Kanojo, Okarishimasu

Spoiler thread, up
The story so far:
>Chizuru and Kazuya alone on the train on the way to the location where the final scene will be filmed (Chizuru under a starry sky)
>Kazuya is losing his shit
>Chizuru is suspecting something
>They both contact Mini
>Turns out Mini masterminded everything so that they would be alone for the filming
>Ruka is rused
>Mini uses flu as excuse so that she couldn't come
>Chizuru figures it out and says to Kazuya that Mini thinks they like each other
>They both plan to do the filming fast so they can return quickly too
>Chizuru goes on a bathroom break
>"I don't not like him" flashback as she washes her face
>next chapter will have color page
What do you think so far? I sure hope next chapter they arrive in the location so we get some good ChizuKazu moments.
Are you already here Pansiron?

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Other urls found in this thread:


To the user who keeps making separate threads: please please don't make a new thread for YouTube spoilers and chapter dumps this time.

Goddamn, got recced this shit series by a friend since I read almost anything without problem. But god fuck, what a shit fuck MC we have. Spineless, annoying, pathethic, cuck mentality, liar and most of all, unsucessful. If the mangaka didn't will it by sheer force, no one would love this pathethic faggot. Fuck this series. And probably the only time it made me dislike it enough to make an MU account to rate it 1.

If the former thread dies I guess it's okay? I don't really catch the youtube threads only the dump ones on Wednesday.
That's sad, user. But that's okay.

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You didn't read past the first fifteen chapters or you are just another hatefag who wants to shit on this serie just because.
If you didn't reach past chapter 15 I suggest you to keep reading, the MC really grows and becomes a really good character.
On the other hand if you are an hatefag just go away, kanokari's threads are comphy most of the time, we don't need you

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>kanokari's threads are comphy most of the time
Now this is a lie, especially when 5tou, kaguya and whaterver the third romcom that was running was. The threads were so damn bad. The OP was probably made in ill will to shit on the manga since you could read between the lines on how ironic the whole post sounded while it pretended to praise it.

Chizuru is so cute when she winks

>The OP was probably made in ill will to shit on the manga since you could read between the lines on how ironic the whole post sounded while it pretended to praise it.
Did it really sound like that? I'll make it better for next week.
Is that image from twitter?

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>whaterver the third romcom that was running was.

>Is that image from twitter?
Yes, form reiji himself.
Source: twitter.com/miyajimareiji/status/1219770500831825920

Not talking about this OP. I mean the threads back in 2019 and early 2020. I think people moved on from this, shitposters or readers. They just read it now without caring about discussing it. Is all just so tiring.
I think so.

It can't be as bad as Cuckoo's threads

>They just read it now without caring about discussing it
No, we don't. The threads you are talking about were a mess because they were about the chapters with Umi. Threads always go shit when there's ntr bait.
If you are careful enough you'll notice that surprisingly many people discuss about this manga in a sensible way.
But there is always the butthurt hatefag that needs to lie about kazuya being pathetic (even if he clearly isn't anymore)

There's also that guy who keeps calling everyone a spic. He's been single-handedly ruining KO threads for a while now.

made for NTR
the doujins will come rolling in with the anime, I can't wait
this series was made solely for NTR fan doujins, I literally cannot see how anyone can like any of the characters since they're such cunts and useless

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Yes, you are right, how could I forget about that idiot?
And there is also this new type of hatefags #
Seems like comphy and sensible threads are behind us

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Where's spoiler...

KO user?
("KO user" I call means a Chizurufag guy who meets me on Kaguya spoiler threads every Saturday, and he makes KO spoiler threads.)

Hello, I'm the leaker.
I'm currently on a onsen (hot spring) solo trip. Hmm, Why isn't Ruka or Chizuru or Sumi beside me?
Now, to get to the point, I can't get WSM until I to Tokyo, so posting spoilers will be around 24 hours later than last week.

Just wait for our God Pansiron, I'll come bringing spoilers (and joy)

>I can't get WSM until I return to Tokyo, so posting spoilers will be around 24 hours later than last week.

>KO user?
Yes it's me! There's no Kaguya thread this time because of the break so I just made a KO thread at almost the same time as last week.
>Hello, I'm the leaker.
>I'm currently on a onsen (hot spring) solo trip. >Hmm, Why isn't Ruka or Chizuru or Sumi beside me?
Chizuru is mine back off! Isn't this unsafe in the middle of the pandemic? You take care out of there
>Now, to get to the point, I can't get WSM until I to Tokyo, so posting spoilers will be around 24 hours later than last week.
I see, so tomorrow then? Around this time? Enjoy your onsen Pansiron-sama.

>so I just made a KO thread at almost the same time as last week.

Thanks. I think that ’s good.
I suddenly decided to go on a trip yesterday, so couldn't tell you that. sorry.

>so tomorrow then? Around this time?
Yeah. I think It's around 8:00 pm on March 29 in nip time.

Thanks. see you tomorrow.

>Yeah. I think It's around 8:00 pm on March 29 in nip time.
Got it. Thanks!

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chizuru > sumi > mini >>>>>>>ruka > mami

Chizuru >>>>>>>>>> Sumi > Mini >>>>> Mami >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ruka

You Mami lover!

Just because my favorite singer's name is Mami doesn't mean I have to love all the Mamis in anime.

*blocks your path*

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I mean, yes, all that is true. But he also managed to do something entirely impressive.
Admittedly, it was due to a combination of him being too dumb to understand that it shouldn't have been possible, and him managing to create enough pity on the right people with enough smarts to do the actual job, but he did it.
Still, I absolutely understand why Chorizo doesn't want to have sex with a weird manchild.

I went to a ryokan couple of years ago. I was alone in the onsen and some old guy came. I moved to the outside onsen for some privacy but he follows me and starts talking to me about the weather. Is this common?

>I absolutely understand why Chorizo doesn't want to have sex with a weird manchild
Yeaaaah, she clearly doesn't, sure bud. Stop pretending you are reading the manga

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You understand that panel is Chorizo honestly astonished she feels anything towards that skinny loser, right?

What a goddess.

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Truly a goddess.

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I understand that you didn't even read the chapter. Re-read what Mini said, than you can come back with an argument or just be the an hatefag

Yeahyeahyeah. Even girls get aroused.
Dude, there will be no kiss, not even handholding. Maybe one of those bad romcom situations where Manchild accidentally grabs her boobs and his little head explodes.

Look, a prostitute.

So you agree with me about her wanting to have sex with Kazuya, you don't need to be ashamed of yourself, everybody makes mistakes

How much time has passed during this manga?

Here's your eternal reminder bro

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Sachi best

>Here's your eternal reminder bro
Reminder that states she would love him even if he was pathetic loser, really sweet, thank you

>out of context crop

>replying to the obvious bait
morons, when will you ever learn

Damn, Chorizo. That kid just spent the last few sleepless weeks doing you a solid asking for nothing in return. At least be moderately polite.
Just kidding. We all know that Kazuya just loves humiliation.

>You might be...
At least hide that if you want to bait someone, 1 out of 10 fol low effort bait

What did Chizuru find?

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Best girl, pic related

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Have you read Domekano?

Kanokari condoms, Ruka's favorite.

Umi's love for Chizuru.

Kazuya's secret confession to her

Whorezuru is so boring

Can't wait!

What is she looking at anyway?

I can't wait for the asspain from rukafags when Chizuru inevitably wins.

KO will go from 7/10 to 8.5/10 easily if Kazuya starts to man up a bit, like in the early chapters.

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Kazuya has a trauma. The author knows about it and Kazuya hasn’t overcame that trauma yet. Until now, we don’t know precisely how was Kazuya’s family environment but his objective is to prove his family that he is an adult man. With that in mind, a young Kazuya must have developed the idea of having a wife and a family by his own as a personal objective and a step forward to become the man that he is expected to be. At this point, Mami was crucial. Mami, as we know, was Kazuya’s first love and he was utterly serious about the relationship with her. He wanted to present her to his family and was even planning a family with her, with a chil’s name “Maya”. He believes that Mami was the love of his life as we see in chapter 10.5. But Mami dumped him for another nonexistent guy. THIS WAS THE PEAK OF THE TRAUMA.

Did you notice how Kazuya’s attitude is completely different with Mami? He is assertive with her. He even said directly to her that he still liked her, that she is beautiful and would like to have her in his apartment. Did you notice how Kazuya defended Mami in front of his best friend Kibe? “Apologize to Mami” or how he admitted Mami’s mistreatments in front of Chizuru? Mami is the center of the trauma and the conflict that Kazuya must overcome sooner or later. Did you see how different was Kazuya protecting Mami and hitting back Kibe than the Kazuya always blushing in front of Chizuru? Did you notice how the cathartic event of the fight shows the peak of the trauma? (PIC RELATED) KAZUYA IS YELLING THE TRUTH. Anger, fury, frustration, confusion, pain. “Do you have any idea how painful it was to be dumped? There’s no way you could ever understand “ This is the core of the trauma. And for Kazuya, this event was so painful that he never wanted to experience again that feeling.

(To be continued in other post)

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I will try an explanation: this is why we see a completely submissive guy in front of Chizuru. Why? Why he doesn’t said something to her? Why he doesn’t tell her that he loves her? Why he is always trying to convince himself that she doesn’t have feelings towards him? Is everything professional? We have passed the point of professionalism long ago. Because HE DOESNT WANT TO EXPERIENCE AGAIN THAT PAIN. This is why he is always CHOOSING a little pain (and his face is depicted by a fake tears by the author) saying “she doesn’t feel anything for me” for avoid INVESTING emotionally in a relationship.

This is called a defense mechanism. “psychological strategies brought into play by the unconscious mind to manipulate, deny, or distort reality in order to defend against feelings of anxiety and unacceptable impulses and to maintain one's self-schema or other schemas.”

I wish he btfo'd Mami some more by unconsciously pushing her back when she forced her disgusting lips on Kazuya, and Chizuru entered his mind for a split second.

>Ending up with Kazuya.

It's some kind of food.

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A breakup is the peak of trauma? Well it makes sense but your juxtaposition of Kazuya in front of Mami and Kazuya in front of Chizuru is very interesting. I would also like to think that Kazuya in front of Ichinose is a bit different. Are you the same guy who talked about Chizuru and Ichinose being two different faces of Mizuhara?

oh, maybe she saw some food that she knows Kazuya likes, maybe a can of soda since Kazuya is a bit sad or a juice if ever she needs to choose... you know...and it'll lead to something...

Well, if you count being the happiest as winning ending up with Kazuya would be the biggest win possible.
But happiness is for losers, who wants that?

I think she found something to help her avoid any conversation about their relationship

Chizuru a best
Rukaspic on suicide watch

Chizuru will do picrelated to Kazuya.

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