Comfy after show thread?
Ishuzoku Reviewers
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Ep 12 rating.
Is that good? What are the average ratings?
Tail is coming out of her left hip
1 is the best so getting a 94% is huge
>It's over
I'm sad about it sure, but I think I have gotten over that by now. I was really saddened and shocked, when around episode 9, we suddenly stopped having constant threads. When that happened, it shocked me and I got depressed because I realized a good thing is coming to an end (and I hate it when any sort of good thing comes to an end, be it in media or real life). But now I don't feel that bad about it anymore. I have accepted that it is ending. For the past 12 weeks, this was the thread that I spent most time on. I don't usually watch anime when it airs. I don't like that way of watching. The last two anime I watched while they were airing, were Jojo part 3 and UBW. I have no idea why I even picked up this show. I did it on a complete whim, with no real reason. And I'm so happy I made that choice. I guess it is destiny or something? I had 12 amazing weeks with you guys, I found based Amahara, I had a lot of good faps, and overall It was just an incredibly fun and comfy show. Thank you guys for being such good bros. And if by a miracle, we will get a second season in 2 or 3 years, then I will die of happiness. But even before that, we can still have some casual threads, new chapter discussions and so on. Soon the BD will be released, and maybe we'll even get an OVA.
anonsubs pl0x, we want that ass
We're all going to make it.
posting best girl
hottest girl of the season
That horn growing seems lewd
Waiting for sub
Pool's closed. Demonlord is bathing.
i want to drink her bathwater
There's no way that song won't get horribly mangled in one of the Yas Forums sings shitshows, is there?
Which subs?
Now to wait for the "super uncensored" BDs
ocr'd horriblesubs
I really want to fuck Crim bros
Yep, waiting for dot ass.
I wonder how much re-timing I'll need to do to the sub files I have when the BD versions come out.
We can either go the route of the glorious Yas Forums sings Gurren Lagann, or we can go the embarrassingly funny route of hunter"chads" mumbling.
i want user's .ass now!
The vagina shot in the first episodes OP, and the overall basedness of the studio, really gives me hope for the international BD's. There is no way in hell that there isn't some great stuff in there.
God I want to stuff my face in there
no homo
thank you for existing makoto, you glorious bastard
Come on user, i need it
Why is Crim so cute?
what a puffy vulva
I want to be underwater, when she decides to pee in the bath.
>imagine the water suddenly getting warmer.
Amusingly poetic. Pic related is the shot that brought this show to many people's attention. I picked up this show, because of that shot. And now, in the final episode, we get another one of these shots. My biggest complaint though, is that we never got to see Crim's dick on screen. Maybe the BD's?
I can't believe that we won't see this cutie again for the minimum of 2 years. Just put me to cryosleep already.
Hey, down in front!
Don't do it user. If you let her put you inside she's never going to let you come out again.
Meidri vs Heroine, who would win?
that's a huge cunny if you ask me
I haven't nutted in a month and this thread is torturing me help
>falling for the nofap meme
just beat your dick bro nothing bad is going to happen
Just 3 days user, you can do it i believe in you.
Didn't one of the mentally ill dipshits who bought that get herpes from it?
i don't get it
what does this mean
elf is peeking from around the corner
Is it making a kissy face?
I think your loss is messed up
It was decent it turned out better than I expected it to be, I thought it would be cheap lazy made trash but they put a decent amount of effort into it.
Lack of Meidri tits over the season is depressing so it's a solid 6/10, Fuck the egg episode that shit is nasty as well.
It looks too short to be an elf, user.
>Fuck the egg episode that shit is nasty as well.
>implying they wont follow up with a MEIDRI OVA SPECIAL
wrong bulge
God, I wish that were me.
This is the most honest I've been when I say this.
why are you such a fag
It means he fell for retarded memes.
I asked, and showed her the money, along with some puppydog eyes. It was honestly an awkward conversation. She obviously reminded me of us being related, and of her line of work. I said that I don't care, and that I don't care. I told her how in these uncertain and dark times, there is no hope for me to find love and that I don't want to die a virgin. I even choked back a tear, when I said that. I know she is greedy and broke, so the money should make her consider, but she also looked like she felt sorry for me. I hope that I didn't overplay it. Anyway, she didn't give me an answer, and asked till the evening to think it over. I should not get my hopes up, right? Life ain't a doujin, so I'm fully prepared to get some lecture or whatever from her, and then get familyzoned.
This has been the most sex positive show ever and it's a shame our society still refuses to embrace that. Probably because we don't have a way to fight off STDs and unwanted kids like they do or the will to embrace things like child like appearances,scat, vore, guro and bestiality because that shit is really motherfucking gross in real life and should never ever been seen as a positive
To you, user, will patiently waiting for your green text.
1 = Very good
2 = Good
3 = Nuetral
4 = Bad
5 = Very bad
94.9% of people watching the episode on Nico thought it was very good.
I bless thy family with the horny user, ganbatte
user, are you really trying to commit incest?
Shoulda just flopped your cash and your dong out and said "let's fuck". Now she thinks it has some kind of meaning to you.
kek, fuck off burgerfag
There's going to be a 2nd season right?
... nice, i'll be waiting for the rest of the story, good luck mate
When will Meidri finally snap?
Hey fuck off irrelevent countryfag you wouldn't exist without my country
user, I... Not likely. Either Passione become key players for changing the game and get other gigs, which is possible given that RyuuKishi7 gave them Higurashi. OR, they could've been seen as taking it too far given that the show was "SHUT IT DOWN" on everything but AT-X, and they'll never be able to make a show like this again.