No one watches the show

>No one watches the show
>Still has high production values

How come ?

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>No one on Yas Forums watches the show
The target demographic (nip kids, literal kids, not teenagers) still eat it up

It's very popular in Japan, tho.

I gave up pretty early because the pacing was abysmal

>high production values
Is that actually true? Outside of the Momoshiki arc, which admittedly was top-notch, I only watched the time travel one for nostalgia's sake. It was awful in every possible way, the animation was powerpoint-tier, it had countless plotholes and the fights were so unimpressive you'd think both the OC villain and Sasuke were complete novices.

This. Yas Forums isn’t a reflection of reality.

What the fuck is her problem?

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>Watching filler
Here's your problem

>Watching filler
Here's your problem

I don't remember this scene in the mango.

That's exactly how wimim think. Based nips.

forced drama

She's a fucking bitch that didn't understand how it felt to have no parents because they fucking died to keep you fucking alive.

Like she was any better in the canon story.

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Almost the entire anime is filler, what about it has high production values if not that?

There are so many things wrong there holy shit.
I don't even know where to start.
She is a teenager here, they have a one use free coupon for acting retarded.

It's probably being funded by a narutard

I only read the manga. It's better.

Sakura has oneitis. Wow.

She burned through that coupon in the first arc.

Nah, dumb teenagers are dumb, not teenagers. You don't grow out of dumb.

She literally learned and grew after this moment. It makes no sense that she would revert back to being thoughtless as a teenager.

Yes, that's the arc posted hereYou do. That's what growing up does.

>tfw almost all the best fights are not even boruto related

The whole point of the movie was her realizing how retarded she was being and realizing that Naruto was in immense pain without his parents.

>Almost the entire anime is filler



based thread over

Sarada is ultra hot

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It's rather popular in Japan, China and the west.

the point of this was Sakura found out how painful it is to not have parents

What's this is even about now? Isn't the big bad already defeated? What does the new big bad wants? (I only read the original)

new big bad was Kaguya's partner and has been hiding as a human for 1000+ years, and so far he's the least jobber of all the Ayys

Is there anyway I can watch this without all the filler, or is it 100% filler?

it got to a canon arc now, the mujina bandits which is lead by a guy who can use other peoples appearance and powers by eating them

All these shitlords hating on Sakura, but she's kind of right. Naruto's father was one of the most beloved Hokage the village had for the 2 hours he served and his mother saved the village with her special sealing powers. They're heroes. He couldn't possibly understand her nobody parents. I forget what Sasuke's parents did - I think his father was the chief of police or something? That's alright, but they still died because they couldn't keep their Uchiha in their pants. Sasuke can probably relate better than Naruto.

Literally everything else in the show is also canon.
>Boruto Kai
What the fuck is this asshattery

Spoken like true retards. Yas Forums is as saturated with normalfags as the other popular boards. Its a good way to get a grasp of a series popularity. Not to mention the amount of statistical information that passes through anyone could take the time to determine the overall popularity of a show.

>No one watches the show
It's TV Tokyo's top show after Pokemon.

Is it made by Silver Link? Because they’ll pour their hearts into it even if it sells like trash

>popular in Japan
>popular on Hulu China
>popular on CR
>popular on Hulu
>popular on AnimeLab
>"Yas Forums hates it so that means the anime isn't popular."

Tell that to Yas Forums.

Based Sasuke & Naruto both putting her in her normalfag place.

>I browse Yas Forums, which is normalfag central, but I'm a special fucking snowflake and above them
Fuck off.
>Its a good way to get a grasp of a series popularity.
No it isn't. There's only so many shows being made per season. Popular stuff inevitably gets discussed here or anywhere.
Gal Gohan and Sono Bisque Doll are one of the most popular mangas on Yas Forums, but the average anime viewer doesn't even know what a gyaru is.

Millions of years of evolution, and this is the end result?

Follow this some brainlets will pretend the entire show is filler except for the manga parts, but some of the anime only arcs are also canon

still sell waaay more than BC, yeah...

you forgot degenerates too

Look at all the narutards that cant into macro and micro. Be good boys and dont shit and piss your pants this time

im looking at you

Yeah, and the reason Sakura is such a self centered cunt is that she never noticed before in spite of all their time together. If it was a character from one of the other teams it would be more understandable that they hadn't considered what daily life would have been like for Naruto.

But no, this bitch has spent months training with him, going on missions with him, even had her life saved by him several times both before the timeskip and after. But not once did she glimpse Naruto's core motivator and what drives him.

When is Madara's cute ass going to appear?

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You shouldn't need to be taught this unless you're an absolute retard. How dumb do you have to be to go and tell an orphan that they're lucky they don't have parents just because your own parents got mad at you for not doing chores or whatever it was? She's an unsympathetic bitch.

>Sasuke relating to Sakura more than Naruto
Nigga 3 episodes in he switched at Sakura after she mocked Naruto for being an orphan

Wow Kishi's art was trash. How did he ever get a spot in jump?

No, Sasuke would get bloodlusted.

Naruto pls

After you kill yourself

This. It takes some fucked up levels of self-absorption to need to be told that this is not okay. That this is post time skip just compounds that further. This isn't 'kids will be kids', it's just fucked up.

But again, entirely understandable coming from the shitstain that'd put getting dick over a friendship.

Haha, jokes on you, I'm already dead

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