What went so horribly wrong

What went so horribly wrong.

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The anime, the 2nd season of the anime which was essentially filler. And then the continuation of the manga. Oh, and also the shitty third season.

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For the manga ? Nothing
For the anime ? Everything.

RE: existing.

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The author really went up his own ass with Re:

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It already went wrong when he decided on that awful title.

deciding to milk the cow instead of killing it at the right moment

As if Sui had a word to say after TG.

Ishida's depression & exhaustion

the first part was kino
:re was a little lacklustre and hyperextended, but the beginning was comfy, but everything in between big madame and arima fight was garbage with a few good shirazu moments. everything afterwards was garbage until the very end. kaneki vs furuta and most of the dragon arc was a masterpiece.

the main criticism of :re was that there were too many characters and subplots, which makes serial reading with chronic releases a nightmare since its hard to keep up when youre reading it as it releases instead of reading the entire thing as a whole.
in addition many important and likeable characters, such as tsukiyama, nishio, shachi, and tatara lost their entire purpose, import, and personalities.

based naki was still kino though

Cast bloat
Subplot bloat
Author blatantly got bored/burnt out
Furuta and his contrived ass plans
The entire last quarter.

This, this and this

Nothing, the OG was one of the greatest things to happen to this medium and :RE is a misunderstood masterpiece with few flaws.

Attached: Tokyo Ghoul - re - c149 (v14) - p090 [dig] [Irresistible Force] [VIZ Media] [danke-Empire].jpg (1725x2475, 2.47M)

It was supposed to be niche relatively short manga, but then it exploded in popularity that the author had no choice but to milk it until it eventually lost it soul.

This but unironically

But I think the author planned a sequel/at least some of the stuff in :re beforehand, it was probably supposed to be much shorter though

Being a ghoul was ultimately just a aesthetics gimmick with little to no consequence other than having cool powers.
It was always just a edgy power fantasy.


Based. Fuck all these buzzword spouting underaged like this guy who jumped on the anime hype train but never touched the manga.

Go back retard


Jesus christ you aren't even trying to hide it


Re was fucking garbage. Was happy when all the big brained faggots got BTFO at the end. No you stupid motherfucker RE wasn't too deep. It was SHIT and you're a fag for choking on Ishidas dick.

Based and checked.

>taking pride in being a low IQ speedreader

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RE was shit. This panel was based though.

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>muh furuta ruined it

>born knowing full well he was going to live a short life
>only love interest was being raised to be raped by old man Washuu and the others
>risks his life helping her escape
>she gives him the cold shoulder
>father barely knows he exists and doesn't care about him at all
>has quite literally nobody who loves or cares about him
and in spite of all this
>maximizes the cards he was dealt
>infiltrates the Clowns, CCG, and manipulates V
>molds Kaneki to destroy all of Tokyo
>his only real desire aside from marrying Rize was achieving super peace despite being raised in circumstances that would make almost any person hate the world
>succeeds in this, sacrificing himself in the process
Furuta was unironically too deep for you Yas Forumstards

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looks like the autism of the fanbase still prevailed

The clowns

>posts niggastream scan
>"lazy dearth"

based furutachad

Look man. you can sugarcoat him all you want. the epic ruseman archetype fucking sucks.

They are unironically too used to the classic Shonen tropes so no one on Yas Forums gets the symbolism and Ishida's standpoint with :re and its satirical nature. This becomes especially clear when you see someone hate Furuta for retarded reasons like "muh gary stu" or "muh epic mememan", ignoring the whole genius about his character. I pity them

Go back to where you came from, shitter.
He's a shitty lulzsorandom self-insert. Tokyo Ghoul's chestnut Puck.

case in point

Imagine being a fan after the trainwreck it became. There NEEDS to be something wrong with your head to keep defending it.

Based Furutachad

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The jokes write themselves

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Imagine discrediting the great parts (which was the majority or the story) because you didn't get MUH TRAGEDY ENDING and can't think for yourself and regurgitate opinions you read on Yas Forums. YOU are the mentally ill.

I just looked up "kaneki vs arima manga" and clicked on the first image that came up, brainlet-kun.

I'm a fan of Ishida because he's one of the best illustrators in this industry in my opinion, what are you gonna do about it boy?

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These. TGhaters behave like it's the norm that long-running weekly series (200+) don't dip in quality towards the end. And compared with the majority of manga out there, the good parts outweight the bad parts in this case.

The main problem for me was that :Re had to many characters and to many story lines involving each character. Especially when I kind of just wanted to know what was going on with the part one characters, and most of them didn't even get much screen time.

That sex scene in :Re though was one of the best moments in a long running manga I've ever read though. The fucking pay off.

For all the shit it gets i still go back and get a good stuff like.

>Be ayato

>Kaneki is screwing your sister on the back.

>After moving to the undeground and before rumors start to spread like wildfire be inmidiately sent to the depths of the tunnels to find a 100 year old guy.

>you actually managed to discover the lost city and bring some locals for info.

>In the meantime your now new brother in law impregnated and married your sister and then destroyed Tokyo.


based and checked
125 is even more kino if you know the facts behind it (like him refusing the help of his assistants)

I completed the series (manga) recently and it wasn't bad

Was Kaneki's mom a half-human too? I always thought she looked a lot like Arima, and Rize, but mostly like Arima (especially young/Jack Arima).

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Me too, and I expected something way worse after having listened to Yas Forums's opinion prior. Turns out, it wasn't a masterpiece or especially great but also had its fair share of memorable moments. But it wasn't as bad as the majority here makes it seem like, maybe it's because we didn't read it week to week? I dont know

>despite having 400 iq, Furuta was unable to achieve true his goal of creating an entire baseball team by breeding his childhood waifu
is intelligence unironically overrated?

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Is this fanart or Ishida? Looks good.

Maybe, we will never know

What did you think of Part 1? That one is usually regarded as the masterpiece and :re is significantly lower in quality. Did you notice a dip in quality or thought the same throughout?

Maybe, Furuta was a sad man who was unable to enjoy his time and only lived to bring down everyone with him, his inteligence in this case only enhanced his hopelesness

>It was always just a edgy power fantasy.
Bland and edgy doesn't make for a good series.

guaranteed replies every time

edgy? sure. But power fantasy? the point of the series was about people with power who just wanted simple, normal, wholesome lives but couldnt even get close towards achieving those goals despite being literal supermen

Things slowly started going to shit in RE after Kaneki's hair turned black again which accelerated after Arima's death. Too many pointless characters and too many dropped plot points. Ishida is terrible at drawing action scenes. I could go on because this is just scratching the surface but I don't feel like putting more effort into this waste of time of a dumpster fire.

Is it ironic or not

Wad it ever explained why Ghouls can only drink coffee?

Off the top of my head,I thought the sequel started off slow but logical with the author first establishing the MC's psyche and internal struggle between his human side and ghoul side. I liked the first introduction of the investigators and the way how the author jumped from CCG's pov to the main cast to flesh out the world. Kaneki finally accecpting his ghoul side (pic related) was one of the most intense and satisfying scenes I've read in manga and I was sure it peaked with this. Because usually what happens in majority of manga, that they would turn into powerlevel fantasy and the MC wrecking shit left and right, but here, Kaneki gets to form a small group of people to find out more about Kanou and the stuff that has happened to him. It was dynamic and he played a very active role through this, and it also had few comfy SoL moments in the second half. I also liked how the author wasn't afraid of letting his MC get beaten over and over again, and the ending is just the nail in the coffin with him getting completely curbstomed by Death himself. Overall I would say the prequel is pretty solid, but the fight choreo leaves much to be desired and there are some scenes that are pretty edgy.
Also, I thought it was pretty fascinating to see an artist improve his art in only a couple of months/years to such high levels like Sui Ishida managed to, which is fairly unusual considering the short amount of timeframe.

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>the man who had nothing wanted everything

good post

Another TG thread
Go on, admit it, all of you are tsundere in regard to the series

I have very similar thoughts to you. The fight choreo really did frustrate me because I literally could not make out what was going on.
>Also, I thought it was pretty fascinating to see an artist improve his art in only a couple of months/years to such high levels like Sui Ishida managed to,
I remember thinking how hideous early OG was and honestly would've dropped if I wasn't interested in the story. To see him go from that to the gorgeous spreads in :re is really satisfying.

>pic related

they can drink water too, but no there was never an explanation. it's just for the plot.

>for the manga ? nothing