What the fuck Araki?

>part 2
>very smart young man with brawn matching the brain
>strongest hamon user in the world
>single-handedly BTFO'd a vampire (which his grandfather couldn't do with a group) which was ALSO a master of hamon and 4 pillar men, one of which was an immortal demigod and a perfect lifeform
>part 3
>blabbering old man and a comic relief character with most of the comedy coming from his incompetence
>gets powercreeped by stands HARD; has one of the worst stands in the series
>jobs harder than anyone else in part 3
>gets his ass kicked in every chapter
What the fuck was Araki thinking back then?

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Araki screws him over with shitty writing even harder in part 4

Doesn’t matter. He sold a lot more on part 3.

>strongest hamon user in the world
That's Lisa Lisa.
>single-handedly BTFO'd a vampire (which his grandfather couldn't do with a group) which was ALSO a master of hamon and 4 pillar men, one of which was an immortal demigod and a perfect lifeform
Straits being a master of Hamon actually made him a weaker vampire. Further, Straits though going right to kill Joseph gave him an advantage over Dio learning to use his powers over time. I don't think I need to elaborate on that moron past that.
>blabbering old man and a comic relief character with most of the comedy coming from his incompetence
No, the comedy with Joseph comes from him being funny. He's still portrayed as competent at just about everything besides riding camels and flying planes.
>gets powercreeped by stands HARD; has one of the worst stands in the series
Hermit Purple is like most stands in that it's a fantastic ability for certain situations and meagre outside those particular ones.
>jobs harder than anyone else in part 3
That's probably Kakyoin coming back after half of Egypt away only to job to D'arby and then getting killed by Dio.
>gets his ass kicked in every chapter
This is blatantly untrue.


Araki is a hack confirmed.

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Araki Forget?

I hate when writers change a character's personality so much just so they can conveniently fit the new plot. It's shit writing.

>check out my cool OC, he's joseph son after he cheated on his wife.

>What the fuck was Araki thinking back then?
Good question.

More to your point Joseph sucks because he wasn't the main character.

He is still based in part 3, OP. If it weren't for him and Polnareff that part would be irredeemable

The strongest hamon user is Kars.

Well if Kars is so strong then why can't he come back to earth?

Could Lisa Lisa and Joseph come back to Earth if they were launched into space?

good point

>part 5
>main character's stand is introduced in a fight
>one of its powers is to reflect an attack back to the attacker if hit
>arguably one of the strongest powers in the series
>is literally, LITERALLY only used once on a random punk
>never used again


>part 3 & 4
>Jotaro's stand can catch bullets
>part 6
>Jotaro forgot how to catch bullets
>gets shot constantly

consistency is really not this Author's strong point

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>Straits being a master of Hamon actually made him a weaker vampire.
Utter headcanon.

He literally lived out almost an entire lifetime since we saw him in part 2. You don't think he would've changed dramatically since then?

Didn't Jotaro only get shot in the illusion produced by Whitesnake, or am I remembering it wrong?

>Hermit Purple is like most stands in that it's a fantastic ability
basically just a glorified GPS, utterly useless for combat in a comic that largely revolves around fighting. He didn't even use his hamon powers once to do basically anything in the entire series after part 2, there's no excuse for this, especially because part 2 was just a huge hamon training sequence

He used hamon in part 3 a few times but it never had much effect for some reason

Hamon mostly works on vampires, right? Like, it makes his punches hurt more than normal, but unless sunlight hurts you its not gonna be a OHKO.

Hamon has various applications outside of fighting vampires but Araki specifically wrote Joseph's fights in Part 3 so that he would be forced to use his NEW stand ability to fight instead of relying on his old power which had an entire part dedicated to it.


stands ruined this bizarre adventure, I hate these "you have to follow these arbitrary rules or you lose" fights. A part or two are fine, but it's getting really old now

Jotaro probably hasn’t used his stand powah for a while. It’s like a muscle

>stands ruined this bizarre adventure
This. Now every fight is a gimmick fight, but back then you had fun, interesting and innovative fights, especially in part 2

Nearly 40 years will change a man.
He never was a real fighter or anything like that. It makes sense he'd grow rust and weaker over the years.
Still he's shown to still be competent and skilled throughout part 3. Even with his weaker stand.

Makes me ask, HP is supposed to be the incarnation of Hamon, right? If Joseph never learned Hamon he'd have a different stand then, right?

Show me

>HP is supposed to be the incarnation of Hamon, right?
No, that's a fan theory.

>I've always wanted to make pictorial visualizations of supernatural abilities since JoJo began. Stands were based on this concept just like Ripple was, so when I thought about putting Joseph back in the story, I needed to decide how I would visualize Ripple as a Stand. Ripple is life energy that travels through the entire body through a special breathing method. Therefore, a concrete visualization of it would be some sort of wire wrapped around the entire body, like a vine. If Jotaro's group time traveled to the world of Part 2, they would probably be able to see "Hermit Purple" wrapped around Joseph just like in Part 3.

I copied this from the wiki. Its from a Jojonium Interview.
Sounds like HP is supposed to be the stand of Hamon. Like how Ball Breaker was the stand of the Spin.

He's talking about how he came up with the design for Hermit Purple, he doesn't say that Hermit Purple is the stand of hamon.

Getting old sucks

Him being involved in the Alessi fight and being shrunk back to youth could have made up for all of this.

That's honestly such an insane missed opportunity that the only explanation is Araki really did want to force Joseph into a backseat role at every opportunity.

Or maybe he just didn't think of it at the time.

age fucks you over.

>didn't think
Seems to happen a lot

brainlet opinion

Or maybe he just doesn't like needless fanservice.

Seething JJIDF


Hey, wait a minute: If the stand arrow works because of a virus latent in the metal, why do a stand user's descendants immediately gain stands as well?

Because Part 5 was poorly written garbage that can be considered non-canon and change nothing about the rest of the series.

>the entirety of the part 3 and 6 comparison
didn't jotaro literally fucking say that he hasn't actually practiced using star platinum since the shit with kira?

getting old sucks user.


That doesn't mean what you think it means.

>Cesar used it to kill a human
>it can be used to walk on water
>expel poison from your body
>speed up regeneration
>stick to walls
>make punches hurt less
>make your punches hurt more
>slow down ageing
>control other life form's movements for a limited amount of time
>whatever the fuck the bubbles and Joseph's balls were supposed to do
Hamon has many uses. Araki simply decided to replace it entirely. It's worth noting that Joseph always uses Hamon when he summons Hermit Purple, and that at the beginning Stands were an extension of Hamon, with Avdol specifically saying that Stands become weak and disappear if the user can't breath.

Toriyama forgot

Jotaro barely used SP since his battle with Kira. He spent 12 years searching for Pucci, fucking dolphins and neglecting Jolyne. Both SP and Jotaro are weaker in Part 6 than in Part 3 (the manga points out that Jotaro was in his prime during Part 3, which was 30 years prior.)

Giorno and Part 5 in general don't make much sense. There are so many inconsistencies and plot holes that it simply doesn't hold up.

you second point under part two is what I liked most. Joesph was a prodigy and hamon should have stayed relevant

>>strongest hamon user in the world
>That's Lisa Lisa.
That's Kars

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You forgot

>Gets back in part 4
He is even more useless and never has a single moment to shine.

Oh yes, how convenient. A smart and always prepared Jotaro decided to just give up the stand despise the fact he knows there are dangerous stand users everywhere ready to do shady shit.

Lets face it. A non out of character Jotaro would never allow to lose a single second of time stop to rustyness. Specially if he is spending time looking for Pucci. How much would it take to activate that shit weekly in order not to lose form?

Give him a break. Jotaro was 50 already and after fighting DIO, everyone else looks like a filler runt.

Also, Stands do decrease their effectiveness as the user gets old.

>"stands are the final form of hamon"
>kars' perfect hamon was just really powerful light
Araki is a hack, why didn't Kars get the first stand?

Do you think a guy like Jotaro would actually take a break? Completely out of character. I dont mind Joseph since he was always a slacker. It makes sense. But Jotaro? Really? That kind of people only gets more focused in life as they get old. There is no chance he wouldnt train that shit. Specially when he still investigates stand users.

hamon was damn near useless in a stand fight until they got to dio. Imo, he did *Kinda* job by not teaching anyone else hamon because if jotaro had known he could've one shot dio.

Kars is stronger than dio but the thing is, stopping time is striaght up hax.

He literally focused on his career first and left the stand shit to the Speedwagon Foundation.

Could he even damage fatally Kars? I dont think throwing a truck around is enough to kill Kars

Let the non stand users focus on evil stand users? What could go wrong lmao