One Piece

Which was worse?

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Your mom

Garbage OP, kill yourself

Zoro has the 4th highest bounty in the crew

It's over Mugiwara-ya

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>Heres your Pirate warriors 5 roster, BRO.

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One Piece but Luffy looks like Ace

All 9 jobbers making it in would be a colossal waste of slots.

Too bad, after wano is finished the scabbards will be pushed HARD as dlc for future one piece games. or in the base roster

Both were actually good, but Sanji's was better.

Still not good enough to warrant a fucking one-hour anime special. What the fuck were Toei even thinking.

I still don't get why Oda gave sob backstories to like 10 different characters in Dressrosa, it's not a contest FFS.

>Kyros, King Riku, Rebecca
>Senor Pink
>Baby 5
Overkill mate.


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Law/Cora's flashback is the most kino flashback ever Senor Pink is amazing aswell,

I still cry, Cora was a true bro.

Senor Pink had one of the best flashbacks in the series, it really elevated his character and the whole fight.

That is really good fanart, looks as if Oda drew it.

>happily married
>suddenly dead kid
>suddenly catatonic wife
Eh, it was pretty lazy.

Senor Pink is great because of how unexpected it was since everyone assumed he was just a weirdo that liked to dress as a baby.

Chinjao barely counts as it took up like a page or two, same goes for baby 5

>suddenly the best character in doffy's crew

Cora should've been a girl.

Cora was a traitorous son of a bitch and ruined the flashback for me, I felt so happy when Doffy killed that rat

don't talk shit about cora you fucking disgusting failed abortion

Cope ugly shitter.

It's been 15 years and I'm still renting free in your head bro?

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Reminder that this is the matchup and everything else is pure Down Syndrome.

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Fuck that Judas and fuck you Law

Agreed. Cora deserved to die for betraying his one and only biological family member left alive. What a dickhead.

>scorpion fruit

Didn't have a problem with either.

Reminder that the wrong brother died

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i miss him

Before his DF reveal, the headcanon was that he had a scorpion Zoan. Can't believe Oda managed to make dinosaurs boring.

This is Drake and his new family. Say something nice to them.

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Don't worry, Doffy will join him soon per Im-sama's order.

Reminder that this is the cover for the Law flashback volume. Why does Oda hate Cora, bros?

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What's up with all the thread hating on Oda's art?

Is it because of his hair? That said, scorpion would be much better than the trash we got.


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>the ophater made another thread
Lol I don't know what these people's beef with Oda is desu

People are getting restless now that KnY is wrapping up and they need to replace their trash talking point soon.

>Don Krieg
That's fucking cool
>No Galette in Big Mom's crew

here's the fight ur gonna get for wano:

>Luffy, Zoro, Kid and Law vs Big Mom and Kaido
>Nami vs Smoothie
>Usopp and Momo vs Orochi and Jack
>O-Soba mask vs King
>Chopper vs the numbers (all of them)
>Robin vs Kanjuro and Ryunosuke
>Franky vs Queen
>Brook vs Apoo
>Jimbei vs Someone strong from the big meme pirates
>Carrot vs also someomone from the big meme pirates

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edgy faggot

There have also been threads targeting CSM. It's probably one shitposter, maybe two.

>Nami vs Smoothie
>Usopp and Momo vs Orochi and Jack
went full retard m8

Is it normal if you don't remember anything that happened during Fishman island, Punk Hazard, Dressrosa, WCI and the beginning of Wano? I read all of these as each chapter was released, but if I randomly look at a chapter from one of these arcs, I can't seem to recall any of it. Do I have brain damage?

>Do I have brain damage?

>Zoro vs Kaido
Yeah no
>Brook vs Apoo
Sounds way too good to be true

>Do I have brain damage?
maybe you read too fast

I don't remember half of the characters names in Dressrosa

>Franky vs Queen
>Nami vs Smoothie
Even Luffy can't beat those two without going into Gear 4th

A man can dream

>>Zoro vs Kaido
>Yeah no

You're afraid. I can feel it.

Anything sounds like brain damage but luckily One Piece is made for re reads so itisn't an issue.

I don't. I really take my time to read each new chapter.

yeah they are way too powerfull for them. but it would be cool at least and I'm sure Oda can put some power up for them that could let them win

That the most boring list I've got to see

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Man Barto is fucking GOOFY.
>normal combos nearly all with his hands in his pockets
>dash has him ride his barrier like he was Frozone
>one combo has him throw a huge bomb, all the enemies try to run, only for him to trap them with his barrier
>another combo has him drop down with a barrier around him doing the 'french girl' pose
>one of his specials has him fucking throw a paper airplane made from his barrier
Honestly there were lots of ways they could've done him, but I feel like they pulled him off in a really fun and unique way.

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>He thinks Zoro will have a full-length fight against Kaido
He'll only appear at the very end to deal the killing blow. At most he'll have some moments with Luffy.
>Franky vs Queen
I wish.

>Robin fighting alone

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this list is even more boring we're gonna get a big war let's make most of the mugiwara fight alone

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>Kid needing help to snap Jewpoo's neck
Come on, user. Maybe even a non-Sulong C*rrot could take him on.

Barto is love

I remember Wano, no idea what happened WCI for it to have been 70+ chapters tho

that's why I put him with Luffy, Kid and Law so we'll have a fight with the Supernovae

please oda, just one fight

I've made in sort to have the most 1vs1 possible and put multiple mugirawas vs another group of ennemies

Orochi will be defeated by each scabbard because 8heads+1 body =9 targets

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I've forgotten most of Fishman Island and early parts of Punk Hazard. Wano is just forgettable on its own because it's mostly "oh those poor starving peasants".

Kidd have a personal gruge for Apoo for betraying them. Apoo has a really good defensive good DF. My bet is that Kidd will either beat Apoo with killer or leave the end to Killer so he is the first to join Kaido and do le doflamingo 2 until Luffy finish the job

I wouldn't mind the weakest SHs beating decent opponens since we're nearing endgame but going by the direction Oda went in the New World I'm not even sure we're getting blackbeard captains vs the crew
Long gone are the days where Chopper defeated a top 4 fighter of Enel and Usopp defeated one of Moria's commanders.

>MORE pink

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