ITT: Write a manga concept

ITT: Write a manga concept

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Its an isekai where the protagonist is reincarnated into a high fantasy world with magic and magical creatures that, due to sexual dimorphism, have evolved to be 90% animal in the male and 10-30% animal in the female side.
The protagonist is given special cheating powers by one god or another, which allows him to turn any female into his slave.
While this does sound reprehensable, its actually fine because his slaves fall in love with him over the span of a chapter.
Also the protagonist has to beat the demon lord and his 4 heavenly kings who are, coincidentally, also atractive females that are in love with the protagonist.

>Its an isekai
Already dropped your manga before opening the first chapter

>folk fantasy with no magic
>goblins raiding cities and expanding their kingdoms
>but goblins are the good guys

Everyone who laughs turns to a potato

MC is isekaied into a toilet in a steampunk world.

A cute dragon is adopted by a knight and raises it like a daughter, so at the end of the story it becomes his future wife.
The dragon is in no way anthopomorphic and also male.

SAO-like game sucks every player in but mc is the latest to arrive, by about 10 years. The whole place is destroyed and overrun by monsters while the only trace of human existence can be found in the global chat and in the destroyed villages. Mc is spammed by hundreds of stacked world notifications and announcements upon arrival, all about world events, from the initial welcoming message to the final game over/wipeout screen. (but mc is still alive so the game starts again or something)
Main concept is to awaken that hard-to-describe "late to the party" feel or when you find an old and abandoned online game and look through all the things people made, not even being sure if they are still alive out there, but knowing for sure that they made great memories in this now abandoned place.
Also put some horror in it for a spicy flavor and you got yourself a pretty good manga. (imo)

Japanese racist wakes up one day in a nigger body

runescape 3

A virus from china is killing everybody but a big titty scientist find a loly immune to the virus and try to make a cure.

Every single fucking pantheon on Earth goes to war with each other in modern times (think Smite but less gay). The Greek Gods, The Norse Gods, the Egyptian Gods, The Japanese Gods, The Canaanites, The Aztecs, The Irish, Sebastianism, A revived King Arthur leading his round table to defend Britain, Buddhism, so on and so forth. The world's borders are reorganized to fit these Gods and their wants, and things like Atlantis rise.
The main character is a powerful yet almost pacifistic wanderer who is actually a clone of Jesus Christ. Along his travels he teams up with fuckers with Cain, Masakado's disembodied head, Hippolyta, Rasputin, and others.
The actual real villain is the Native American Coyote God who did all this shit for the lulz, but he's being misled by Adolf Hitler, who's become immortal through drinking the Holy Grail, while also having a shitton of holy relics to make himself nigh unstoppable. Adolf's plan is to eliminate all Gods so he can steal their shit and bring about the true Fourth Reich.

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People living their lives in a dystopian world

I also love the last of us

Ok this is based

Id like to see a take on a magic school that's not fucking homo. Something more like military education where the students are actually drilled to use their talents as weapons instead of this happy go lucky high school faggotry with classes, pe and tests.

Fantasy setting
Wizard lady with big tits fights a dragon but gets her ass kicked and uses a desperation spell that goes fucky and accidentally causes the dragon and her to switch bodies and they uneasily ally to switch back
Dragons a fucking autist and wizards a creep

Comedy about a high schooler who is an outcast because his classmates have all been isekai'd multiple times but he hasn't been isekai'd once. He spends his days living a normal life while waiting for his "Isekai puberty."

Punching people turns them into doors.

>Jesus clone vs all the various Gods
>It just gets more and more insane as it goes on
>Jesus clone vs Vishnu riding Shesha
>Jesus clone vs all of the Knights of the Round (which is hundreds of really strong Knights PLUS Arthur) at once
>Jesus clone vs the Aztec guy who killed all 400 of his siblings as an infant
>Jesus clone vs Odin, who can predict anything at any time
>Jesus clone vs Apep, the gigantic as all hell serpent that's also a God's living umbilical cord
>Jesus clone vs the Jade Emperor, who is at the complete apex of power level bullshit due to taoism empowerment
>Jesus clone vs Buddha who's actually a really nice guy but thinks what he's doing might stop people from being enlightened

>Its an isekai

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wwii zombies but in Japan and the Hiroshima nuke caused it.

>Twink gets isekaied into ravaged fantasy land
>Magical Chernobyl rendered all sentinent female infertile but mc has the ability to get mpreg
>MC goes around repopulating by getting fucked by every monster species until their numbers goes back to normal
>MC achieves magical world Peace by being the mother(male) of every new offspring and thousands of years later in the epilogue a teacher talks about a tale where the world was saved by a being called mother(male) who gave life back to the ruined land.


I want a slice of life with St Michael the Archangel fucking up demons every day with a flaming sword

An old farmer who killed his only son decades ago in a farming accident dies due to cancer and reincarnate to another world where he's being groomed to be the hero who saves the nation from the demon lord who happens to be his son who reincarnated 200 years ago.

there's a school/club/gym that does X.
Main character wants to do X but he or she is not good at it.
With grit and determination he manages to join school/club/gym.
MC has an arrogant rival who is much better at X than MC and acts superior, but is also the motivation for the MC to get better.
They take part in a tournement where the MC surprises everyone.
Despite only being beginners at school they get involved with adult professionals who for some reason have it in for the school/club/gym. The MC manages to show that his weakness is actually a source of strenght and it gives him special abilities that nobody else can use.
The rival gets mad at the MC reaching him so seeks for more power even through dangerous means.
The MC actually was the most talented all along and he or she is the only one who can lead the school/club/gym to the final victory.

Substitute X for you favorite activity, for example:
Manga reading
and so on an on

>bad guys invent a machine that can control people through sounds
>deaf protagonists have to save the world.
or the same thing but with blind people instead, I don't know which one would be more interesting.

Put those two together and you got yourselves a best seller.

Ishida and togashi collab on a series about organized crime in Italy

oh great writes an adaptation of makishima shougos past as an asymptomatic delinquent

mecha yakuza vs shinigami lolis

read a bit of space futurism shits recently,
guess i will contribute mine
>slice of life
>it takes place on a cylindrical space habitat
>protag works on a remote space station in an outpost, being the guy who fix up the industrial machineries there, dig up materials and manufacture them into products for sending back to the homeworld
>also the only human in that outpost
>only human connections are from the slow internet (due to light-lag in interplanetary distances)
>or the occasional freighters that
>the AI of the outpost is absent-mind and kinda space-out most of the times

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Psychic loli swaps bodies with a high school dude to evade her shady caretakers.

I'll never forget those series of posts where the main character is just an autistic Dark Souls character.

I still want it.

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CTRL+F never lets me down.

>A boy falls in love with a girl. Unable to confess...

Battle shonen in space. Focused around super soldiers with special abilities that nobody really understands how they work (cause it's actually magic), all they know is that children born from powered parents have way higher chance of having abilities.
MC's power at the start seems to be cellular reconstruction. Throughout the series with all his experiences, certain scientific experiments and some limit pushing his ability evolves to be able alter his cells to do more. End of series after a timeskip he goes full Tyranids levels of biological technology, creates his own servants and becomes a one man empire that single handily fights off galactic threats so everyone else can live in peace.

Fantasy romcom where the MC is cursed by a Witch(male). The curse makes the MC a slave to the Witch the curse will only be lifted after the MC and Witch(male) fall in love with one another.

MC is an adult man who work for a company of sorts that tests and develops the cheat like isekai powers that deities give out. Turns out many gods want to be different sometimes and make up cool powers but ask the MC to test them if they can still be good enough to defeat a demon lord. The chapters revolve around the MC testing the limits of various random powers, sometimes they are OP and some useless and silly, in a simulated demon castle adventures and such. Other side characters involve the long black hair big boob newbie who gets to try sometimes and a lolibaba in a scientist coat who runs the program from a computer room and makes up all the traps and deadly robots and mutants that get sicked on the MC

Isekai Slayer
A Doom Slayer kind of guy that goes into different worlds and horribly murders every isekai protagonist. Featuring look alikes like Ainz, Kazuma, Slime, Tanya etc. as the group of baddies.

Isekai Slayer also lacks any harem. He just uses a huge serrated sword. No special powers either, pure rage.

The adventures of Perseus. That's it.

Perseus a shit

A boy falls in love with a girl. Unable to confess, he is gifted with by a deus ex machina with the girl's phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well. But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day's confessions to the girl, she only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the girl he called is not the same girl he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn't exist in this universe at all. She is the girl's alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the MC's own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush. Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of LOVE.

He had more interesting adventures than anyone in Greek myth plus he would be the bishounen the fujoshi would love. Not everyone is into the big gay bara of Hercules.

cute girl!

Isekai Wrangler
MC is the captain of the isekai division
band up with a few actual manga-anime-isekai characters to counter the one who got isekai into the fictional world (manga/Anime/game) and trying to used their knowledge of the world/storyline to fuck over the world

oniichan is done for! already exists

>He had more interesting adventures than anyone in Greek myth


stealing this

An female assassin gets tasked to kill the king of the country.
It's basically a gag manga with the assassin's countless attempts to kill the king, who mr.magoos his way out of every situation without realizing it.

fantasy town guard SoL


MC is hit by a truck and is issekaid into a hospital.

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read discworld guards guards!
>They may be called the Palace Guard, the City Guard, or the Patrol. Whatever the name, their purpose in any work of heroic fantasy is identical: it is, round about Chapter Three (or ten minutes into the film) to rush into the room, attack the hero one at a time, and be slaughtered. No one ever asks them if they want to.
>This book is dedicated to those fine men. (Dedication)

Lots of cute girls and wish-fulfillment superpowers and sexual and fantasy elements and a mascot character that will sell merchandise.

I'll call it Cash In Fantasy.

a chobbits sequel 20 years later. the world is slowly dying because everyone is finding happiness with persocoms. the story is a calm and melancholic slice of life about a cute persocom with no owner roaming the near empty streets of Tokyo and towns of Japan, meeting new characters and interacting with their stories.

think kino's journey + Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou

It's a hyper serious police drama that delves deep into depression, racial issues, abusive relationships, and violent crime. A deep and philosophical look into the heart of darkness that is our society. It is written with care and understanding of the human condition unlike any other.

But it's entirely spoken in Japan's version of uwuspeak.

You can get the same vibe with gundam IBO

Seven shotas born on the same day in the exact same moment a crimson comet fell from the sky and hit the surface of a fantasy world. All seven boys are reincarnations of demon lords from past eras and now they want to conquer the world and kill the asshole gods that govern it. All of this with their armies they summoned from the demon realm and with those who also don't like the asshole gods. Best part? All of it would've been easily avoided if the gods didn't try to kill them and make their lives as miserable as possible.
The twist is that despite what they went through, they actually want to fix the world that was fucked over by the gods whose meddling was responsible for said world's state. Also it quickly goes full Drakengard and with people turning into eldritch monstrosities.

sounds retarded bro, make them little girls and its based

fantasy version of samurai 8, kek

A story set in Hong Kong about a conflicted policewoman from the SDU unit who's sent to training re-evaluation after failing to stop one of the protestors from setting herself on fire.

One day, while visiting one of the cordoned off areas of self-immolated protestors, she meets another woman who claims to be an older sister of one of the protestors who had died in the chaos. When both of the MCs gets dragged into the ensuing war between the SDU and the Auxiliary units, it's up to the policewoman to ensure the survival of the female protestor she's forced to ally with, and to stop the destruction of the city.

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Shonen battle manga with Nerf weapons and properties.