Yeah i'm the 8th Fang of Metsudo you faggot

Yeah i'm the 8th Fang of Metsudo you faggot

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Daromeon's art used to be so good. How did he degrade so much?

Get on the Adam ride boys.

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Adam please don't say naughty words..

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Based and fangpilled

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>beats your Fang

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El octavo colmillo Adam would never lose like that

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Can't wait to see Ohma beating the fuck out of Ryuki and Koga

anatomy was fucked at the beginning though

I feel first/second round annihilation tournament was the peak, but there were some standout fights before and after too like Gensai vs Ohma.

More digital effects to cut corners

All I want is Rihito to fuck some niggas up. Don't give a shit about the worm or Koga or any of that shit.

So Adam is just a shittier Bando?

No, their gimmicks are nothing alike.

He's more similar to Karo.

Really? Did a year or two of jiu jitsu training make him into more than a street brawler?

it was his newfound love for mayonesa that make him change

How will Koga continue after this?
Any predicitions for the story?
Because i doubt he will lose his MC Spot.
Will he deflect to Purgatory?

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All the way f rom the UK; it'sDudley Dursley!

I have always said that he wasn't going to be part of the tournament, but will be part of some infiltration mission that happens behind the scenes, either that or he gets kidnaped by the worm

Thats very unlikely to happen. There are no hints of "infiltration mission" and i doubt he could be more useful there then in the Tournament. I dont believe Koga wont take part in the Tournament, the question is how he closes the gap in one month.

Kure Klan Hyperbolic Time Chamber.

>Koga jobs to himself because his body is not surdy enough for removal

Please, you are underestimating the power of scoops

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I believe his storyline will continue to progress alongside Ohma's.
Actually, I would go as far as to say that once Ohma's reintroduction is over, he probably still have the most screen time in the manga.

>when the ketchup hits the fries just right


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Was reading this manga again, Cosmo winning after this was the biggest asspull of them all. He should’ve been dead from blood loss almost instantly and in no condition from the pain to fight.
Thigh muscle injury is no joke.

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Did we ever flashback to Ohma kicking Koga’s ass? I don’t remember. Just a still image of Ohma being like “ur weak”

To begin with, he had incorrect anatomy, but it was fine because it was used to stylilize the characters. And the combat. But now there's next to no combat. And the characters are bland and do nothing. The anatomy is much better, but who cares, it looked cool before.

I hope he stays in. Watches his boy friend instantly hit off with Ohma. Sees them train together. Tries to keep up, fails, eve n though neither are being serious.
The tournament happens, he's not invited. Tries to get in through a back-alley method. Gets his ass kicked by the lower tier characters. Hospitalized. No one visits him.
Gets better, chases down Kazzy, furious, why didn't anyone visit? Why wasn't he invited to begin with? ''Oh, Koga, I forgot about you'. You should have stayed at home, you clearly weren't ready for the tournament'.
Runs out angry again, picks fights, loses. Keeps telling himself he can succeed. Keeps failing.
People humor him, like a small and retarded child. Oh koga you almost beat a group of 3 nameless mooks. Genuine sounding praise, so as to not hurt his feelings, while everyone effortesly outperforms him. It burns. He knows the praise is fake.
But he keeps on trying to drag himself out of the trash, not realizing he is the trash, turning slowly but surely into the comic relief.
I love Koga.

I remember even when this first came out and the thread covered this part, pretty much no one liked the dudders losing. A lot called it racial bias by the author.

muh prodigy

Wasn't he supposedly Cosmo's equal during their fight? I know he levelled up but surely they have around the same potential right?

I wanna see the chapter where Raian and his bros capture whoever wins or ranks highly in the next tournament and delivers them to their grandpa, so he can auction them off to the kure female, who keep them as 'husbands'.
All for the sake of a greater bloodline, you see

Actually liked that.
I truly believe he was gonna lose, but as the fight went on and we came to the page when he realized "I don't like to fight, I like to win" I was kinda taken back by it, so when he won there was some nice catharsis.

Arent both japanese??


An NTR fetish i nice and good but too much Koga suffering would be something i couldnt handle

Joji prob. visited him already in the hospital didnt he?

No one did, he suffered alone

Is he American?

based retarded speed reader

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dudly's white

That's vs Robocop.


Uh i think we both mixed up something user. I thought bc of the pic you responded too that you meant Akoya and Cosmo but you wrote about Adam which i oversaw. Sorry fircthe mix up

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More like Karo is a better Adam, he has his trunk muscles + Sawada's sense of balance.

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Why did he have to lose? He was so fucking cool

Keep believing Kogabro.

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At least Oa wasn't the only one to ignore blood loss.

Karo is not a better Adam, he needs to get a concussion to even do anything.

I liked him entering fear mode, winning is fine too, but all the damage Akoya did was overboard. I have no idea how he fought Ohma at all. Bites are some really crippling shit

I always will

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I also believe but in different things.

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Guys I legitimately had a dream about reading Omega and it being completly different. The story was basically about koga hunting down and defeating alot of the old fighers. I remember him taking down Julius and Sawada

Do you think it's a prophecy of things to come?

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Well him taken the Tanba route would be cool to a degree...

>He should’ve been dead from blood loss
Considering what people have survived in this series, I would consider Cosmo dying from that an asspull. Yeah, Cosmo is less interesting than Akoya and less entertaining to watch in a fight, but atleast he made him look strong as fuck, even in defeat.

I also thought of that afterwards, still seems like he's to weak to take on most of the fighters from Ashura

>Koga beating Julius
What would that fight even look like?