Mato Seihei no Slave 33

Dumping the new chapter.

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Go on

Tenka should be the main fem MC.

Still in the middle of getting it done, so the dump might be a bit slow.

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Take your time and thank you for the translation!

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I'm not sure if this page was ever uncensored. It was already like this as soon as the chapter came out on the Jump+ website.

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That's weird, we have seen nipples before
Also why did you use spoiler

Playing it safe.

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>fuck, marry, kill

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Nice only two hours more to go now

Not that long.

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Saliva Oni OP

Lol is that a narrator talking?

Looks like Aobe's bra is pushing her boobs a bit.

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And that's all for this chapter. It was shorter than usual at 18 pages.

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Thanks for the dump. Shame that they censored it though but what can you do.

>you are a big girl

>I can control my body fluids and become all slippery

Just crush her with kuma, ez

Jeah or AoE her, doesn't matter how slippery she gets if a fist big as a truck hits her.


Are you the usual TLAnon? Thank you very much for the TL and dump

This is basically what I think will happen. Sahara will fight Kuma and deal internal damage, while Shushu will fight Koko and deal AoE damage she can't slip her way out of.

Okay what was her desire to become all slippery in the first place? Her fluid has healing abilities so maybe she just wanted to aid everybody and the liquid is just a practical side effect?

Have you ever tried to catch a fag covered in oil before? They're illusive as fuck.

She kinda already is? Kyouka didn't even had any dialog here, only Tenka and Aobe were talking things out.

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I like them better as shuuki-hafus.

Fuck Model Chick, Marry Onee-chan, Kill the Medic Gremlin

Tenka is too good. Just too good.

Thanks bro.


Chapter is now up on mangadex.

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>finally lewd oneesan
>its censored
My day is ruined and my disappointment is immeasurable

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>self lubrication

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Thank you. Now tell me who's the best girl?

Attached: i cant believe ichicute is still the best girl in another series goddamn i love ichicute shes amazing shes the best shes the cutest ichicute!.png (1343x542, 419.13K)

You already posted the best.

Oh baby time for some soap play.

I'm going to post this every time until you like it.

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I wish I was that fish

Will someone please put nipples on the pic

I like how cool Kyouka is, with Tenka's aggressiveness just a little behind.

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How many ?


Three for each girl. Get creative on placement.

Okay who's the TLanon between you two

Not me, I can't translate a damn thing.

Ok then I assume it's the guy who posted Kyouka and has Tenka for second place. Decent taste TLAnon.

Attached: i will lay down my life for ichicute and i still cannot believe that in another series she still remains as the best girl ichicute is there anything ichicute cannot do.png (717x1741, 332.26K)

>find someone with the ability to strengthen her power
gee I wonder who it could possibly be.


Come on user, use your brain.

Thank you.