How I miss him.
The greatest anime director of all time
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His works are pretentious trash (especially Paprika) but he had Hirasawa make music for him so he's okay in my book
I wish he gave birth to me.
All great arthouse movies are pretentious
Not really.
pretentious hack who got his comeuppance
its only pretentious when they fail
His editing is in another level, I don't think any of his movies would work liveaction. Especially Paprika.
Cancer is not a comeuppance. It's not like he sucker punched somebody in a bar fight and got his ass beat.
"pretentious" is a buzzword that people use when they don't like the author or how he is venerated by critics/fanbase. Or even worse, when they didn't understand it.
>2 good movies, 1 mediocre one, 1 awful, 1 average TV show, some irrelevant shorts
>greatest director of all times
>mechafag kiddo thinks he can talk between adults
>I didn't get it
You could just admit that instead of being pretentious yourself.
Oshii and kawajiris movies are much better. Less pretentious trash and is actually enjoyable. Perfect Blue is his only good movie. The rest especially paprika suck. Fuck I think I was just baited
My brother
4 great movies, 1 with good writing. 1 okay series with mediocre direction.
>not pretentious trash
Him and Kon worked together to create the most pseud shit of all time
Millennium Actress is still my favorite movie.
I quite clearly said "less". All of kons movies are pretentious.
>Fuck I think I was just baited
No, you're just a retard.
>All of kons movies are pretentious
You keep repeating the same word without any substance.
Start reading books you nigger, if you did you wouldn't find people like Satoshi Kon particularly impressive.
Oh boy, another /lit/ runaway.
In any case, if you had any understanding of filmmaking or an appreciation of story and what he tried to accomplish, you'd have affection for him too.
Paprika is so whimsical that it feels like that Totoro scene where they grow a tree but it is the whole movie. How he mixes miserable things like suicide with a people smiling always makes me shiver.
My favorite Paprika scene is where a bunch of salarymen are about to kill themselves and they are all doing with a smile, the first one yells "showtime", the music goes bombastic and they all jump like Olympic gymnastics to their doom.
books are fucking worthless for transmitting ideas
kon was a shit writer too
>books are fucking worthless for transmitting ideas
Now you are just being retarded and ignoring that 100% of all human philosophy was basically written.
100% of all human philosophy was derived from nature. Reality transmitted the ideas and the words ordered them in original ways.
ok kon fag
le /lit/ fag is mad
I hope you weren't stroking a crystal when you typed that.
i don't understand /lit/ memes sorry, epistemology is what it is.
>100% of all human philosophy was derived from nature
Are you still living in the Pre-Socratic period? Are you literally ignoring 99% of philosophy? Fucking sophists.
I'm the OP, uncultured fuck.
There is nothing to be proud of not reading books.
>t. doesnt understand the nature of nature
t. earth humper
The universe is chaotic, grow up.
Try watching something by a real director.
the universe is natural
John Lennon's wife?
Natural is not an order. Even if you said the word "neutral" it wouldn't apply to what philosophy based on nature is about.
The universe is chaotic by the sense it doesn't have a purpose, even with clockwork mechanisms on it.
>an order
no, orders are dumb and stupid. nature is what is materially and purpose is retarded. belief is shit too.
>orders are dumb and stupid
Not a point.
>nature is what is materially
And what you make of that?
>purpose is retarded. belief is shit too.
Do you have ever studied or learned anything about philosophy? You are mixing mythos with facts, not understanding basic concepts of cosmos that were already debunked before Christ. Please, stop replying with something you clearly have no basis on.
talking about perception of immaterial unbelieved unfacts
Jamming a bunch of words on a phrase doesn't make it a sentence.
>comparing literary fiction to an action adventure movie
how pretentious
Being incohesive doesn't make books invalid, it just shows you are stupid.
how else are you going to represent incohesiveness with words?
Have you ever read a text, an essay, an argumentative dissertation? Cohesion comes from the inability to express ideas and continuous reason. If you can't put into words your ideas, it is your language deficit showing and not from the theory of forms nature itself.
There are materialistic limits to language and even continuity.
Absolute legend
Language isn't material to be limited, it's an idea.
Also, Neologism is something that exists. Even if language is limited by human reason, human reason can always find ways to translate/communicate anything, even if is a point of view.
Human reason can't translate unreasonableness. That's the fucking point. You can get close by bending the rules of perception but there language is a barrier not a tool.
No, that would be either Watanabe or Oshiimi.
>Human reason can't translate unreasonableness
Humans are naturally unreasonable just like every other animal, reason comes from virtue and not genes, that is why every human needs to learn from mark zero, memes can't pass through genes.
Fiction literature is literally worthless
Reason comes from brains, there is no mark zero. That is at least empirically true.
Put a baby into the wild and it turns into a beast, put a baby into society and it turns into a human.
Memes don't come from genes, especially empiracally.
Animals can reason too, memes only probably exist on the foundation that genes provide.
>Animals can reason too
Animals aren't sentients.
>memes only probably exist on the foundation that genes provide
Correlation does not imply causality, hardware without the third party to install software is just a lump of metal and circuits.
Animals are sentients, they sense. Animals are probably some amount of sapient but not on the same level of humans. Ideas mimic the method used represent them, be that language, imagery, neurons or other symbols.
Dezaki unironically killed anime. He furthered Tezuka's shitty cost-cutting techniques to the level of """art""", thus justifying them in the minds of future directors. His overuse of pans and stills (however detailed they may have been) provided an example for production staff who couldn't be bothered to imbue their work with an authentic sense of motion.
You tried to appear smart but if you actually were, you wouldn't be comparing 2 very different mediums. Using words to tell a story is different from using pictures/animation.
>Animals are sentients, they sense
user, sentience doesn't come from the ability of sense. It must be the second or third false cognate you fell in, I also noticed that you aren't English literate.
Your ignorance is showing, at least take a subject of the discursion to study it, and stop replying with your shallow dull comments that add to nothing.