Strike Witches

Oh joyous day! The feelings of jubilation and homecoming cannot be quelled, as it is in the tenth month of this year that we shall again be with our beloved witch squadron. May the time between make the reunion ever more sweet!

Attached: TVアニメ「ストライクウィッチーズ ROAD to BERLIN」PV第2弾.mp4_snapshot_00.12_[2020.03.28_11.46.06].jpg (1280x720, 300.71K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: TVアニメ「ストライクウィッチーズ ROAD to BERLIN」PV第2弾.mp4_snapshot_00.17_[2020.03.28_11.53.54].jpg (1280x720, 250.3K)

Attached: TVアニメ「ストライクウィッチーズ ROAD to BERLIN」PV第2弾.mp4_snapshot_00.15_[2020.03.28_11.53.24].jpg (1280x720, 254.35K)

Attached: TVアニメ「ストライクウィッチーズ ROAD to BERLIN」PV第2弾.mp4_snapshot_00.20_[2020.03.28_11.56.45].jpg (1280x720, 258.12K)

she wants it

Wants what, user?

Attached: TVアニメ「ストライクウィッチーズ ROAD to BERLIN」PV第2弾.mp4_snapshot_00.31_[2020.03.28_12.00.32].jpg (1280x720, 187.28K)


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A bit shame it couldn't be summer season.

My first feelings are not good about the PV. We get cgi in the first few seconds in without shame with it not being good looking and the hair's very stiff looking in all the windy frame moments they're shown to be in.
Gone are the days of Gonzo's amazing hair animation aesthetics. Hopefully they'll manage to overcome hurdles in other areas.

She's had it since the beginning.

Attached: Shirley and Lucchini peeking behind sofa - fanaticflandre.jpg (4096x2304, 486.88K)


>My first feelings are not good about the PV
It's everything I ever wanted desu. CG doesn't bother me that much these days unless it's really, really glaringly bad.

Attached: TVアニメ「ストライクウィッチーズ ROAD to BERLIN」PV第2弾.mp4_snapshot_00.26_[2020.03.28_12.09.06].jpg (1280x720, 361.29K)

Attached: TVアニメ「ストライクウィッチーズ ROAD to BERLIN」PV第2弾.mp4_snapshot_00.25_[2020.03.28_12.08.09].jpg (1280x720, 330.38K)


My wife so cute


Attached: TVアニメ「ストライクウィッチーズ ROAD to BERLIN」PV第2弾.mp4_snapshot_00.30_[2020.03.28_12.13.42].jpg (1280x720, 169.82K)

But I hardly even know 'er!

Attached: TVアニメ「ストライクウィッチーズ ROAD to BERLIN」PV第2弾.mp4_snapshot_00.34_[2020.03.28_12.14.11].jpg (1280x720, 175.3K)

I'm acting like this is the second coming of Christ, because that's how I feel right now.

Attached: TVアニメ「ストライクウィッチーズ ROAD to BERLIN」PV第2弾.mp4_snapshot_00.33_[2020.03.28_12.14.07].jpg (1280x720, 198.66K)

I'm here for episode 7.

But where is the figure of it?

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The first PV CG was even worse offender. I know what you mean but with witches it's pretty unacceptable and telltale sign of consumerism by Kusokawa's end to throw in cheap product for easy money when the first two seasons had great animation and whenever it had CG, it was well directed.
But yeah these days you'd have to stop watching most shows with how prevalent it now is, well the Miyafuji flying part in first few seconds in is almost BW tier looking bad.

Attached: Shirley getting her oppai smacked by Erica with Lynne and Miyafuji by side.webm (1280x720, 1.81M)

Holy shit I must have been living under a rock, they are making an new actual Strike Witches season? Holy fuck.

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Attached: TVアニメ「ストライクウィッチーズ ROAD to BERLIN」PV第2弾.mp4_snapshot_00.33_[2020.03.28_12.14.02].jpg (1280x720, 172.67K)

Was this Gonzo's magnum opus?

We havent had many threads about it for some unknown reason.

I'd say so but I feel like I'm forgetting something else, that and Akiba's Trip was really amazing and up there and that was just few years ago.

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the fuck, familiars actually exist in Luminous Witches?

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The order in which I care most about SW things goes:
Characters and their interactions >>> wierd millitary reference hunts > dog fights/action scenes >>>>>>>>>>>> plot
I'm not saying I don't care about the action scenes, but if the characters are all on point then I can learn to ignore it. Still, having non-offensive to the eyes cgi would be approved.

Attached: TVアニメ「ストライクウィッチーズ ROAD to BERLIN」PV第2弾.mp4_snapshot_00.32_[2020.03.28_12.13.57].jpg (1280x720, 193.71K)

Love is sleeping.

Attached: TVアニメ「ストライクウィッチーズ ROAD to BERLIN」PV第2弾.mp4_snapshot_00.31_[2020.03.28_12.13.50].jpg (1280x720, 202.4K)

>We havent had many threads about it for some unknown reason
>unknown reason

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Attached: TVアニメ「ストライクウィッチーズ ROAD to BERLIN」PV第2弾.mp4_snapshot_00.17_[2020.03.28_12.28.38].jpg (1280x720, 369.45K)

Will Trude and Erica finally fuck?

Seems somewhat right, but in the end animation is what ties it together and this is main season, not like the fun comedy short.
Well hopefully they manage to do better than BW and that the episodes are fun and original and don't go after the script that has been used twice now.

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These are eyes you only give someone after you've fucked.

Attached: TVアニメ「ストライクウィッチーズ ROAD to BERLIN」PV第2弾.mp4_snapshot_00.16_[2020.03.28_12.36.11].jpg (1280x720, 260.21K)

cool so it's time for the battle of berlin huh

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Does she call her "onee-chan" in bed?

We'll never know for sure.

Nah, she gives those eyes to everyone.

Oh god.

Attached: [DeadFish] Strike Witches 2-ki - 12 [BD][720p][AAC].mp4-00_20_13-00001.png (348x371, 151.57K)


Attached: [Underwater] Strike Witches The Movie (BD 1080p) [B797F6EB].mkv_snapshot_00.38.04_[2013.06.05_22.11.21].jpg (1920x1080, 148.43K)

Oh no! I'm swooning over handsome anime girls again.

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Whats the reason user I am genuinely curious. I know Brave Witches was a joke but Yas Forums loved Strike Witches so what gives?

Strike feets

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Do you think they will conclude the story in this season? Liberating the world from Neuroi?

There's been nothing really to talk about. You should take a look at calendar and how time passes sometimes.

Now why would you focus on feet. But what a weird scene, wonder why she's off her strikers like that on the ground in fetal position. Poor Miyafuji.

I hope so, I always lived in the peace of mind that movie concluded the war story many years ago that was to be and told its thing neatly and now they're opening it up for continuation so I hope it brings out the bang for finale and shows neuroi gone or soon to be gone at least.
But I feel like they still might chicken out since Kusokawa likes to keep their stuff open ended always. Either story wins over money now or the other way.

Attached: Miyafuji in Mio's bosom with Trude holding her.jpg (1920x1080, 809.74K)

I've never been of the opinion that we need something to talk about to have a thread.

Attached: [Erai-raws] Strike Witches - 501 Butai Hasshin Shimasu! - 08 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_09.36_[2019.05.28_19.10.50].jpg (1920x1080, 591.49K)

>There's been nothing really to talk about. You should take a look at calendar and how time passes sometimes.
Holy shit, what an obnoxious response.

lookin good

Well I'd incline you to come over to the /c/ threads sometimes then. I wholly disagree otherwise when it comes to the opinion.

Anyways, iceberg shown in the PV, those aren't really something you'd see near UK or Germany even, so I wonder what's up with that.

Attached: Trude and Miyafuji with tied up Erica .feat Eilanya.jpg (1920x1080, 990.97K)

don't click

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I love Strike Witches!!! Thank you Strike Witches for existing!

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>panty chasing
>rapist bug neuroi
>girls getting high on shrooms

what awaits us next I wonder

And I've never got why you disagree. /c/ is pictures and no/few words. You don't go to /c/ if you want to have a conversation about the witches.
It's felt so lonely being an SWfag because people feel like they need a topic/new info to have a thread. Those are few and far between, putting the threads few and far between. It was nice when we could just have appreciation threads. It gave you somewhere you know you could come back to after a long day and just chill out.

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Fitting for an obnoxious namefag ESL who just wants to bitch

This is a very good question. There's not a figure that I want more.

Attached: Strike Witches Operation Victory Arrow - 01 ( BD 1920x1080 FLAC 2.0).mkv_snapshot_15.29_[2014.12.29_13.06.18].jpg (1920x1080, 200.3K)

I would buy a Wilma figure in a heartbeat.

Attached: wilma.png (848x1200, 523.01K)

An orgy.

Its long overdue.

That last sentence is something exactly that should be always avoided when it comes to things, circlejerk hangout rooms are never good, there are better places for that type of stuff. And /c/ does allow exactly the type of conversations I'm thinking you're imagining of. Possibly. And you can always come over after a long day over there, just saying.

Anyways can we talk about the iceberg, or something new shown in the 40 seconds of content for the anime.
Either it's a neuroi that somehow brought that over or we get a long range mission over Atlantic, would be my guesses.

Attached: Iceberg.jpg (2082x1171, 230.84K)

>circlejerk hangout rooms are never good
I firmly disagree, but let's leave it at that for now. An Atlantic mission would be fun. More afield missions would be lots of fun.

Remember when Yas Forums was alive and well?

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What do you think happened?

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SW sure changes animation studies like nothing else.

Also what's up with those massive life buoys? Not a navy person but seems something's up with those.

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Italy being Italy

