What was his fucking problem?
I thought he was a demon the whole time but he wasn't.
What was his fucking problem?
>Dude religion but let me do the exact opposite of what my religion preaches me to do lmao and just kill people because im a psycho and call it retribution or a holy war
trash character, cool design though
I mean...that's exactly what religion is for.
We can't expect God to do all the work.
He was consistently in the right. Of all the characters in the manga save one, he was consistently justified. It was his holy fire keeping the black goo at bay, and his extinguishment meant the extinguishment of many souls.
We on the mozgus did nothing wrong phase now?
He was based and redpilled.
Cringy atheists go to hell.
>Religious figure is hypocritical
He's literally the rightiest and holiest person in the Berserk
he's basically guts but not a pussy
Lol dude, why is religious dude killing people? So unrealistic
>The Crusades were a series of religious wars initiated, supported and sometimes directed by the Latin Church in the medieval period
that translation ruins it
Killing invading muslims is justified
The Crusades started because of Muslim expansion into Europe.
- >
>Prosecutions for the crime of witchcraft reached a highpoint from 1580 to 1630 during the Counter-Reformation and the European wars of religion, when an estimated 50,000 people were burned at the stake
>2000 years later
>dude lmao let's do our nuclear tests around these populated island
Humanity in itself is retarded, not just religion user
I don't care if you have a hate boner for Christianity user. I'm an atheist myself. I just wanted to point out you were wrong about the Crusades.
nothing he did went against his religion, they are not catholic or even Christian, they are a made-up fantasy religion with merely some of the visual trappings of real-world Christianity
His problem is that he took things too far. Yes, there were a shitton of refugees around the tower and through desperation some tried to steal to alleviate their conditions, which is wrong. And also yes, the clergy only had enough food to go around. But that doesn't warrant blatant torture of said refugees as penance for their crimes that they're doing to stay alive. The irony of the finale of Conviction is that he was probably right in the end, Casca was the source of the evil power that was consuming the camp (because her son, the demon child, was summoning the spirits to protect his mother from the cultists), but sacrificing her at the end would do nothing to stop the spirits then. Right idea, wrong execution.
Most cringy arc in Berserk.
>torture and gangbangs!!! so deep n mature!!! xD
i don't know about that, i think he was right, if guts and casca were killed the demons would have backed away. they let 1000s of people die to save themselves pretty much
I think by the point he wanted to sacrifice Casca it was too late to stop it. The people's fears were feeding the spirit mass and in a feedback loop, it no longer was controlled by the demon child or protecting Casca.
Retarded writer fell for the "INQUISITION BAD" meme
Mozgus literally did nothing wrong because the only people he killed were pagans. Did you forget the whole demon orgy and how the common folk were asking demons for assistance? Mozgus was even a fucking legend after becoming an apostle because he only used his new powers to carry out the same mission he had always been doing.
>After a few hundred years
>on lands that didn't really belong to christians forever
Anime board anyways
fake news, nobody was ever burned at the stake
I wish they were, though
>His problem is that he took things too far
He didn't. You saw all the shit that happened because the common folk were fucking with witchcraft and demons. How could you side with the demon worshipers over the heroes trying to save everyone?
muslims are, and always have been, arian heretics
So they're the good guys?
>mfw I see a trinitarian
helo reddit
Prosecutions for crimes of witchcraft were in 80% conducted by prots.
really makes you think huh?
yeah, "inquisition bad" idiots are edgy and retarded since XVIII century, sure.
subconciously overpowering demonhood by sheer power of faith, now that's impressve shit
What the fuck was his problem?
incest, probably
Demons be evil, yo.
based user speaking the truth
He should've never accepted demonic powers. He ironically sacrificed his soul.
Non-trinitarians are a different sort of heretic. They deny the Trinity, obviously, but Arians deny the divinity of Christ. Of course, none such heretic is so despicable as the Gnostic.
he got tricked into it obviously.
>sacrificed himself so that his people could live on
Is this supposed to make us dislike him?
That is not what he did.
The Spanish Inquisition killed an average of 9 people per year, and all of them were blatant and unforgivable heretics. Vending machines and sandwiches are deadlier.
yeah, I know. Fuck,all modern privileges, the accused have are based on Bernard de Gui's inquisitorial textbook.
>blatant and unforgivable heretics
Heresy isn't a crime, retard
But it is.
Mozgus was actually in the right a lot of the time retard the only reason everyone died was due to guts and casca. Plenty of the refugees were engaged in actual demonic worship. He legitimately was working to save everyone till guts killed him.
Heresy has been a crime for most of the past 5000 years.
He technically didnt accept them, the apostle stuck him from the back and due to the way his power manifisted he thought it was a gift from god
>,all modern privileges,
>Fuck,(...), the accused
>the accused have are based on X
kek i love this panel
try saying you think democracy is a shit form of a country in EU lmao
So... a medieval religious person
Yeah but he didn't even recognize them as demonic.
yeah exactly thats my point and he tried using them to save everybody, he was ironically the hero during the latter portions of the arc
He was a tool of the demons. The fact that he was still convinced he was doing good makes him even worse than demons. There is nothing more dangerous than a person who is convinced they are always right.