Mitsuboshi Colors - Chapter 54

New chapter.

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つづ く

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Why was last thread deleted?

It had "edition" in the OP


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Kotoha will never improve.

Thank you for the chapter, OP!
Like I wrote in the thread that got nuked; man I want a cat.

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peeing contest chapter when

I needed this.

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that was amazing

do people actually enjoy this manga? Or is it some kind of penance?

its mildly amusing watching lolis doing autistic things

CGDCT is not a thing because people don't like it.

Is this yuri?


> children playing make believe
> autism
This trend of calling everything autism is really tiring.

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Leader is savage as usual

plebs don't get it

What she is even trying to do here? Show how italian-japanase are asking out girls?

Leader is getting better at being the straightman.

it's said by people who never interacted with kids or autistic people

this feels like it wants to be yotsubato, but the writer doesn't understand what makes it so good and thinks making the main cast lolis will cover it

>this feels like it wants to be yotsubato, but the writer doesn't understand what makes it so good
explain further

more like ichigo mashimaro

Colorful cunnies

>Let’s think of a way for Kotoha to get better at gaming.
How will Kotoha ever recover?

love how Yui is supposed to be the "Akari" of the group yet she's a total alpha bitch

She won't. It rends her soul and Yui will eventually cause her to stop playing all together.

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it certainly does resemble yotsubato when the colors interact with satou or nono, but the colors are all about 3 children together and what comes from it.

My daughterwife Sattchan is so smart

Is Yui a bully?

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Yui has almost completely lost her crybaby parts in recent chapters

This page is fantastic. I can really feel the chaos and noise ramping up.

Goddamn, that’s hot

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this post feels like it wants to be actual criticism, but the poster doesn't understand what that is and thinks making vague comparisons will cover it

oy m8 you have license for that

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based yui asserting her dominance over those retards


I’d like to assert my dominance over Yui’s tiny vagina

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fuck these brats

I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna b*p the Colors.

They’re fucking kids

why haven't I been invited?

I see, a glutton for b*ps as well.

Yui’s legs.

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Hurray! Thank you for letting me know!

>I'll play as the pigeon

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Yui setting the bar high. As expected of the Captain!

Best chapter in ages, put a smile on my face.

She's the captain for a reason.