting a gimmick melee weapon
Feel free to watch that episode of GGO again, it's explained.
>thankfully the devs created the weirdest, most inexplicable shooter mechanics ever solely to enable my fighting style
You say that while defending Bofuri. The irony.
It's almost like you're forgetting this is VRMMO. 90% of people playing haven't picked up a gun in their life, 95% of them don't know how to use it.
>nobody else could do it though, just me, because only I have the reaction time and precision to fight this way
It's explicitly stated anyone who came from SAO could do it. In fact, Asuna and Silica even do it themselves.
>every girl kirito meets: oh my god please have sex with me you're so cool
This never happens.

calm down Frederica

SAO's reached a point in it's hatedom where people who have clearly never watched it think themselves experts because they just parrot Gigguk.

I thought that the first arc of SAO was fine.

>can't address any of the points made
That's pretty pathetic even for SAO fan.

That's what makes it unwatchable. Some random girl discovers some super OP build in MMO. Some nerds would have already exploited all the potential of such game.

>just parrot Gigguk
Gigguk is probably only anime youtube who don't hate SAO and can talk about it without shiting on this. People parrot Digibrony and MB instead

Only cause you were probably a tween. It's insufferable how much horse shit we're expected to swallow to accept a no-personality doofus like Kirito is cool and competent.

Must suck to have no sense of humor. Who the fuck takes a slice of life comedy so fucking seriously?


I've watched all of SAO because it's a mixture of interesting ideas and really terrible execution. At this point it's like watching NASCAR or something, you wait to see how it crashes its ideas into the ground.

The key to making an overpowered mary sue character work is doing it in a way no one will ever notice. If you make them look like some deviant art version of dante, making him shoot laser beams the sixe of planets and piloting death stars, people will see it. However, if you do it with subtle nuanced ways, making it more about his style then his attitude, a badass chain smoker with a gun, no one will ever notice.

Pic related, he makes goku look like Holden Caufield in comparison but no one ever noticed.

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>how this character is OP mary sue?
>he is kinda like standard anime MC

Maple works because
>she's not presented as a good guy, she's borderline lawful evil and "just wants to have fun" at best
>she's not the centre of the world, in the sense that being as strong as her is not the ultimate goal
>memorable supporting cast, from Mii-cahn-sama to Iz they all work perfectly
>her anime is not about being powerful, but it's about an ideal mmo, flawed and with some issues

All in all, Maple is written by someone who knows what he's doing, Kirito is just a power fantasy.

Oh yeah, I forgot one
>maple is creative and interesting in her powers, the real power being the combination (eg levitate on her pet to rain poison)

Why would I address such garbage? Feel free to search the archives. What's next, you're going to ask how Kirito was able to beat the level 30 shitters when he was level 80?
Not like it matters, you won't be able to understand it anyway.

> Kirito is a power fantasy
Please say sike right now.

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It's just not how video games work. Neither of them are actually good or work at it they are just using exploits that would be patched out immediately the day they are discovered by the devs.

The entire setting? Maple is just a girl having fun together with a bunch of other people having fun, we can aslo see her development and it makes sense, this alone take away the Mary Sue title on Maple.

> And then their is his harem. By definition that is a mary sue character where every girl lusts for his dick.

I don't think you know what mary sue means.

That looks so fucking bad holy shit.

> t wasn't a "few days" it was 20 hours a day for a month. Or 2 months? I don't remember clearly

It was half a year. Sachi died in June and the rest of the episode took place during Christmas.