>Louise, I always hated you
Why is Mikasa so based?
Shingeki no Kyojin
>How can a corpse speak?
Because she was being edgy and almost killed a guy. This tends to inspire people.
Mikasa is NOT a slave
Please do not bully Mikasa.
It was based as fuck when she told her off
Hange's treatment is shit, I hate the idea of moonlit dying for nothing
>Would genocide the world for
Moeburrito not Moonlit
>Would rumble the world for some sidelined dyke who's even forgotten by most of the cast
That'b be more OOC than Reiner and Annie not showing a hint of reaction when Berts name popped up in the last chapter
Haha that was so funny EHsis, I also talk to my girlfriend's about how much I hate Mikasa. Such a sexist male wish fulfilment character, unless stronk queen hisu
I hate titanfolk moralfags
Her boobs were quite big when she was a teenager. What happened to them ?
Based Kennychad
>Would genocide the world for
I'd bet you're one of those pussy whipped cucks that's let's women treat them like trash and spend all of your money.
>Mikasa, i'm dying
I wonder how her underwear smells like.
>Not my problem, you stupid bitch. Give me back my scarf you stole btw
Eren would rather fuck Armin than Mikasa.
Of course, he is crazy for blondies
find a flaw
Kenny was the first EHchad though
>thread full of Mikasafags
>trying to gain support by saying the memes said in Yas Forums
Annie a best
Being written out of the story 40 chapters ago
I'm in control of the bank account while my women stays at home doing the housework.
If you aren't willing to kill for the women you love, you're a faggot and a failure as a man.
>Armong that tall
How will Hisukeks recover?
it's really obvious too, they stand out like Boyegapokon
He's got RDJ level heels
Exactly, if you like Historia you are a tranny jigger faggot, I talk like this so you should support me on this, please support Mikasa the shy women selfinsert, nigga nigga
No need to just imagine it, Eren.
Please EMcuck, you are trying too hard
Being a Hisufag NOW is like being a Dykemirfag after she left with BR and was never seen again only then to die a pathetic offscreen death. So are EHfags just Erenfags?
What does EMfags think of Louis's reason for existence? What is Isayama trying to tell us through her character and her moments with Mikasa? [
Mikasa is pretty.
Agreed, nigger tranny faggot nigger, I'm a jeanfag Erwinfag RAfag AAfag LHfag JMfag EMfag YHfag YPfag Reinerfag Pieckfag Kennyfags ErwLfag Flochfags Erenfag , if you support Historia or EH and don't write about how cool Mikasa is you are a niggah, Yas Forums. And I'm not an imposter because we talk like this all the time, newfag nigger
>those timestamps
take your medicine
Nah, I just like 'em because it pleases my aesthetic sense.
Yeah, pretty ugly lmao
before timeskip she was.
No, I like them, not my fault Isayama is a hack because the fanbase is sensitive as fuck
every other female is more attractive
user, you know you won't get an answer. These folks are beyond saving.
how fucking new are you? It is a continuing embarrassment that I have to share these threads with your idiotic ass
>he keeps replying
holy fucking shit what is this
Used goods of farmer boy.
Reposting from the baleeted thread.
Consider this, instead of Paradis being targeted for exploitation and genocide at the hands of the sole global hegemony,
it is instead caught up in a brutal global power struggle between Marely and a still extant and fairly prominent Eldian empire; which too wants to take the rumbling's power for itself and reassert it's authority over Paradis at any cost.
What changes?
Would it make the cvckvenger alliance seem less retarded?
145cm midget
Calm down schizo, you Mikasawhales were always pathetic even before the womanlet who disappeared plot happened
Reminder that Pissu got canonically farmed and all these muh sunset paral(lel)s etc. is just a massive and pathetic cope to make her seem more relevant than the author gives her credit for
I wish eren is the father just so some of you retards off yourselfs. Literally never seen people this deluded. Kudos if Isayama shows it with a flashback like every other romance in the series only for you retards to call it retcon/asspull. How can a shounen attract the most deluded shippers?
What happened? the last thread ended decently without shippers and actual discussion
>Day 5 of the AU chapter meltdown
it's beautiful
Calm down, newfriend
She looks like a tall Manlet
The bestest
Someone posted historia in a Mikasa ciclejerk thread so Mikasafags started to pretend they are 4chanfags